Pastor’s Corner – September 8, 2022
Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 2
Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.
In consideration of its significance and wide usage, I want to share some of my thoughts about the Lord’s Prayer.
Jesus begins his prayer by addressing God. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. The second and third phrases represent general understandings of the Divine—placing the abode of God in heaven and describing the character of God as holy. Heaven and holiness are ways to articulate how God is different from our experience and identity. Sometimes holiness is defined as being set apart. The opening line of the Lord’s Prayer expresses the way the Divine is beyond us and mysterious.
Interestingly, Jesus sets the holiness of God in the context of a familiar relationship, that of a parent. Our Father, says Jesus. That is striking to me. Jesus uses the first person plural pronoun as a way of including us in an intimate relationship with God. Closeness with God is not reserved for Jesus, it is available to us too. That’s good news! The relationship of love between Jesus and God the Heavenly and Holy Parent, is one we can claim and enjoy.
What strikes you about the way Jesus begins his prayer?
How does it make you feel to pray, Our Father?
How do you experience and articulate the mystery of the Divine presence?
You may share your thoughts with me at
Let’s renew our commitment to using the Lord’s Prayer in ways that bless us and others.