Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – June 1, 2023

Sightings 4

In the sequel to the Gospel According to Luke, the Acts of the Apostles begins with a dramatic sighting of the Risen One. In the second chapter, the living Spirit of Christ pours forth among all the followers “like the rush of a mighty wind and like divided tongues as of fire”. It created such a commotion that many who were gathered in Jerusalem for the Festival of Pentecost were drawn to the house where the disciples were gathered. Folks from all over began to hear these Galilean disciples speaking in their own languages the good news about Jesus. This winsome Spirit, like wind and fire, spread quickly so that “about three thousand folks became disciples on that very day” (2:41).

If we are open we too can be a free flowing vessel for Christ’s living Spirit. We have to get out of the way and let the Risen One do through us what we never could imagine. Have you ever been surprised that you took a risk to lend a helping hand, that you spoke up for someone who was being put down, that you offered a prayer to someone needing direction, that you encouraged someone who was feeling hopeless, or that you gave credit to Christ for all the goodness in your life? Those kinds of surprising, unplanned actions of grace and peace are not all you! They have their source in the Risen One. Be open and willing and give thanks!

Yours in Christ,
