Pastor’s Corner - June 3, 2021
A good reason to be a member of Friedens United Church of Christ is to be part of something bigger than oneself. Many of us humans want to make a difference that endures, and a community of disciples is a great way to do that. Jesus taught this truth when he said: those who want to save their life will lose it and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the good news of God’s grace, will save it (Mark 8:35). Following Jesus requires serving God by serving others. A life of generosity and kindness is a life that matters.
In a church like ours, we join with other disciples to amplify our impact in the community. In a denomination like ours, we join with partners across the country and around the globe to be generous and kind, further amplifying the impact.
Thanks to these connections we can make a positive difference near and far: when disaster strikes, to support health and well-being, to welcome refugees, to advocate for just policies and equal treatment, and to learn and grow in an enriching diversity of faith partners cutting across all sorts of human-made boundaries.
Of course, the church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at