Pastor’s Corner – December 21, 2023
Dear Beloved,
As we began the season of Advent, I reflected on the gift of hope and offered a breath prayer related to God’s gift of hope. Now we have lit the candles reminding us of God’s gift of love and joy and will soon light the candle honoring God’s gift of peace.
If you or people you know enjoy breath prayers, below are some offerings related to love, joy, and peace. You might enjoy choosing or writing your own. If you do, I’d be excited to hear them if you would like to share them with me. You can create breath prayers out of any phrases that might help you connect to the Creator of breath, to the Spirit in our neighbors, or to the Spirit within you - the possibilities are endless. Silent breath prayers are an option, too. On the first day of Advent, I was excited to find out that two of my guides for this Advent season - Shannon W. Dycus and Cole Arthur Riley- would be offering breath prayers throughout their Advent devotionals. These women have opened me up to exploring breath prayer even further.
If there are spiritual practices that you’d like to explore further, please feel free to let us know. I thank God for you and the opportunity to journey together this Advent and Christmastide and as we look forward to serving God together in 2024.
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:21-22
Love -
Inhale - I love you God.
Exhale -I want to serve you. or
Inhale - Thank you for loving us.
Exhale - We rest in your love
Joy -
Inhale - The joy of the Lord is my Rock.
Exhale - God is our Rock and Redeemer. or
Inhale - Your mercies are new every morning.
Exhale - You turn ashes to beauty, sorrow to joy.
Peace -
Inhale - The peace of Jesus
Exhale - Surpasses all understanding, or
Inhale - My peace is in you, Lord (my Leader/our Shepherd).
Exhale - My hope is in you, Lord (my Life-giver/our Savior).