Pastor’s Corner - July 1, 2021
Throughout my life church participation and church membership have been a blessing to me. Among other benefits, the church is a great place to practice being a leader. From childhood I was affirmed and encouraged to get involved and lead the way. I want you to experience that at Friedens Church.
We follow the leadership model of Jesus, often referred to as servant leadership. Rather than seeing leadership as a summit to climb with tremendous gains for the few who can claw their way to the top, servant leadership seeks to reach out and empower others so we can all rise. Jesus put it this way, I have come to serve rather than be served (Mark 10:45).
Leadership can be hard to break into in human society but not in the church. Friedens welcomes everyone to use their God-given gift to share the love of Christ. When you are using your gift, you are exercising a positive influence, and leading by serving. You can join a Ministry Team or serve on the Church Council as a way to more formally live out your gift and leadership as a church member.
For more information about church membership and serving on a Ministry Team or the Church Council reach out to me at Everyone is welcome at Friedens!
Yours in Christ,