Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – June 16, 2022

This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.

So far we have looked at Jesus’ Beatitudes of poverty in spirit, mourning, and meekness. Today we think about: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. In his book Speaking Christian, Marcus Borg makes the case that righteousness and justice are interchangeable in the Bible. Professor Richard Dickinson, former Dean of Christian Theological Seminary, taught me that justice and righteousness refer to the good and faithful action of God that provides what each one needs. In a word, what we need and receive from God is grace—unconditional love that saves us from evil and death and saves us for lives of joy, meaning, and purpose.

When we follow the example of justice and righteousness we see in God through Jesus, we work to give others the life our Creator intends—a life of health and well-being. That is the kind of work that is truly satisfying!

May you be blessed,
