Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – October 13, 2022

Dear Beloved,

This time of year I think of the many walks that I grew up doing or have done recently in the past few year during the autumn season like the CROP Walk, Buddy Walk, Alzheimer Walk, Suicide Prevention Walk, Indigenous Peoples Day. The CROP Walk to overcome hunger was formational in my life and the warm church meals with everyone afterwards left strong memories for me as well.   

I realize that I’ve shared about these walks with you at this time of year before, but as I give thanks for them this year, I feel even more mindful and grateful for the people who journey with me in life both literally and even more figuratively – different people in different seasons. Some have sojourned with me for many years and some for only a few so far. I thank God for all the people who pray with and for me, people who offer me correction and help me understand the ways God might be correcting me or redirecting me, traveling partners known and unknown, near and far, young in chronological age and further along in years, authors and artists, leaders of organizations working for healing and equity, teachers and counselors, health professionals…. Perhaps you also often consider all those who journey with you. 

May we join together in thanking God for them. I also want to thank you for allowing me to journey with you. It is an honor and a blessing to travel the paths of discipleship in the faith of Jesus with you. May we continue to listen, learn, and love to live the fullest life God is offering us. We are not designed to travel alone. We were made and continue to be made by the Creator of all - the Creator of relationships who is our sure and steadfast traveling companion - leading us and guiding us, holding us and sheltering us, illuminating our steps, and gifting us with darkness for rest, renewal, growth, and exploration, and covering us with unconditional grace and mercy moment by moment. 

Sending you hope and encouragement as we move outward – in a recent sermon Pastor Marc reminded that Jesus said that it only takes a little faith - may we lean into the divine flow of God’s Spirit. 

With gratitude,


The Lord replied,

“If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”

Luke 17:6