Christmas Eve 2021 Virtual Worship
The Order of Sacred Worship |
Gathering Music: Claire Rogowski, harp |
The Bells Call Us to Worship |
Prelude: O Come, All Ye Faithful - Arr. Smith/Rawsthorne |
*Call to Worship |
*Processional Hymn: Come, All Ye Faithful (#148) |
Prayer of Invocation |
Gracious God, we gather to hear the story of shepherds and magi, of maiden and carpenter, of prophets and angels, and we too come to Bethlehem for a blessing. We are filled with love because you have taken upon yourself our humanity. We are filled with faith because all that is meek, lowly and humble in us becomes holy in this night. Our salvation has come and we say together: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill to all.” Amen. |
A Christmas Welcome |
Worship in Music How Great Our Joy, Arr. Courtney |
Lessons and Carols |
The Prophecy: Isaiah 9: 2-7, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Arr. Schmidt Steven Rogowski, cello |
The Nativity: Luke 2: 1-7, Away in a Manger, Arr. Schuster Elisa Rogowski, flute |
The Shepherds' Visit: Luke 2: 8-20, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Arr. McKay |
Christmas Prayer |
The Lord's Prayer |
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen |
Dedication of Our Gifts to the Christ Child |
One: Let us join our hearts and voices in prayer: All: Living God, moved by the coming of Christ to our lives, we seek to be your people. Help us to live in faithful covenant with you and with one another. Let the peace of Christ guide us, and let Christ’s message in all its richness live in our hearts, as we gladly share with others. Amen |
Offertory: Still, Still, Still, Arr. Manz |
A Christmas Message |
Choral Anthem: O Holy Night, Arr. Adam Susie Engelau, soloist |
Lighting of the Christ Candle and Sharing the Light |
Carol: Stille Nacht/Silent Night (#145) Please join the choir in the singing of the German verse followed by the carol found on page #145 of the hymnal. |
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht! Alles schläft, einsam wacht Nur das heilige Elternpaar, Das im Stalle zu Bethlehem war Bei dem himmlischen Kind, Bei dem himmlischen Kind. |
**Tolling of Bells** Sounds of Peace |
*Carol Joy to the World (#143) |
*Benediction |
*Postlude: Joy to the World - Arr. Konkel |
* Indicates Standing if it is comfortable to do so |
** In this ancient custom, the slow tolling of bells represents the death of evil in the world, or the “Devil’s Death Knell.” The toll gives way to joyous ringing, announcing that the “King of Glory” has come. Christ is born! |
The Singing of Stille Nacht
Friedens UCC was founded in 1911 by several families who had immigrated from Wehdem, Germany. Services at Friedens were originally held in the German language. Today our congregation is diverse and welcoming to all, but on Christmas Eve we choose to honor those earliest members to whom we owe so much.
A note regarding the use of candles…
Please use caution during the candle lighting. Parents, please supervise the use of candles by children. When lighting candles – keep lighted candle upright and tip unlit candle to receive light. Please handle the candles as little as possible. Thanks for your care and safety.
Holy Family: Jordan, Mariah, and Everly Tackett
Guest Musicians: Tyler Baker, violin, Jenna Crafts, soprano, Laurel Crutchfield, violin, Nicole Felker, viola, Sam Hoke, tenor, Caleb Jansen, tenor, Clair Rogowski, harp, Elisa Rogowski, flute, Steven Rogowski, cello
Music Ministry Team: Kristin Petty, Dwight Huntley, Matthew Leone, Jenna Crafts
Head Usher: Bob Cox
Worship Team: Sarah Haas, Marc Hayden
Technology Team: Michael Kendall, Mark Raker, Jerry Weissinger
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