Just Peace Exploratory Team Year-In-Review
Celebrating Accomplishments and Looking Ahead
In July 2020, The Friedens COM approved the establishment of a Just Peace Exploratory Team under the direction of Adam Hayden. We are thrilled to share this year-end update, and we are eager to share our strategy for 2021. Just Peace does not change who we are; instead, it celebrates our traditions and deepens our commitment.
In July 2020, The Friedens COM approved the establishment of a Just Peace Exploratory Team under the direction of Adam Hayden. The Just Peace Team is aligned under the Christian Education (Ministry Lead, Carrie Sorensen) and Equipping Ministries (Ministry Co-Leaders, Ellen Tuttle and Jim Jensen). The Just Peace team proposed two broad objectives for our work: First, to discern whether it is appropriate for Friedens to adopt the Just Peace designation of the UCC, which would include Friedens in the UCC Just Peace Network of churches. And second, if the Just Peace team votes to pursue this designation, the Just Peace team will propose recommended steps to the Friedens COM to oversee the designation, including approving a Covenant and presenting the Just Peace Covenant to the Congregation for vote. Deepening our understanding of the concepts of covenant, shalom, and hope are important themes for reflection in the Just Peace process. We’ve accomplished a lot in the latter half of 2020, and we look forward to 2021 with optimism! We are thrilled to share this year-end update with the Congregation, and we invite members and friends to prayerfully consider how your life may be enriched by reflecting on themes of peace and justice as we strive to live a life modeled after the one we follow, Jesus.
What is Just Peace?
Peace is at the heart of our congregation. Frieden (translated from German means “peace”), and this name comes from Ephesians 4:3 “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
The Just Peace Church vision is a hallmark of UCC theological identity. For 30 years, the Just Peace Church pronouncement has inspired a grassroots movement of UCC congregations committed to corporately naming and boldly proclaiming a public identity as a justice-doing, peace-seeking church. Friedens members and friends already model justice-doing: Our youth trips to serve Habitat for Humanity, our school partnerships, Weekenders backsack program, the Bread for the World ministry, our commitment to Global Ministries, community gardening, Thanksgiving pies for Wheeler Mission, and the adoption of our ONA Covenant are each proclamations of peace and justice. In 2021, we continue to invite Friedens members and friends to learn more about Just Peace and to find opportunities for peace and justice in your lives. Just Peace does not change who we are; instead, it celebrates our traditions and deepens our commitment.
Actions to Date
The Just Peace Exploratory Team, or “JPET,” began meeting monthly, in August 2020. Invitations were extended through Friedens e-news, and by word of mouth. The team includes 14 Friedens members who represent the demographics of our congregation, including gender diversity, multigenerational members, those with lay experience, others with clergy experience, parents, non-parents, those with spouses or partners, those without, some who attend weekly services, and others who do not. We are thankful for our Ministry team leaders and the clergy consultation of Pastor Sarah. Meetings and opportunities were publicized in the church newsletter, and interested Friedens members and friends who felt especially called to peace and justice work were invited to attend, with the understanding that opportunities organized by the team were welcome to all. The team focused most directly on education related to racial justice, an intentional response to a pressing concern in our country in 2020, and themes will expand through 2021.
“Stephen Covey said, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Austin Channing Brown, author of I’m Still Here, helped me understand some of the problems and obstacles people of color face daily. I am ready to continue the learning process!”
To date, the team organized the following actions:
A 14-member team responded to the call to join JPET
JPET agreed on a general roadmap to move toward congregational opportunities to deepen our commitment to peace and justice
Just Peace Team leader, Adam Hayden, accepted the call to co-chair the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the UCC Antiracism Task Force
Under the guidance of Jerry Weissinger, a Just Peace page was added to the Friedens website
A book study advisory group was established under the direction of Ellen Weimer to gather best practices to conduct book studies at Friedens. Book studies were completed on the following titles:
Passionate for Justice: Ida B Wells as Prophet for Our Time, a pilot study for Friedens, led by Pastor Sarah
See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto for Revolutionary Love, led by Ellen Weimer
I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, led by Ellen Tuttle and John Charles
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: A Remix of the National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning, led by Susan Blossom and John Gantt
A series of Yoga Sessions were led by Pastor Sarah each Saturday in October to benefit Indianapolis nonprofit groups working on peace and justice
A weekly entry of “Peaceful Prose,” led by Janet Raker, appeared in the newsletter to help Friedens members and friends to reflect on the origin and meaning of common terms, phrases, and idioms
JPET members Austin Hayden and Lindsey Spurgeon agreed to begin work on the first draft of a Just Peace Covenant, beginning with reviewing other Just Peace covenants adopted by UCC congregations
“The book study has given me a deeper understanding of the daily challenges of the Black community. I feel that I am becoming a better ‘listener,’ not just verbally but, also, as I read the thoughts of these thoughtful writers. I am looking forward to further studies.”
Lessons Learned
The team is taking away lessons from 2020 that we look forward to applying in 2021 that shape our strategy moving forward. Our focus next year is informed by three lessons, as we work toward the ultimate goal of presentation and congregational adoption of a Just Peace Covenant:
First, we learned that our exploratory team needs deeper connection with the concept of Just Peace and its theological basis
Second, we learned that book studies and open discussion is a useful means toward deepening our commitment to peace and justice, but this format isn’t for everyone. Expanding our opportunities with other multimedia tools, including films, YouTube videos, podcasts, and “interviews” with Friedens members and friends are desired
Third, we recognize that congregational engagement is integral to our team’s success, and so, via testimonials and connecting our work to other Ministry teams, we seek more opportunities to learn and share from our congregation as we encourage Friedens members and friends to participate in opportunities organized by JPET
Looking Ahead
With experience under our belts, we are eager to share our strategy for 2021. Adam will offer a testimonial on January 24, 2021, where you’ll learn more about what we have in store for the next year. Mark your calendars!
If you’d like to join JPET, all are welcome! We meet monthly, on the third Sunday, at 12:30pm EST, via Zoom. Reach out to Adam at any time, and we welcome your feedback and participation.
In community,
Adam Hayden, on behalf of the Just Peace Exploratory Team