Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – December 30, 2021

In our lives of constant transition, we are grateful for a sturdy foundation upon which to build our lives. From the perspective of faith that foundation is the abiding and graceful presence of our Creator, Provider, Sustainer and Savior. Despite the unexpected twists and turns and ups and downs, we are loved and loving children of God. Let’s not lose sight of that in our transitions.

In recent weeks I have been offering and inviting your ideas about continued vitality at Friedens Church. Today, let me remind you of something that has been unchanging in the millennia of our religious tradition, it has always been about and it will always be about loving relationships. Faith is about God’s desire to be in graceful relationship with us, so that we can be in graceful relationship with God and others. This truth is crystal clear in our celebration of Christ’s birth. One of the titles for Jesus is Emmanuel, which means God-with-us. Christmas is an opportunity to affirm that God’s desire for relationship is so strong that the Divine One enters into life on earth, with everything that comes with it, including suffering and death.

During this season of Christmas ponder the mystery and wonder of God-with-us. Allow the grace of God revealed in the child of Bethlehem to fill all the nooks and crannies of your life. Be transformed by this good news so you can share the gift of love you have received. This is the heart of a meaningful, purposeful and joyful life individually and in community. The Way of Jesus has been, is and will be about relationship, a relationship that sustains us in all the changes of our earthly journey.

Yours in Christ,
