What Friedens Believes About Giving
We can give our time, talent and/or treasure.
God has blessed us with a beautiful campus and loving church family that we will need to maintain for future generations and use funds to further Christ’s mission even outside of our four walls…..
Friedens UCC is a 501(c)3 organization nonprofit charitable organization that accepts both monetary and non-monetary donations.
To make a monetary donation:
1) Give online using the secure payment option button.
Credit Card payments will be automatically deposited into our bank account.
(Please use Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. Internet Explorer (IE) is not supported.)
2) Place cash or check in the offering plate during church service.
3) Mail a donation to:
Friedens UCC
8300 S. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46217
4) Utilize your online banking capability to set up.
To do so, please log-in to your personal banking website or app. Set up Friedens UCC as a payee and schedule one-time or reoccurring payments as desired. If you are a current member of the church, please include your donation envelope number in the memo line, if available. Your bank will send a check to Friedens on your behalf based on the date you choose at no additional cost. Also, since these payments are made through your financial institution, you are in complete control and can modify payments anytime. There is no need to share banking information, logins or passwords with the church.
For more information or help with set up, please contact us for more information.
5) Make Friedens UCC a beneficiary of your will. (Contact the church office for more information.)
Non-Monetary donations:
Worrying about the necessities of food, water, shelter, or clothing isn’t something people should have to deal with on a daily basis. Throughout the year, Friedens collects donations for our Weekender Backpack campaign, which provides take-home meals to nearly 70+ kids in need at our neighboring schools, along with various other targeted collection opportunities for local charities, such as the semi-annual giving tree, Thanksgiving pies for Wheeler Mission.
To learn more about these opportunities and/or make a donation, please contact us. A current listing of acceptable non-monetary donations can be found in the Outreach Ministry listing.
We can give our time.
Get involved! Volunteer for a ministry, committee or participate in one of the many activities we have here at Friedens. For a list of ministries, activities or upcoming events, visit Events and Connections.
We can give our talent.
God has blessed each of us with special talents. Regardless of whether your specialty is music, art, cooking, teaching, leadership skills, shopping, etc., we can help you find ways to match you with an activity you may enjoy…
To discover your God-given personal talents please consider attending our Strengths for Discipleship Course that includes the Gallup Strengths Survey tool.