Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner - August 19, 2021

Dear Friends,

The summer before last, author Layla Saad led me to think about my ancestors in new ways and invited me to consider what it means to be a good ancestor. Her work has impacted me in many ways, and I am grateful that she has led me to remember my ancestors more often. One of the core values my ancestors have offered me are practices of gratitude – practices which are also passed on to us by our ancestors in faith whom we hear about in the stories of scripture. I am enjoying the journey that Pastor Marc is leading us on through the Bible and a new look at ancient stories from the book of Genesis and the ancestors in faith in the Old Testament. What core values have your ancestors passed on to you?

In honor of my ancestors, I wanted to take time to express my appreciation for new beginnings and opportunities that this late summer time has brought and the blessings they are. I am thankful for each of you, for the opportunities to serve with you, and for your continued prayers. I give thanks for:

The new confirmation students, families, and their mentors – please keep them in your prayers as we grow together in Jesus’ faith and love.

The new intergenerational zoom opportunities to learn with and from young adults. We have several sessions with Fatimaeliza from the Conscious Caring Community left on Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. We hope you can join us.

The continued gifts of technology that allows us to meet with people whom we would previously not have been able to meet with and to continue to connect in ways that feel safe to everyone.

“Praise God, How good it is to sing praise to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise God.”

Psalm 147:1