Pastor’s Corner – May 4, 2023
Sightings 2
Only Luke recounts a familiar story of another sighting of the Risen Jesus—the walk to Emmaus (24:13-35). Two followers were on a seven mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus when they were joined on this walk by the Risen One himself, though they didn’t recognize him. Luke tells that the unrecognized Jesus began a lengthy interpretation of the books of Moses and the Prophets and the way Jesus of Nazareth was a fulfillment of the scriptures.
When the destination was reached, the two invited the stranger to stay with them and share a meal. When the stranger blessed and broke the bread to give it to them “their eyes were opened, and they recognized him and he vanished out of their sight. Then they said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road’” (24:31,32).
This sighting of the Risen One was characterized by sudden insight and the warm feeling of a graceful Presence. Have you ever experienced the feeling of suddenly understanding a deep mystery? Have you ever felt your heart strangely and unexpectedly warmed, maybe in worship, or in the presence of beauty, or when loved and accepted?
Maybe it is coincidence or maybe it is the Risen One?!
Yours in Christ,