Pastor’s Corner – December 1, 2022
In Exile: Seek the Welfare of Others
Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?
Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the attacks on common decency and mutual respect, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.
This series of articles seeks to offer you some encouragement by tapping into this ancient wisdom. In Jeremiah 29:7 we read: But seek the welfare of the place where I sent you into exile. No need for disdain or anger toward a culture that has moved away from the church. We can acknowledge these feelings and we can choose not to act on them. We can work to make things better in the world God loves. Our actions of welfare for others can change perceptions and open doors of return to the church. We are not irrelevant; we preach and teach ancient and tried and true lessons that make life meaningful and purposeful. We are not hypocritical; our ministries of care, like Weekenders, show our love in the community. We are not judgmental; our Open and Affirming Covenant makes clear an inclusive welcome.
Advent is the perfect season to live the peace and goodwill of the angels’ song as we seek the welfare of others.
Advent blessings,