Pastor’s Paragraph - February 13, 2020
In "Daring Greatly," social researcher Brené Brown tells a story about an experience she had in graduate school that surprised her. Called to a meeting with a professor, she expected to be intimidated and rebuked. Instead, her teacher was an ally. She pulled up a chair, sat down beside her, and offered Brené ideas for adjustments. I have become aware that sometimes when I turn to prayer, I feel the same fear. Recently I thought that I might take time to explore that fear. The Brené Brown story was helpful. I think that I am probably expecting to be intimidated and rebuked by God. That probably comes from reading and hearing scary stuff about God. Some of the names of God are frightening in themselves and paint pictures of judgmental images (not necessarily the appropriate understanding): almighty, most high, lord, master, and jealous are a few. Other names/images of God are less intimidating: shepherd, healer, provider, counselor, and mother hen. How we approach our prayer may make a difference. Turning over our humanness for loving adjustment and transformation can be helpful. Accepting the peace of Christ which fills us with silent treasure is another way to come to increased peace in the love of God. I give thanks to God that I can cast fear aside and come to prayer with an ally. What a friend we have in Jesus! I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)