1. How often do you watch virtual worship? (Please select the best answer from the drop down menu.) Weekly 2 times per month Once a month Less than monthly I have never watched 2. The Virtual Worship format is a good way to worship at this time. Please choose the best answer. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 3. It is easy to locate the Virtual Worship Servce on the website. Please select the best answer. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 4. Select the top three parts of the worship service you find most meaningful. (Select 3) Welcome Hymns Prelude and Postlude Worship in Music Time for Prayer Children’s Message Scripture Reading Sermon Communion 5. Which part of the service do you find the MOST meaningful? (Choose only one.) Welcome Hymns Prelude and Postlude Worship in Music Time for Prayer Children's Message Scripture Reading Sermon Communion 6. What would you suggest to make the virtual worship experience more meaningful? 7.. How do you usually participate in virtual worship? (Select the method(s) you use.) Audio Version Video Version 8. Have you shared the virtual worship link with family or friends? Yes No Thank you!