Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – September 30, 2021</a>

Dear Friends,

Each week, I’m blessed to spend time with you in worship, with the children in Treasure Seekers, and with the young adults in formal and informal gatherings. I am grateful to connect with the confirmation students and with the members of some of the ministry teams each month. I learn so much with and from you.

A few weeks, ago I was feeling lots of feelings and thinking lots of thoughts and heard Jesus’ clear call to let the little children lead me (Mark 10:13-14, Matthew 19:13-14, Luke 18:15-16), so I want to offer up a prayer that some of the children say with their families at mealtimes.

Thank you God for the world so sweet.

Thank you God for the birds who sing.

Thank you God for the food we eat.

Thank you God for everything.


May this be a blessing to you as it was to me! I thank God for you! Grace and peace to you, dear ones. You are loved children of God.

With hope, joy, and gratitude,
