Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – September 1, 2022

Dear Beloved,

 Thank you for all your prayers! I can never express my appreciation enough for the prayers you say for the world - all the local and global communities. Thank you for your prayers for how we can live as a community of the faith of Jesus who share Jesus’ love and compassion in the world.  

 Thank you for your prayers for the grant process we did for over three years with the Center for Congregations which allowed us to develop the Conscious Caring Community - a community for young adults between 20 and 40 who are focused on social justice, creativity, and wellness. The Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team was so grateful for the opportunities provided by the grant that we discerned that it would be worth trying to apply for a grant through our denomination. We are thankful that we received it. The grant allows us to have a creation justice intern from September through February. This intern’s name is Sierra Nuckols. She has worshipped with us multiple times. She spoke in worship last year and talked about her experience in South Africa with Desmond Tutu that led her to begin the food boxes in Indianapolis. The Friedens Moving Outward Ministry Team worked with her, other young adults from the Conscious Caring Community, the Perry Meridian High School Key Club, and the Friendship Girls to bring a box to Friedens. It is located outside the Hayden Hall entrance.  

 Sierra will be introducing herself later in September. We have planned her commissioning for September 11th in worship. You can meet her at the breakfast between services on the 11th. Sierra will be helping all of us grow in ways we can live as partners with all God’s creation who work for equity and wellness for all whom God has made. She will have focused work with teens and adults who are older than the Conscious Caring Community.  

 I met Sierra at a Spirit and Place event on the northside after the CROP Walk about five years ago. At that time she was working at Flanner Farms. I was encouraged and grateful for the work she was doing to grow food in one of Indianapolis’ food deserts. Since then, I have continued to get to know Sierra and some of you have as well. I am blessed by her huge heart, her experiences in social justice work, and her willingness to serve with us. We are blessed by this grant and the opportunity to continue to learn and be transformed by God’s grace more and more into people of hope and shalom. I was asked to share information about her because there have been questions about our new intern. Please always feel free to reach out to me with your questions or to Lisa Haver who serves and leads the Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team. We hope to see you for breakfast on September 11th to hear about many wonderful programs that are happening this fall! Thank you for your continued prayers, worship participation, and the ways you share the love of Jesus in your families, schools, workplaces, recreational spaces, and marketplaces. I thank God for you!

With gratitude,



“I will sing to the God all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I Iive.” 

Psalm 104:33