Everyone is Welcome to Holy Week Worship.
Palm Sunday, March 24
We remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, greeted with palm branches and shouts of Hosanna!
8:30am communion service.
10:30am Rite of Confirmation in celebration
of our young disciples, with a livestream at www.FriedensUCC.org.
Maundy Thursday Worship, March 28
7:30pm in the sanctuary, with a livestream at www.FriedensUCC.org.
Commemorating Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, this service features ritual handwashing, holy communion, and a Maundy Thursday Reflection from the Rev. Hannah Adams-Ingram, chaplain at Franklin College and member of Friedens UCC.
Good Friday Worship, March 29
7:30pm in the sanctuary, with a livestream at www.FriedensUCC.org.
This service remembers Jesus’ final hours through dramatic music, a reflection from Pastor Marc, scripture readings, candle light, and a time of quiet prayer and meditation.
Easter, March 31
We celebrate the resurrection with inspiring music, brass, and beautiful Easter lilies.
8:30am communion service.
10:30am a celebration for all ages with thrilling music. An Easter Egg hunt for children following the service.
* * If your child or teen would like to participate in the palm procession on Palm Sunday, they can gather in the Kendall Children and Family Center (the room with the geometric shape colored carpet) at 10:20 a.m.
Please contact Sarah Haas with any questions. Thank you! pastorsarah.friedensucc@outlook.com or 317-709-5857.