Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’ Corner - July 15, 2021

In my last article on the value of church membership I mentioned that a community of faith is a great place to practice servant leadership. Following Jesus’ example, we use our God-given gift to raise everyone in our community through service in Christ’s Spirit of grace. The goal of servant leadership in Christ is another of the blessings of church membership.

In a word the goal of our discipleship is Shalom. This Hebrew idea is a way to express God’s intentions for creation—wholeness, well-being, peace with justice, harmony, reconciliation and unity with the Creator and creation. The church exists to partner with Christ for the fulfillment of this Divine vision. Church membership and discipleship keep us focused on this partnership so that we might know the joy and purpose of living our lives in a way that really matters.

The practices of faith (for example: worship, prayer, study, compassion) in a community of faith transform us into the people we were created to be—the loved and loving children of God who are working for Shalom. If you feel the need for greater purpose and joy in life, you might want to consider church membership.

Of course, the church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at
