Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor's Paragraph - January 30, 2020

Friedens Moving Outward is Friedens' path toward vitalization. A careful process of learning, discernment, and congregation-wide input led to a plan that was approved by the Council of Ministries in November of 2019.

Friedens Moving Outward is Friedens' path toward vitalization. A careful process of learning, discernment, and congregation-wide input led to a plan that was approved by the Council of Ministries in November of 2019. This plan consists of three major emphases:

1. Moving one another through inspiration and instruction from an identity of being church members whose needs are served to an identity of being active disciples who follow the loving and serving way of Jesus.

2. Transforming our church structure, resources, campus, staffing and ministries toward a ministry focus of sharing the love of Christ with children and youth in our community.

3. Partnering with other like-minded churches and non-profit organizations to maximize our ministry focus with children and youth in the community, including partners who can share the church campus and share in its ongoing maintenance.

Once we renew our commitment to following the loving way of Jesus as disciples we can begin committing ourselves to the second emphasis of Friedens Moving Outward-the ministry focus of serving children and youth in the community.

This is not brand new for Friedens Church. We have been serving children and youth throughout our 109 year history. We have served children and youth with Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, Children's Choirs, Youth Groups, Mission Trips and more. These ministries continue to make a positive difference for the children and youth who come through our campus doors. We give thanks for this heritage of service in Christ's name and Spirit.

What is new is the focus on serving children and youth in the community. Fewer and fewer people (young adults and their children in particular) find church participation relevant; we are honest about this reality at Friedens. For us to continue to make a positive difference, we understand that we can move outside the doors of our campus with ministries of service in Christ's name and Spirit.

How do we do that? We are starting this new ministry focus in two ways: 1) by connecting more with the Scouts and the Preschool that are already in our campus; and 2) by working through the Ministry Teams to identify and implement new ministries with children and youth in the community.

How can you help? Join a Ministry Team! The Ministry Teams are the teams of disciples who come together to do the work of Christ through the church and into the community. Friedens Moving Outward will only lead to vitalization if all the disciples of Friedens roll up their sleeves and get to work.

Who can help you get involved? Pastors Sarah, Pam and I can get you connected; so can the leader of Friedens Moving Outward, Megan Powell; or our President, Greg Wilkinson, or our Vice-president, Jerry Weissinger. Contact info for these disciples is available by contacting Heidi, our Office Manager, at 317-881-6779 or at

It is an exciting time to be part of Friedens UCC!

Pastor Marc

As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with

compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.

Colossians 3:12  

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