Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Paragraph - October 8, 2020

Howard Thurman writes, It is no ordinary matter to foster a growing relationship with God that keeps watch over all the days and the nights of all the years.

On the one hand, this quote reminds me of a song I learned as a child in Vacation Bible School. The verses were cautionary: Oh, be careful little hands what you do. Why? Because God is watching! The notion of God’s abiding presence can be used to demand obedience to one who is always looking over our shoulder, keeping track of rights and wrongs. I would describe this as a misuse of Divine omni-presence.

On the other hand, the chorus of this children’s song is its saving grace. For the Father up above is looking down with love. That’s better! It is not just that God loves us but that God is love! The essence of the Divine being is grace—unmerited, unconditional love. Thankfully, it is not a tally of rights and wrongs that determines God’s love for us. If it were, the scale would not tip in our favor. It is grace that saves. It is love that creates forgiveness. It is grateful response to love that motivates our desire to do what is right.

It is this grace that prompts Rev. Thurman to conclude his meditation with these words: As I go to sleep tonight and when I awake on tomorrow, I am comforted immeasurably by the knowledge that God will in no way fail me, neither will God in any way forsake me.

Remember, God is looking down with love.

May the grace of Christ be with you, my friends.
