Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor's Paragraph - June 11, 2020

Wow! Thanks. Help.

Dear Friends,

Do you have any favorite tools or supports this time of year? Maybe some gardening tools, sports equipment, or lawn chair or hammock?

A few weeks ago, I heard about a new prayer tool or support - I heard about it twice in one day, so I thought maybe it is something that I am meant to share. I tried it with my family at a dinner prayer and appreciated it.

My most usual prayer tool is the one that my father taught me in confirmation class and one that I often share with others - ACTS (adoration/praise, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication/asking for oneself or on the behalf of others). I like this method because it is often easy for me to fly past the confession part, but I know that I receive more understanding of how to follow Jesus when I take time to examine my life and seek forgiveness for my own sins. I know I become more whole when I confess my sins and thank God for mercy.  

The new tool that I learned is Wow (praise/adoration)! Thanks. Help. Here's a prayer that I lift up with this tool. I look forward to praying with you. If you would like to share yours, I will join you in specific prayers. If not, you continue to be in my prayers for deep peace/shalom and in our journey together as followers of Jesus. 

I miss you and love you! 


Wow! - Wow God your compassion and love are so amazing! Your creative energy is so powerful! Your beauty is beyond compare!

Thanks - Thank you God for family, friends, food, clean water, health, custodians, factory workers, medical personnel, grocery store workers, farmers, deliverers, researchers, caregivers, the gift of faith communities, the gift of prayer, and your everlasting mercy and patience.

Help - God, please help all who are sick, suffering, sad, and separated. Please help us to live for you and your share your love with others.
