Pastor’s Paragraph - July 23, 2020
Dear Friends,
What have you been enjoying in different ways this summer? Water is something that I am experiencing differently this summer. I've been a YMCA person since the age of two, except during college, but even in college, I was lap swimming with teams for workouts a few times a week. Since COVID I have mostly adjusted to being out of the pool. A few days ago, I had one of the strong sensations that connected me to my deepest enjoyment of lap swimming - the reminder of Jesus' saving love washing over me and setting me free from my sin - I experience this in such a deep way when I feel the water of a pool cover my body. As I thought about it, a praising came from way down in my soul - God sets us free from all that keeps us captive from being the people God creates us to be. God unbinds us from the shame and fear that keeps us from living in the abundant ways of life for all, especially those who have been or are being harmed, oppressed, marginalized, and made most vulnerable. God cleanses us and renews us for ways of transforming grace and creative reimaging. God showers us with hope and nourishes us with strength to be fully alive in the everlasting mercy and unconditional love of Jesus and the courageous work of God's Spirit. In these pandemic days, I think even more about handwashing. Washing my hands reminds me to be more thankful than ever before for access to soap and clean water. This experience of water reminds me of the gift of baptism which unites us together with all God's precious children and creatures throughout the world - all in need of water and all in need of giving and receiving love. May we pray and live in ways that make it possible for everyone to have clean water to drink and clean water for hand washing. May we share the peace and hope of the Living Water.
I look forward to hearing what is refreshing your soul in these summer days, and I thank God for you. It is a blessing to serve with you.
If we confess our sins,
he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9