Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Paragraph - May 28, 2020

I often comment to people, if there was a guilt overdose I would be dead! During this period of time it is easy to feel guilty without even being aware of it. Sometimes our guilt is so deeply instilled in us that it doesn't even get to the form of words. I feel guilty that younger people than myself are dying, I'm not as careful about washing my hands as I should be, I'm not doing anything for others, and I am feeling happy while people are suffering and dying. I will share this poem with you because it says what I would like to be wise enough to say:

I Worried by Mary Oliver

I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers 
flow in the right direction, will the earth turn
as it was taught, and if not, how shall 
I correct it?

Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,
can I do better?

Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows
can do it and I am, well,

Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,
am I going to get rheumatism,
lockjaw, demential?

Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.
And gave it up. And took my old body
and went out into the morning
and sang.

            This kind of says it all, so sing and sing a song of worship!