Family Ministry
Families of Little Ones
Families of little ones meet up regularly to offer each other friendship and support. They gather for activities such as playdates, park outings, yoga, salsa, and meals. Please contact Sarah at pastorsarah.friedensucc@outlook.com for more information and specific times/dates/locations.
Revive & Thrive
Revive & Thrive is basically a Sunday Class for adults (young and older). We enjoy study and lively discussions weekly, with occasional breaks for church holidays
Our goals are to:
build our faith
build our family
learn from the Bible and other sources
enjoy becoming better acquainted and pray with one another
build and support our church community
We meet in Hayden Hall on Sundays (after the 8:30 worship) from 9:30am until about 10:15 so that people who worship at 10:30 can get to the Sanctuary.
Right now, facilitators take turns leading. They are Tom Blossom, Sharon Hedegard, Joe & Robyn Stuteville and Ellen Tuttle.
The current book for Fall2023/Winter-Spring 2024 is titled 16 Bible Studies for Your Small Group by Ryan Lokkesmoe. Extra books are available for you to look at. There is one at the Welcome Center.
Each lesson is its own unit, so joining in the middle of the series isn't a problem. Contact sharonhedegard@gmail.com to find out what lesson we are on.
We have used a number of different ways to guide our discussions. We have studied books or topics in Scripture, read some books, watched podcasts, used Pasor Marc or Pastor Sarah's sermons and Scripture references, and used published study guides.
The group is not large, though more are always welcome. Attendance ranges from about 8-12 or so, depending on the week. Some are couples, and some are singles. There is a wide range of ages. Some of us have attended Friedens for years and some are new. There are no requirements except to be willing and ready to learn from God and one another.
Visitors are always welcome!