Pastor's Paragraph - March 12, 2020

As we have been studying the Gospel According to Mark in worship we paid attention to an important moment in the story. Mark 3:14 reads:

Jesus appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles (which means those sent out), to be with him and to be sent out to proclaim the message.

First, it is rather astounding that Christ would choose to partner with us to advance the Divine mission of grace and peace. What a privilege and honor to share in the ministry of Christ; it is our highest calling.

Second, there is a certain rhythm set in this calling of apostles. We are invited in to be with Jesus for inspiration and instruction and then the movement of ministry is outward to the community and world Christ loves. Worship in the sanctuary goes hand in hand with service outside the walls of the sanctuary. This movement in to worship and out to serve is the rhythm of apostles.

This may feel natural to us who have been worshiping for most of our lives. But for most people in our neighborhoods (and maybe in our families as well) this movement in to worship feels strange, especially Friedens' worship that is ancient in its rites, rituals and sacraments.

This disconnect requires us to talk about why this movement in to worship and out to serve is important to us and our living of the way of Jesus. However, as we have noticed in Mark's narrative about Jesus, we do not start with talking and telling about what matters to us. Remember those three words we have been using to describe discipleship? Prayer, listen, care.

Prayer is how we develop the mindfulness of Christ's companionship, calming life's storms and bringing healing to our places of brokenness.

Listening is how we sense the next step Christ calls us to take and is the way we develop relationships of trust with those we know and meet.

Care is the practical actions of Christ's love we share with others so that they too can experience the calm and healing of Christ's transformative presence.

These steps will open the door for conversations about why we do what we do and what matters to us as disciples. These conversations will open the door for inviting others to join us in this way of life and this rhythm of movement in to worship and out to serve. These invitations expand the circle of discipleship.

I look forward to learning and growing with you in worship and stepping out with you to serve.

~Pastor Marc

As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12. 

Pastor Marc Hayden

Marc brings a lot of experience to his work at Friedens UCC, along with a passion to continue to learn and add value to the practice of pastoral ministry.  Marc is committed to living his gifts by engaging in ministry on a team. He enjoys collaborating with the church staff and Council of Ministry Leaders to advance Friedens’ mission of sharing the love of Christ with all people.  Marc is a husband, father and grandfather who invests significant time and energy in these important relationships. You can reach Marc at 317-490-8084 or at


Pastor's Paragraph - March 19, 2020


Pastor’s Paragraph - March 5, 2020