<a href="https://triceratops-lizard-6yxx.squarespace.com/pastors-corner/pastors-corner-october-28-2021">Pastor’s Corner – November 4, 2021</a>
A recent survey of in-person church attendance in the United States confirmed what we have noticed at Friedens UCC—numbers have not returned to pre-pandemic figures. In fact, currently average church attendance in America is approximately 40% of pre-pandemic attendance. The good news is the way online worship is helping to fill the gap in a new age.
The survey also asked church attenders whether they preferred in-person or online worship. As you might have guessed the answers represented a clear generational distinction. About 70% of older church attenders prefer in-person worship, while about 60% of younger church attenders prefer online worship. This generational shift suggests that in-person worship attendance may never return to pre-pandemic numbers and that online worship options will continue to be essential.
This is not cause for alarm. It is cause to prayerfully consider the changes needed to remain relevant and vital in the years ahead. In the coming weeks I will use my Pastor’s Paragraphs to share some thoughts about next steps. I hope they will stimulate your thoughtful reflection as we posture more and more as a congregation toward serving in the community with a special focus on younger people, the essence of the council and congregationally approved strategy called Friedens Moving Outward.
First, I want to let you know some steps have already been taken. Yay! They include:
Discussion, study, and congregational input that led to the Friedens Moving Outward strategy.
The already approved Open and Affirming Covenant and the recently presented Just Peace Covenant which support the move toward younger people in the community.
The young adults brought into worship and music ministry through the Tom Williams Memorial Music Fund.
An investment in A/V technology in the sanctuary that makes live streaming possible.
Being selected for and implementing the Engaging Young Adults grant.
Deepening our commitment to the Cooperative Play Academy, the preschool that meets at Friedens.
Restructuring the council to provide a more nimble decision making process and empowering the council to focus more time and energy on Friedens Moving Outward.
An effort underway right now to put more of our younger and committed members and friends into leadership.
One of the reasons I am filled with hope and optimism for our future is the Spirit of Christ alive at Friedens. Many disciples in our community are willing to look forward and to embrace the change faithfulness to Christ requires. I am thankful to be on this journey with you.
Yours in Christ,