This season of repentance and preparation moves us towards Holy Week and readies us to experience the good news of unstoppable love and new life and resurrection we celebrate on Easter. We look forward to being together virtually through the website for the Ash Wednesday worship service. If you would like to participate in a short all ages interactive experience through zoom, we will join together at 5 p.m. on Wed, Feb. 17th. If you’d like to participate in shared readings, prayer, and a finger labyrinth with ashes, dirt, a crayon, ink pen, pencil, or paint, please bring the attached sheets and the items that you would like to use for the experience together. A labyrinth is a path-like structure or pattern that involves the body in spiritual practice, either by walking the labyrinth, or in our case, tracing it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. This particular experience is new to all of us. If you cannot open or print the attached sheets, please feel free to join us anyway. There will be other options and ways to be involved. If ashes and Ash Wednesday are new to you, you are welcome. Ashes are one symbol of our mortality and God’s grace and eternal love. As we reflect on the ashes or the idea of ashes which remind us that we came from dust/dirt/earth and to dust/dirt/earth our bodies will return, we can trust that God is with us in life, in death, and in everlasting love beyond our human existence. In the symbol of ashes we can find hope and peace in our identity as God’s children and we can turn our lives more fully to God's ways of abundant life and blessing for all.
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