June 12th Virtual Worship
Music Ministry Team: Kristin Petty, Dwight Huntley, Jenna Crafts
Worship Team: Sarah Haas, Marc Hayden
Technology Team: Michael Kendall, Mark Raker, Jerry Weissinger
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Key Notes from the reading & sermon:
Wisdom Calls
Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights, beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand; beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries out: “To you, O people, I call, and my cry is to all that live.
[Reading above - Proverbs 8:1-4]
In addition to priests and prophets in Ancient Israel, there existed a class of sages. These sages, attached to the court, gathered the wisdom of their time, both Israelite and from other cultures, for the benefit of court officials and their young trainees. Proverbs is an example of a collection of wise sayings from the sages. The aim of these sages was to produce wise and good leaders who knew how to live well and work effectively, while setting an example for all the people. Wisdom, or Sophia in Greek, is an expression of the Divine in practical terms for daily life. In this life, a choice to embrace the instruction of God will generally lead to meaningful and purposeful life. While foolishness is often an invitation to trouble and sorrow. Today’s passage highlights the universal appeal of Divine wisdom, quite appropriate for celebrating Friedens’ Open and Affirming covenant.
Questions for Reflection:
What are the sources of wisdom for daily living you rely upon? What are a few of the sayings you live by?
How do you apply the wisdom of God in your life?
How do you share wisdom for daily living with the children and youth who look up to you?
A Practice to Focus on Discipleship
We are using an ancient spiritual practice called Lectio Divina. This is a prayerful way of reading a scripture passage with mindfulness of Christ’s Living Spirit in the words. Try this practice with today’s scripture lesson. At the beginning of the week please slowly read through these verses a few times in an attitude of prayer. Pay attention to a word or phrase that stands out. Then apply this word or phrase to the challenges and opportunities of each day in the week. At the end of the week look back and give thanks for the way Christ has helped you live as a more faithful disciple. If you need help or guidance, you may reach me at pastormarc.friedensucc@outlook.com.
Sermon title and text for June 19th:
I Kings 19:11-15 | In God’s Presence