Pastor’s Paragraph - November 5, 2020
Dear Beloved Siblings of our Creator,
I miss being with you physically, but I am grateful that we are united through the gifts of prayer and connected through God's Spirit.
At Friedens we are diverse and held together by our common mission of sharing the love of Jesus, especially with children in our communities. One way we join together is working with one another to provide weekender packs to children who face food insecurity at Glenns Valley Elementary and the Early Childhood Academy.
Within Friedens United Church of Christ, we are young in years and old in years. We are non-binary, male, and female. We live alone and with others. Some of us walk, and some of us roll. Some of us go to school or work, and some of us are retired. We have different gifts, strengths, and personalities. We serve and volunteer with different ministry teams and organizations. We enjoy different hobbies. We are republican, democrat, other political parties, and unaffiliated. We are introverts and extroverts and somewhere in between. We are Black, Hispanic, Asian, biracial, multi-racial, and white. We are short and tall. We are very musically talent, not even able to clap on beat, and everywhere in between. Amongst us, we like to draw, dance, read, sew, and build. Together, we are a beautiful and varied pattern of community. Together, we are stronger. We are designed to be in relationship with God and one another. Life together in diversity offers us more space to grow, learn, and love.
With humility and deep joy, I give thanks for who we are as we seek to serve God. With the peace and the power of the Holy Spirit, may we continue to work together to respond to God’s call on each of our lives and on our lives as a collective. May we continue to breathe and move into our mission to share the love of Jesus, especially with children and youth in our communities. May we trust and find our courage in God who will never leave us or forsake.
With gratitude, prayers, and much care,
4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good…. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.
1 Corinthians 12:4-26