Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – June 2, 2022

This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.

Today we look at the third Beatitude of Jesus: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. The word meek is not one we use often, maybe because we confuse meek with weak. New Testament scholar, Amy-Jill Levine, has studied the word meek in its Hebrew and Greek forms. She defines meek as it is understood in the Bible—the characteristic of one who has power and uses it to show respect for and to serve others. King David and Jesus are both described as meek. They have power but refuse to use it in ways that lord it over others or takes advantage of others.

This Beatitude is a reminder that those who God will entrust with the care and stewardship of the world God made, are those who are meek—powerful and compassionate. Understood with its Biblical definition, meekness should be applied to all the roles we may play along the human journey—disciple, friend, sibling, parent, spouse, colleague, supervisor, leader.

May you be blessed,
