A Note from Pastor Marc
The glory of the young is their strength,
but the beauty of the aged is their gray hair. (Proverbs 20:29)
This verse has taken on more meaning for me as my age and gray hair advance. Though recently one of my grandsons mentioned that my hair color has moved past gray to white!
This verse has also been meaningful to me in this crisis. It reminds me that there are gifts in each age and stage. Everyone has the opportunity to add value to our life together. We need each other. No one is expendable.
Social distancing is the most important work for most us. We have an opportunity to help suppress the transmission of this virus and the suffering it brings. I have been grateful for the way social media allows communication, connection and personal expression while ensuring safe interactions. I have been encouraged by a hopeful song beautifully offered by two children from our church family. Another member offered a meaningful poem. Three great nieces of mine who are sisters put together a funny video to share with the extended family. A picture of my three grandsons playing on their backyard swing-set warmed my heart. Artists in my household have created paintings of beautiful color and form and shared them online. I have a feeling you have been touched and encouraged by these same sorts of gifts.
In a time like this adding more beauty to the world is a reflection of our Creator and the peace and strength we feel from Christ. Let’s thoughtfully choose beautiful words and actions in our households. This is a stressful time for all of us, which might be amplified by the amount of time we are spending together in close quarters. Let’s send out some beautiful expressions that bring encouragement. This is a stressful time for all of us; a picture, a poem or a song can mean more than we imagine. Let’s offer a beautiful word of appreciation to those whose essential work (at personal risk) is moving our world toward the resolution of this crisis. Let’s offer prayers that are beautiful by their sincerity, gratitude and quiet listening.
Thank you for being Christ’s ambassadors of beauty, faith and love in a time when these gifts are especially needed.
Grace and peace to you and the world God loves.
And, remember to get updates and participate in virtual worship at www.FriedensUCC.org.