Pastor’s Corner – April 11, 2024

Dear Beloved,

How is it with your being this season of Eastertide which stretches from Easter to Pentecost when we celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit? Are you feeling the energy of new life from our Risen Leader? Are you finding hope in the good news of God’s unstoppable, undefeatable love? Are you feeling fearful about what it means to follow a Resurrected Redeemer? Are you feeling worn out by the weight of the world, by suffering that happens near and far? No matter who we are or where we are on this journey of life, God is for us - calling us - loving us!!!

I know I’ve asked you before, but I want to ask you again, what are your go to stories?  What songs or poems or Bible passages carry you along in this journey of life - when the path is uncertain, when stress and strain abound, when joy overwhelms? I would be excited to know if you are comfortable sharing with me -  

In this season, I have been giving thanks for all the ways Jesus shows up in the lives of the early disciples and followers of Jesus after he is raised from death. He met them along the road, at the table, on the beach. He responded to their doubts and questions with care. Where is Jesus meeting us in this season of Eastertide? What are we asking? How are we responding to the Risen One who loves us more than we can ever even fully begin to understand? May you feel the peace of Jesus that passes all human understanding and may it strengthen you as we seek to follow in Jesus’ ways of compassion for all.  


With gratitude,


…..Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.  Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.  (John 20:19-22)

Pastor Sarah Haas

Sarah is very grateful for the opportunity to serve with Friedens United Church of Christ. She works closely with the Christian Education Ministry Team, the Treasure Seekers Ministry Team, and the Engaging Young Adults initiative. She also works as an occupational therapist in the Center Grove Schools. Sarah enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, extended family and friends, spending time outside, and reading. You can reach her at or 317-709-5857.


Pastor’s Corner – April 18, 2024


Pastor’s Corner – April 4, 2024