Pastor’s Corner – March 17, 2022

Dear Beloved,

What brings you joy these days? That is a question one of my prayer partners asks me when we text to check in with each other. My response is often – the kids whom I serve in my family, with Friedens, developmental preschool, and First Steps. Then my next thought is usually – I need to tell them thank you more often. Joy is not what I usually focus on during the season of Lent. My focus is usually on confession, repentance, and surrender, but this Lenten season began with joy grounded in deep reverence, awe, and gratitude as the children and I looked at, felt, and shared ashes together. They were completely quiet – seriously studying the ashes…. I am always humbled and left without adequate words in their presence….both the presence of the children and of the ashes. This year another layer seems to be unfolding as I wonder how God is calling me to respond to the ashes in Ukraine and in other worn-torn places and to the needs and hopes of the children around me….? The verse that comes to mind as I reflect is Isaiah 61:3 -

to provide for those who mourn in Zion—
to give them a garland instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
the planting of the Lord, to display his glory.

And I tell myself not to rush through the mourning, and then I am reminded that we can feel and be all the things – all the emotions at once. We are non-binary – we are complex – life is complex – the journey as disciples with Jesus as our leader is complex and profoundly simple. God is love. Jesus shows us how to love. The Spirit guides us to live in love. I need to go back and read the whole chapter from which this passage comes, but for now, may we continue to know the everlasting love of God in this Lenten season as we listen to God in all things – mourning, reverence, confession, peace, reflection, repentance, movement, stillness, awe, serving, rejoicing, pondering. You are not alone. You are beloved by the Maker of the heavens and the earth, the Creator of the universe.

With gratitude and hope,


Pastor Sarah Haas

Sarah is very grateful for the opportunity to serve with Friedens United Church of Christ. She works closely with the Christian Education Ministry Team, the Treasure Seekers Ministry Team, and the Engaging Young Adults initiative. She also works as an occupational therapist in the Center Grove Schools. Sarah enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, extended family and friends, spending time outside, and reading. You can reach her at or 317-709-5857.


Pastor’s Corner – March 24, 2022


Pastor’s Corner – March 10, 2022