Pastor’s Paragraph - August 27, 2020
A recent theme in worship has to do with waiting, an apt topic for this time. We are eagerly awaiting the end of the pandemic. We yearn for the peace of loving, just and respectful relationships.
But there is more to waiting than getting through the current season of adversity. Waiting is part of the life of faith. We trust God to do what we cannot. We affirm that God's ways are beyond ours. We acknowledge that God's timing is different from ours. We wait with expectation. We wait while giving ourselves to Divine values of justice, kindness and humility. We do our part while waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of God's intention for Shalom, comprehensive well-being for all of creation.
The ancient prophet put it this way: Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
A contemporary prophet, named Howard Thurman, expresses the challenge of this scriptural promise, writing: I want to wait upon the Lord but somehow I cannot bring myself to it. For so long, I have depended upon my own efforts that I must be taught trust...This is a discipline. And yet it does not have the elements of discipline in it. Discipline means effort at times, self-control, a certain mastery of self or the situation. But the discipline of trust is a putting down, an easing up, a releasing of tension, an intense relaxation of spirit. Somehow this release is identified in my mind with failure, with weakness of which something within me is afraid and ashamed.
The Rev. Thurman articulates the trouble with waiting. Waiting requires we set aside our own agenda, plans and timing in exchange for trusting the agenda, plans and timing of God. That is a tall order. We like being in charge! The trouble is, so much of life is quite beyond us and our control. What to do?
We can try waiting for the Lord. We can admit our limitations and shortcomings. We can give control to the One who can handle it. We can be liberated from the anxiety of pretending to be more than we are. We can trust that Divine life and love prevail. The gap of our weakness can be filled by the strength of God. We can know true meaning and purpose by waiting for the Lord.
Pastors Sarah, Pam and I are here to support your life in faith. Are you feeling frustrated or afraid and ready to try waiting on the Lord? Reach out, we can point you in the right direction.
In Christ's love,