What we Trust at Friedens United Church of Christ
In our community of faith we think about belief the way the Bible does, where belief is less about a set of doctrines that define religion and more about what we trust and where our allegiance resides.
At Friedens UCC, we trust and give our allegiance to Jesus and his way of life. That way is all about grace – the Bible’s way of describing unconditional love. The first love is God’s grace for all of creation. That foundational love is received as a gift, a gift that is meant to be shared with self and others. This call to the way of love was made clear by Jesus on the eve of his death when he taught, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
At Friedens UCC, we are seeking to live by Jesus’ high standard of love, unconditionally received and shared.
We understand ourselves and our community as a work in progress. The circle of love is expanding, not perfectly but intentionally. We have a Mission Statement, a Vision Statement, and an Open and Affirming Covenant to guide us.
Mission Statement:
The church of Jesus Christ is called to serve the community and wider world. Friedens UCC fulfills this calling with a mission of sharing the love of Christ with all people. This mission is empowered by a commitment to inspire, train and mobilize disciples.
Vision Statement:
We are called to be a church of the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20), sharing the gospel with all people, helping them understand it, live it and tell it. We feel a special calling to minister to children and youth in the community. This is a ministry all can be involved in. Every member and friend of Friedens is blessed and equipped with spiritual gifts of God and encouraged to use them in a related ministry. We are striving to be a more compassionate community of faith, welcoming all to join us on the journey.
Open and Affirming (ONA) Covenant:
We at Friedens United Church of Christ affirm that all people are created in the image of God and are redeemed through Jesus Christ; and so, as loved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We recognize that in the history of the Church, as an institution, people have been marginalized, mistreated, and unwelcomed. We promise with God’s help to dedicate our church, our ministries, and our leadership to extending an extravagant welcome, with access to the rites and sacraments of the church, and open to all persons, including but not limited to, every race, culture, ethnicity, economic status, marital status, education, background, age, physical and mental ability and attribute, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and political belief, as a safe place to be authentic. We commit to an ongoing journey, pursuing a diverse and united community of faith and a spirit that works toward inclusivity, openness, and understanding, seeking justice, healing, and wholeness of life for all people. For more information on ONA churches, visit https://openandaffirming.org/ona/