Teen Ministry

Confirmation Class & Rite of Confirmation
(8th grade +) August-April

The confirmation class involves meeting with a mentor once a month and participating in a group conversation once a month. 

What to expect:

Each month we focus on thinking about a different aspect of the amazing God we serve. 

We invite students to consider and reflect upon why they would like to make a commitment to follow Jesus and become a member of Friedens United Church of Christ. 

If a student chooses to make a public affirmation, he or she is invited to participate in the rite of confirmation on Palm Sunday. 

Students are invited to write a paper sharing their beliefs about God, the church, God’s extravagant and holy welcome of all, and their call to share the love of Christ with their God-given talents. 

Meeting with a mentor helps each student build a relationship with another adult and gives each student an opportunity to talk with others about their faith.  These meetings are in a public space in order to keep with the safe church policies which help to provide a warm and healthy environment for all. 

Those interested in the confirmation process are asked to contact Pastor Sarah at pastorsarah.friedensucc@outlook.com


Middle and High School Youth are invited to use their talents to share Christ’s love:

  • Lead in worship offering prayers, responsive readings, assisting with communion or ushering.  Contact Pastor Marc to get involved, PastorMarc.FriedensUCC@Outlook.com.

  • Lead in the Treasure Seekers Children’s Ministry or Vacation Bible School by serving on a team that guides our children’s programming.  Contact Pastor Sarah to get involved, PastorSarah.FriedensUCC@Outlook.com

  • Share talents in vocal or instrumental music to enhance worship.  Contact Kristin Petty, Director of Music, friedensmusic@gmail.com

Every person of every age has something valuable to share and receive at Friedens UCC.  Your participation will expand the circle of love.

“Come and See”