Pastor’s Corner - August 26, 2021
Practice makes perfect, well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.
Prayer is the most common and widely used spiritual practice. This suggests its importance in connecting us to the Divine.
We have gotten the idea that prayer happens in a sanctuary with a particular formula that uses religious language. The truth is prayer is simply and profoundly communication with God. This communication requires no special location or language for it to be of value to spiritual growth.
Prayer is not how we get God to do what we want. God already knows what is in our hearts and minds. Prayer is a way to change us in line with what God wants for us. Prayer is sharing with God what is in our hearts and on our minds. Prayer is also listening for the still, small voice of God that is often drowned out in our noisy and busy lives.
Prayer can be a deep breath. Prayer can be a reminder that we are never alone. Prayer can happen when you are by yourself or in a crowd. Prayer can be reciting the Lord’s Prayer or the Shepherd’s Psalm. Prayer can be a cry of pain or lament. Prayer can be a shout of joy. Prayer can be laughter or tears. Prayer can be sitting quietly. Prayer can be paying attention to what is going on around you on a walk. Prayer can happen anywhere and anytime. Prayer is connecting with a God who is gracefully present in each moment. The more you enlarge your view of prayer the more it becomes real and helpful each day. So experiment with prayer, be at peace in your connection with God, and grow in faith.
If you need my assistance in this practice or want to share the positive difference it is making in your discipleship you may reach me at
Yours in Christ,