Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Worship and Arts Committee

The Worship and Arts Committee is responsible for decorating the church for the different seasons throughout the  year. This includes setting up several trees, wreaths for entrance doors, the advent wreath and candles, and the large wreath behind the altar. We see that the correct seasonal paraments and candles are on the altar.  We oversee along with the worship staff, the two Christmas Eve Services as well. 

 For the Lenten Season we aid in setting up the different paraments, candles, and banners used.  We oversee the service for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

We are responsible for organizing teams to coordinate acolytes, greeters, ushers, wedding assistant, lay readers, and communion.  We work in conjunction with the Music Director who organizes the adult choir, bell choir, children’s choir and special music. The committee also supports the arts by sponsoring musical concerts as well as special children’s activities during the service that would involve them in worship in a way they can relate.  

We also provide altar enhancements for special Sunday services such Bread for Life and Thanksgiving.

In addition to our volunteer committee members, there are numerous opportunities for any age to help out.  We are happy to have volunteers donate as much or as little time as they have to give.