Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – February 24, 2022

I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?

Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.

The Gospel According to John records a moment on the cross unique to his telling. In John 19:26,27 Jesus fulfills a family responsibility. As the oldest son in his family Jesus had a responsibility to care for his widowed mother. A disciple described as one who Jesus loved, brings Mary to the cross. We can imagine what a heartbreaking moment this was.

Jesus summons the strength to say to his mother, Woman here is your son. And, to the disciple, Here is your mother. With these words Jesus fulfilled his familial responsibility. He ensured that Mary would be cared for the rest of her life. John tells us as much, with these words, And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.

Part of living well and dying well is fulfilling our responsibilities. There are certain obligations we take on as family members, friends, neighbors, and citizens. When we embrace these obligations, not as a burden but as the responsibility of living in community, we experience the true meaning and purpose of the life God has given us.

Jesus shows us the way. Let us follow with devotion.

Yours in Christ,
