Pastor’s Paragraph - February 6, 2021

A few weekends ago, I was doing dishes and enjoying the wonder of God’s world out the kitchen window. These amazing creatures came into view….Oh God, I thirst for you. As I stood with quiet gratitude, I was filled with multiple emotions as so often in the case in these days. Seeing God’s creatures out the window usually fills me with wonder. At the same time, I felt concerned that a group of six deer has been in our yard so often this winter – where are they getting enough food? How will they stay safe on such busy roads?

Later in the day, I went to look up Psalm 42. I wanted to read the passage that came to mind in context. I was surprised by what I found. I expected a psalm of pure joy and praise. Psalm 42 is filled with many emotions – a soul that is downcast and feelings of being forgotten, memories of times of worship, a profound and intense longing for God, and commitment to hope and worshipping in the waiting, a trust that God will help…. Do you hear other emotions coming through? Are there aspects of this psalm that you resonate with?

If you would like to try meditating on photos of God’s creation and exploring scripture passages that they might bring to mind, we have two more virtual gatherings. These conversations are designed for adults, but if children and teens are home as virtual students, they are always welcome. Babies and pets are always wonderful to see during zooms as well. Hope you can join us at noon on Friday, Feb. 12th and Feb., 26th. Please feel free to invite others to join you as well.

May you know God loves you in all the emotions. May a peek out your window at trees, neighbors, birds, clouds, sunshine you remind you that you are a precious child of the Maker of the heavens and the earth.

With prayers and gratitude,



1 As a deer longs for flowing streams,

so my soul longs for you, O God
2 My soul thirsts for God,

for the living God

When shall I come and behold

the face of God?..

11 Why are you cast down, O my soul,

and why are you disquieted within me?

Hope in God; for I shall again praise God,

my help and my God.

Psalm 42:1,2-11

Pastor Sarah Haas

Sarah is very grateful for the opportunity to serve with Friedens United Church of Christ. She works closely with the Christian Education Ministry Team, the Treasure Seekers Ministry Team, and the Engaging Young Adults initiative. She also works as an occupational therapist in the Center Grove Schools. Sarah enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, extended family and friends, spending time outside, and reading. You can reach her at or 317-709-5857.


Pastor’s Paragraph - February 11, 2021


Pastor’s Paragraph - January 28, 2021