Pastor’s Corner – September 1, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for all your prayers! I can never express my appreciation enough for the prayers you say for the world - all the local and global communities. Thank you for your prayers for how we can live as a community of the faith of Jesus who share Jesus’ love and compassion in the world.
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for all your prayers! I can never express my appreciation enough for the prayers you say for the world - all the local and global communities. Thank you for your prayers for how we can live as a community of the faith of Jesus who share Jesus’ love and compassion in the world.
Thank you for your prayers for the grant process we did for over three years with the Center for Congregations which allowed us to develop the Conscious Caring Community - a community for young adults between 20 and 40 who are focused on social justice, creativity, and wellness. The Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team was so grateful for the opportunities provided by the grant that we discerned that it would be worth trying to apply for a grant through our denomination. We are thankful that we received it. The grant allows us to have a creation justice intern from September through February. This intern’s name is Sierra Nuckols. She has worshipped with us multiple times. She spoke in worship last year and talked about her experience in South Africa with Desmond Tutu that led her to begin the food boxes in Indianapolis. The Friedens Moving Outward Ministry Team worked with her, other young adults from the Conscious Caring Community, the Perry Meridian High School Key Club, and the Friendship Girls to bring a box to Friedens. It is located outside the Hayden Hall entrance.
Sierra will be introducing herself later in September. We have planned her commissioning for September 11th in worship. You can meet her at the breakfast between services on the 11th. Sierra will be helping all of us grow in ways we can live as partners with all God’s creation who work for equity and wellness for all whom God has made. She will have focused work with teens and adults who are older than the Conscious Caring Community.
I met Sierra at a Spirit and Place event on the northside after the CROP Walk about five years ago. At that time she was working at Flanner Farms. I was encouraged and grateful for the work she was doing to grow food in one of Indianapolis’ food deserts. Since then, I have continued to get to know Sierra and some of you have as well. I am blessed by her huge heart, her experiences in social justice work, and her willingness to serve with us. We are blessed by this grant and the opportunity to continue to learn and be transformed by God’s grace more and more into people of hope and shalom. I was asked to share information about her because there have been questions about our new intern. Please always feel free to reach out to me with your questions or to Lisa Haver who serves and leads the Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team. We hope to see you for breakfast on September 11th to hear about many wonderful programs that are happening this fall! Thank you for your continued prayers, worship participation, and the ways you share the love of Jesus in your families, schools, workplaces, recreational spaces, and marketplaces. I thank God for you!
With gratitude,
“I will sing to the God all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I Iive.”
Psalm 104:33
Pastor’s Corner – August 25, 2022
Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 1
Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.
Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 1
Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.
In consideration of its significance and wide usage, I want to share some of my thoughts about the Lord’s Prayer.
First a word of my general impression and appreciation of the prayer. Jesus’ prayer is brilliantly brief, simple, and profound. The words are easy to memorize. I love hearing children intone the words. I am touched when folks who because of illness have forgotten so much can still join in with the Lord’s Prayer.
This prayer of Jesus is a vessel of Jesus’ living Spirit. We feel close to Jesus when we sincerely recite the words. When all other words fall short, we can still speak the words in ways that are meaningful and powerful for any occasion. It is a beautiful thing to hear the gathered community speak them in the worship of God. It is comforting to share them in a hospital room or in a memorial service. It starts the day and ends the day on the right tone to speak them first thing in the morning or just before sleep.
I invite you to join me in thinking about the Lord’s Prayer. I will be sharing my thoughts via the Pastor’s Paragraphs. Why is the prayer meaningful to you? When did you first learn it? How does it make you feel to recite it?
You are welcome to share your answers with me at
Let’s renew our commitment to using the Lord’s Prayer in ways that bless us and others.
Pastor’s Corner – August 18, 2022
Dear Beloved,
In the past few years, I have been blessed by folx who have led me to deeper connections with our ancestors. Connecting with young adults has interestingly, caused me to reflect more deeply with memories of my grandparents – both biological and those I call my church grandparents. I give thanks for them, and I give thanks for the ancestors of faith in the Bible and those of Friedens. I am grateful for their ministries and leadership for their prayers and faithfulness.
Dear Beloved,
In the past few years, I have been blessed by folx who have led me to deeper connections with our ancestors. Connecting with young adults has interestingly, caused me to reflect more deeply with memories of my grandparents – both biological and those I call my church grandparents. I give thanks for them, and I give thanks for the ancestors of faith in the Bible and those of Friedens. I am grateful for their ministries and leadership for their prayers and faithfulness.
I’m also thankful for the connection many of Friedens ancestors had with the earth as growers and greenhouse gardeners. As I think about our call in scripture to live in partnership with all creation, I think about Friedens ancestors who had a deep understanding of how seeds grow and the work it takes for food to be produced. It causes me to pause and reflect more deeply on what kind of ancestor I am being to future generations. What changes can I make to reverse the damage that I’ve done to the earth, or at least cause less harm in the days to come? How can I be an advocate for change in policies like we do through Bread for the World in order that all children of all ages can have what is needed for healthy growth?
With gratitude, I am hopeful and excited that the Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team received grant-funding to have an intern with us this fall and for the first part of the winter to help us grow and learn about how we can be better partners with all of creation. Please watch for more information about welcoming her.
On October 9th, we will also be hosting a virtual book conversation with Rev. Brooks Berndt and moderated by Adam Hayden. This will be another opportunity to grow and learn together.
Before any of these upcoming opportunities, we have an opportunity for folx who enjoy hands-on work and projects. The beautiful butterfly garden which supports pollinators who are essential for our well-being is in need of work. If you are interested in helping with the care of the butterfly garden, please be in touch, or if you want to chat more about our connection to creation care and justice as followers of Jesus, please let me know. It is a blessing and a joy to grow and serve with you.
May the wonder and joy of God’s beautiful world offer you much encouragement~
With gratitude,
4 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Psalm 98
Pastor’s Corner – August 11, 2022
This summer I have been sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The final Beatitude of Jesus reads: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
This summer I have been sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The final Beatitude of Jesus reads: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is Jesus’ invitation into and description of life with God. Life with God is characterized by trust and faithfulness in Divine grace that makes of us people of grace. This Beatitude reminds us that even persecution cannot negate our life with God.
You may recall from our reflection on the fourth Beatitude of Jesus (Matthew 5:6) that righteousness and justice are interchangeable words in the Bible. A commitment to justice often runs counter to societal values, thus putting us at odds with the powers to be. So be it. Our allegiance is to God through Christ and the Way of graceful love. The love and life we come to know in Christ will prevail. Praise be to God!
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – August 4, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Many years ago, Friedens United Church of Christ became a Global Ministries Congregation. We made a commitment to remain connected and supportive of our global partners. We have done this in a variety of ways including hosting in-person and virtual visits with mission personnel and through visiting mission partners overseas. You can always read about our partners around the world and pray for them. You could also consider serving with Global Ministries in a variety of capacities. One upcoming opportunity is shared below. You don’t have to do physical exercise – you can even do a spiritual sprint (although we know the life of faith is a marathon rather than a dash 😊
Dear Beloved,
Many years ago, Friedens United Church of Christ became a Global Ministries Congregation. We made a commitment to remain connected and supportive of our global partners. We have done this in a variety of ways including hosting in-person and virtual visits with mission personnel and through visiting mission partners overseas. You can always read about our partners around the world and pray for them. You could also consider serving with Global Ministries in a variety of capacities. One upcoming opportunity is shared below. You don’t have to do physical exercise – you can even do a spiritual sprint (although we know the life of faith is a marathon rather than a dash
You can read more at Please feel free to be in touch if you have any questions.
The theme for the Mission Dash 5K is climate justice. Creation care efforts by international partners evolve with each natural disaster and shift in weather patterns. Partners cope with the negative impacts of climate change by protecting and nurturing the natural world, preserving resources, and seeking to ensure food security.
You are encouraged to walk, roll, run, jog, or spiritually sprint wherever you are! You may choose to do the 5K with neighbors, friends, family, church, or on your own. The cost is $25 per person, and each registrant will receive a collapsible water bottle and magnet.
With gratitude and hope~
Pastor’s Corner – July 28, 2022
his summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The next to last of Jesus’ Beatitudes is: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be children of God.
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The next to last of Jesus’ Beatitudes is: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be children of God. This Beatitude connects with a theme that runs throughout our sacred scriptures—God’s vision of Shalom. From the opening chapter of the Bible we get a glimpse of God’s ultimate intention for creation. The Creator has a place and a role for each creature. When we live in obedience to our place and with faithfulness to our role, there is Shalom—harmony and well-being.
The human creation, made in the image of the Creator, has a place and a role too. Our place is one of humble service to God. Our role is to be partners with God in working toward Shalom, serving as stewards and caretakers of God’s handiwork. Embracing our place and role will reveal our identity as beloved children of the Creator, Provider, Sustainer and Savior.
How are you working for peace?
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – July 21, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Although I’ve written to you many times about prayer, I am writing about prayer again.
Thank you for your prayers for your families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, continents, this world that God created and so dearly loved.
Dear Beloved,
Although I’ve written to you many times about prayer, I am writing about prayer again.
Thank you for your prayers for your families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, continents, this world that God created and so dearly loved. Thank you for your prayers for students and school staff as a new school year begins. Thank you for the prayers you say in your heart, for those you say out loud, for those you say only with God, for those you say with others, for the prayers you sing, for the prayers you shout, for the prayers you whispers, for prayers on the move, and prayers when you are still. I give thanks for everyone who prays.
Sometimes life can be overwhelming. How good it is to know that we are not alone! How wonderful to know that we can come before God in prayer just as we are! May we continue to pray for God’s love to heal and bring hope to all.
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing,
18 give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Pastor’s Corner – July 14, 2022
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The next Beatitude of Jesus is: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The next Beatitude of Jesus is: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Here again we see the way Jesus focuses his Way on right and faithful relationships. Jesus calls us to the narrow and difficult way of pure motives that produce kind and just actions. Purity finds its source in the goodness of God that can be reflected in our own lives when our allegiance is to Christ and his Way of grace.
Jesus lives Divine grace in service to others, which is how our eyes are opened to God. Remember the words of Jesus later in Matthew’s gospel (25:31-40)? Jesus promises that when we serve the least we serve him. Pure hearts are dedicated to gracefully serving the needs of others. In our service we will “see” God.
May your heart be pure, your service be graceful, and your eyes be opened to Christ.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – July 7, 2022
Dear Beloved,
What is your favorite story about the summer? Have you heard a helpful or uplifting story recently?
Jesus was a powerful storyteller. Stories shape us. Stories guide and inspire us. Stories correct and nourish us. This summer I’ve been thinking and giving thanks for the stories of so many – the stories of creation, the stories told by elders, the stories told by children, the stories drawn or sung or sculpted, the stories told by plants and animals, the stories danced or acted out or embodied in another way, the stories which live in our hearts and muscle memories.
Dear Beloved,
What is your favorite story about the summer? Have you heard a helpful or uplifting story recently?
Jesus was a powerful storyteller. Stories shape us. Stories guide and inspire us. Stories correct and nourish us. This summer I’ve been thinking and giving thanks for the stories of so many – the stories of creation, the stories told by elders, the stories told by children, the stories drawn or sung or sculpted, the stories told by plants and animals, the stories danced or acted out or embodied in another way, the stories which live in our hearts and muscle memories.
Who is your favorite storyteller? How would you describe someone who listens most carefully to your stories and how does that make you feel?
In this week ahead, may we take time to listen to and embody a story of Jesus’ love and welcome. In this week ahead, may we listen to someone’s story with sincerity and may we thank someone who has told us a framing or foundational story that has helped us grow or given us hope.
Thank you to those of you who take time to share stories with me. I appreciate you!
May you know that you are loved and treasured by Jesus who knows our whole stories and cares for us more than we can ever fully understand or imagine.
With gratitude,
31 He put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; 32 it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
Matthew 13:31-32
Pastor’s Corner – June 30, 2022
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The fifth Beatitude is: Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The fifth Beatitude is: Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. This saying of Jesus reminds me of another common sense saying of our Leader, you reap what you sow. Jesus demonstrated the integrity he demands from his disciples. In this case, mercy given can expect to be returned.
The Biblical idea of mercy is sometimes connected to forgiveness and sometimes connected to compassion. Compassion is the ability to empathize with another’s need and to take action to meet the need. For instance, in Mark 10:46-52, we meet Bartimaeus, who is blind and as a result is forced to beg for a living. When Bartimaeus hears Jesus drawing near, he cries out, Son of David, have mercy on me! When Jesus stops and talks to Bartimaeus, he asks, what can I do for you? Bartimaeus replied, let me see again. Sure enough, Bartimaeus regained his sight! Jesus was compassionate. Let’s follow this good example, sharing and receiving mercy as compassion.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – June 23, 2022
Dear Beloved,
How do you like to pray? Standing, sitting, kneeling, moving….in a chair or on the floor…. out loud or in your heart…in the car or in the shower…singing or whispering…at a school desk or behind a register…with a prayer or poem written by someone known or unknown…in a lab or in a board room…with tears or with laughter….
Dear Beloved,
How do you like to pray? Standing, sitting, kneeling, moving….in a chair or on the floor…. out loud or in your heart…in the car or in the shower…singing or whispering…at a school desk or behind a register…with a prayer or poem written by someone known or unknown…in a lab or in a board room…with tears or with laughter….
What a beautiful gift that God hears us no matter where we are, no matter what we say, no matter the tone of our voice or the length of our silence….
Sometimes we are afraid to pray. Sometimes we hurt too much to find words. Sometimes we are so excited that the words flow so quickly they wouldn’t make sense to others… God listens. God knows. God understands. God responds even when we don’t feel it.
We do not have to fear. We are lifted by a cloud of witnesses. The Spirit intercedes for us!
The Lord has heard my supplication;
the Lord accepts my prayer.
Psalm 6:9
Pastor’s Corner – June 16, 2022
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
So far we have looked at Jesus’ Beatitudes of poverty in spirit, mourning, and meekness. Today we think about: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. In his book Speaking Christian, Marcus Borg makes the case that righteousness and justice are interchangeable in the Bible. Professor Richard Dickinson, former Dean of Christian Theological Seminary, taught me that justice and righteousness refer to the good and faithful action of God that provides what each one needs. In a word, what we need and receive from God is grace—unconditional love that saves us from evil and death and saves us for lives of joy, meaning, and purpose.
When we follow the example of justice and righteousness we see in God through Jesus, we work to give others the life our Creator intends—a life of health and well-being. That is the kind of work that is truly satisfying!
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – June 9, 2022
Pentecost blessings, beloved!
I’d invite you to read the story of Pentecost in Acts 2. What an incredible day! Can you imagine the experience of being there?
Easter through Eastertide into Pentecost is my favorite time of the church year. These seasons cause me to wonder. They cause me to rejoice in the gifts of new life we receive from the Creator of the earth and the skies. They cause me to pause and confess my own sin that betrays Jesus whom I seek to follow. They encourage me to receive grace and listen for how I am being called to respond in this moment in time.
Pentecost blessings, beloved!
I’d invite you to read the story of Pentecost in Acts 2. What an incredible day! Can you imagine the experience of being there?
Easter through Eastertide into Pentecost is my favorite time of the church year. These seasons cause me to wonder. They cause me to rejoice in the gifts of new life we receive from the Creator of the earth and the skies. They cause me to pause and confess my own sin that betrays Jesus whom I seek to follow. They encourage me to receive grace and listen for how I am being called to respond in this moment in time.
As we reflect on the power of Pentecost – the filling and covering of the Holy Spirit – the sending forth promised by Jesus, may I ask – what passion is God igniting in your heart? When you feel and hear the mighty rushing wind, how are you being inspired to respond?
Friends, the world is filled with deep need and suffering. The world is filled with overwhelming compassion and held by a God whose love is unstoppable, relational, connective, and at work in the world.
In learning from the children and young adults in their mid-twenties and early thirties, I am being moved to grow deeper in understanding and responding to the causes behind the rising numbers of climate refugees. Friedens was started by greenhouse growers. We have a strong commitment and history in working to overcome hunger and food insecurity through weekenders and advocacy through Bread for the World. We wrote 207 letters this spring! (Thank you and thanks be to God.) The changes leading to so many climate refugees are related and connected to hunger and food insecurity. The temperature changes impacting people all around the world impact us nearby as well. This is one of the ways God’s Spirit is moving me to grow. How is God’s Spirit moving you?
I’d appreciate your prayers as we respond individually and collectively to the flames of love God continues to place in our souls. You are in my prayers. I thank God for you! May we trust God our Maker, Jesus our Leader, and the Spirit our Guide. We are not alone. God goes before us and behind us and draws us together.
With the hope and awe of Pentecost,
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
Acts 2:1-4
Pastor’s Corner – June 2, 2022
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
This summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
Today we look at the third Beatitude of Jesus: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. The word meek is not one we use often, maybe because we confuse meek with weak. New Testament scholar, Amy-Jill Levine, has studied the word meek in its Hebrew and Greek forms. She defines meek as it is understood in the Bible—the characteristic of one who has power and uses it to show respect for and to serve others. King David and Jesus are both described as meek. They have power but refuse to use it in ways that lord it over others or takes advantage of others.
This Beatitude is a reminder that those who God will entrust with the care and stewardship of the world God made, are those who are meek—powerful and compassionate. Understood with its Biblical definition, meekness should be applied to all the roles we may play along the human journey—disciple, friend, sibling, parent, spouse, colleague, supervisor, leader.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – May 26, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for all your prayers and support during our time working with the Center for Congregations on the Engaging Young Adults (20-40) initiative and grant. We are extremely grateful to the young adults who have trusted us and been willing to engage and connect with us. We began the pilot program in 2019. God has seen the world through much since then. Thanks be to God for the steadfast love and faithfulness in which we can always find strength and hope in.
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for all your prayers and support during our time working with the Center for Congregations on the Engaging Young Adults (20-40) initiative and grant. We are extremely grateful to the young adults who have trusted us and been willing to engage and connect with us. We began the pilot program in 2019. God has seen the world through much since then. Thanks be to God for the steadfast love and faithfulness in which we can always find strength and hope in.
During the process we were asked to listen, to plan, to listen more, to course-correct, to listen, to adapt. We have maintained the focus on wellness, creativity, and social justice based on asking young adults what they needed and found important. We have learned a lot and look forward to continuing to connect with young adults wherever they are on the life's journey. The young adults we have had the opportunity to engage with are very talented, thoughtful, and committed to the growing of a more healthy world for all. We appreciate their leadership, inginuity, kindness, and inclusiveness. I have learned a lot about the environment and about the language of the spirit. I am forever grateful for the prayers and conversations with these young adults.
It is a blessing to serve with all of you of all ages, even though my focused energies are with children, their families, young adults, and reaching out into the community. We are better together. God uses us all. Whether 90, 39, 19, 9, or 9 months, we are blessed by God and invited to be a blessing. Please be in touch if you have specific questions or want to be involved with the Lifelong Spiritual Formation Ministry Team as we seek to support all ages in growing in the faith and love of Jesus that we may reach out with his love.
Pastor’s Corner – May 19, 2022
This spring and summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
This spring and summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from Gohd and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The second Beatitude of Jesus reads, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. That doesn’t sound like much of a blessing, does it? Of course, it is not that God brings mourning into our lives. The Bible is clear that God is the source of good not evil. The blessing is the comfort God brings to our experiences of loss and grief.
We are confident of God’s compassionate presence and understanding because of the way God came to be among us in Jesus. Through Jesus, God came to experience all the challenges and opportunities of human life—even suffering, loss and death. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews put it this way: For we do not have a high priest (this author’s favorite way to refer to Jesus) who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Are you in a season of mourning? Our Leader, Jesus, can offer comfort and peace. If you need help connecting with Christ’s comforting presence, I would be honored to guide the way.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – May 12, 2022
Eastertide prayer
Dear Beloved,
In the note that I wrote you before Holy week, I offered a prayer. Now in the liturgical (related to public worship) calendar/season of Eastertide, I offer you this prayer. May you know you are not alone. You are loved. You are prayed for.
Eastertide prayer
Dear Beloved,
In the note that I wrote you before Holy week, I offered a prayer. Now in the liturgical (related to public worship) calendar/season of Eastertide, I offer you this prayer. May you know you are not alone. You are loved. You are prayed for.
Glorious and gracious God, we continue to sing our joyous Alleluias to you! You are awesome and amazing beyond our fullest imagination. We praise and adore you! We thank you for the gifts of new life. We thank you for the hope of the Risen One. We thank you for the resurrection power you offer us as we seek to be witnesses of your unstoppable love – a love that welcomes all, a love that connects us to one another that we may all be part of growing your beloved community for all – your shalom – your deep and wide comprehensive peace and wholeness for all. May each of your children know they are loved and precious to you. May we find strength and renewal in your signs of new life beautifully bursting out in your creation. Please lead us out in the ways of unconditional kindness, grace, bold love, and courageous compassion embodied by Jesus our Leader. Amen.
Pastor’s Corner – May 5, 2022
The teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes begins the Sermon on the Mount and are found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The first Beatitude of Jesus goes like this, Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Those who are poor in spirit are those who understand their need for God. It generally does not take long on this earthly journey to realize we need help. Much is out of our control. Suffering and adversity are part and parcel of the human condition. We need help from God, who forgives, heals, encourages, strengthens, and comforts. God does not rescue us from trouble but is with us to see us through. The sooner we learn that the better!
A good way to foster that sense of need for God is to be grateful. A daily practice of counting our blessings reminds us that God is the source of all that is good and that we cannot make it without God’s graceful presence. Disciples who are grateful find themselves in the right spirit to be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, that is life with God characterized by forgiveness, abundance, and partnership with God now and forever.
Wise disciples of Christ acknowledge their need for God and give thanks for God’s faithfulness.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – April 28, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Do you remember the first profession you imagined being when you were little? From age five until Advance Unified Math my junior year in high school, I wanted to be a school psychologist. While my professional plan changed, my commitment to mental health didn’t. During college, I was blessed to do internships at a residential facility for girls in really difficult situations in Buckhead, KY, a dual diagnosis program at a shelter for men who were unhoused in Lexington, and a psychiatric unit at Butler Hospital in Providence, RI. In college and throughout my adult life, I have also benefited from support from professional counselors. I am deeply supportive of talking about our mental health needs just like our physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. It is a blessing that our denomination of the United Church of Christ and our Indiana-Conference care about the mental and emotional well-being.
Dear Beloved,
Do you remember the first profession you imagined being when you were little? From age five until Advance Unified Math my junior year in high school, I wanted to be a school psychologist. While my professional plan changed, my commitment to mental health didn’t. During college, I was blessed to do internships at a residential facility for girls in really difficult situations in Buckhead, KY, a dual diagnosis program at a shelter for men who were unhoused in Lexington, and a psychiatric unit at Butler Hospital in Providence, RI. In college and throughout my adult life, I have also benefited from support from professional counselors. I am deeply supportive of talking about our mental health needs just like our physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. It is a blessing that our denomination of the United Church of Christ and our Indiana-Conference care about the mental and emotional well-being.
This year during Holy Week, I noticed something different about a passage in Mark 12 that I’m sure I’ve read every Holy Week. I am still pondering it. I’ll share it below and hope to reflect more on it with you sometime. In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join us for the conversation with Dr. Cara Pratt who has experience with children and teens. If you have time, please let me know if you plan to come because we hope to provide food. It will be on Sunday, May 1st around noon after you’ve had time to stop in the narthex to write a letter for the Bread for the World Offering of Letters. We will gather in the Kendall Children and Family Center. Please be in touch with any questions.
With gratitude and hope,
28 One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 Then the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that ‘he is one, and besides him there is no other’; 33 and ‘to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as oneself,’—this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” After that no one dared to ask him any question.
Mark 12:28-34
Pastor’s Corner – April 14, 2022
Dear Beloved,
You are a blessing and you are blessed by the Maker of the heavens and earth whose compassion knows no bounds. May you feel God’s grace holding you and encouraging you.
This year, Holy Week leaves me without words… I want to paint you pictures instead, but I am not an artist. I want to sing you songs instead, but I am not a musician. I am grateful for all the artists and musicians who offer God’s gifts of creativity to us!
Dear Beloved,
You are a blessing and you are blessed by the Maker of the heavens and earth whose compassion knows no bounds. May you feel God’s grace holding you and encouraging you.
This year, Holy Week leaves me without words… I want to paint you pictures instead, but I am not an artist. I want to sing you songs instead, but I am not a musician. I am grateful for all the artists and musicians who offer God’s gifts of creativity to us!
When asking God again and again what to write to you, God whispered - Don’t try to write this Holy Week, just pray, so here is a prayer that I offer this week with gratitude and deep care.
Holy and Healing God, whose mercies are new every morning, we praise and adore You. We desire to join you with the crowds on Palm Sunday, “Lifting our voices and bowing before you with songs of Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” We pray that we will stay alert and awake with you. We pray that we will claim you as our Leader. Please forgive us when we are overcome by temptations, distractions, and fears. Please forgive us when we deny and betray you. Thank you for this Holy week that invites us to remember your servant leadership and your commandment to love one another. Thank you for this Holy week that beckons us to be still, to be silent, to be mindful, and watchful – remembering all who suffer due to violence, remembering our own brokenness, and trusting in your power to save, redeem, restore, renew, reconcile, liberate, and transform… Please guide us with your Spirit, that we may keep vigil with you until Easter. Please strengthen us with your wisdom and your word that we may move outward with the kindness, shalom, hope, and faith of Jesus, so all may know his love. Amen.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love;
according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.
Psalm 51:1