Pastor’s Corner – April 20, 2023
Sightings 1
According to Matthew (28:1-10) and John (20:11-18) the first sighting of the Risen Jesus is by Mary of Magdala and another Mary (though John does not mention the other Mary). It was early in the morning of the first day of the week that these two Mary’s, these two faithful disciples, went to visit the tomb of and pay their respects for their beloved Leader. It is fair to say, that the last thing they expected was to see alive the one they witnessed dead and buried. Surprise, shock and even fear are descriptive of their emotions at the sighting. In each telling, they bow in worship before the Risen One who greets them and gives them a job to do. They are to tell the others.
We are included among those who have heard this shocking good news from the women at the tomb who first saw the Risen Jesus. What do you make of their story? Do you trust their witness?
I do. Their account rings true. If I were with them, I would have felt the very same way they did. Plus, it fits with Jesus own repeated prediction that in Jerusalem “the Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again” (Mark 9:31).
I also find it convincing that Jesus gave the women a job to do—to tell others. The gospel writers share a common view that reflects Jesus’ commission to followers: “go and make disciples of all people” (Matthew 28:19).
We are the living body of Christ, the church! Christ is alive in us when we tell others of the difference Jesus has made in our lives and invite others to follow too. Do you see the Risen One at work in the disciples at Friedens Church?
Yours in Christ,