Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – February 23, 2023

Questions Jesus Asks on the Way to the Cross

Jesus said to them, “Is not this the reason you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God? Mark 12:24

Jesus offered these words in response to a ridiculous question whose sole purpose was an attempt to trap Jesus and make him look foolish. Jesus saw through the ruse and got to the heart of the source of all that is ridiculous and harmful in our world—a failure to think, speak, and act from the wisdom of our ancient, sacred texts and the truth of God’s powerful presence. Jesus understood that scripture and the Divine presence are essential to wise and faithful living.

Questions Jesus Asks on the Way to the Cross

Jesus said to them, “Is not this the reason you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God? Mark 12:24

Jesus offered these words in response to a ridiculous question whose sole purpose was an attempt to trap Jesus and make him look foolish. Jesus saw through the ruse and got to the heart of the source of all that is ridiculous and harmful in our world—a failure to think, speak, and act from the wisdom of our ancient, sacred texts and the truth of God’s powerful presence. Jesus understood that scripture and the Divine presence are essential to wise and faithful living.

Scriptures require interpretation. Our sacred texts are inspired by God but are written and interpreted by humans. For example, in the time of testing in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus encountered the personification of evil tempting him using verses of scripture. This was not the first time nor was it the last that the Bible was used for evil purposes.

This is why Jesus also calls for knowing the powerful presence of God. We must always test Biblical interpretations against the grace, goodness, and righteousness of God. Interpretations outside of these essential characteristics of the Divine should immediately raise a red flag of warning. Scriptural interpretations that are harmful, self-serving, and divisive are not of God.

Faith seeking understanding through knowledge of the scriptures and the living presence of a graceful, good, and righteous God will be rewarded with thoughts, words, and actions that reflect Divine grace, goodness, and righteousness. Knowing the scriptures and the power of God keeps us faithful to the way of Jesus and his love.

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – February 16, 2023

Dear Beloved,

When you hear or see the word Lent, how do you feel? Does it leave you with mixed feelings, positive memories, negative energy, questions, confusion, excitement, curiosity?

I am grateful that I grew up with parents who offered me opportunities to experience the special liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent in very meaningful ways that invited reflection and confession without leaving me full of a guilt or shame that caused me to doubt God’s unconditional love and grace.

Dear Beloved,

When you hear or see the word Lent, how do you feel? Does it leave you with mixed feelings, positive memories, negative energy, questions, confusion, excitement, curiosity?

I am grateful that I grew up with parents who offered me opportunities to experience the special liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent in very meaningful ways that invited reflection and confession without leaving me full of a guilt or shame that caused me to doubt God’s unconditional love and grace. 

On Sunday, Feb. 19 after the 10:30 a.m. worship service, all are welcome to join in an informal conversation about Lent and spiritual practices that you might like to try during this special season which goes from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week (the week of Maundy Thursday and Holy Friday) to Easter/Resurrection Sunday. 

All liturgical seasons can offer us a time to be more intentional about our connection with God, one another, and all of creation. One resource that you might like to try this year is the Creation Justice Ministries calendar you can see at the end of this note. Just click on the image, and you will be able to see the whole document. It will be one of the resources that we can explore together on this Sunday. If you aren’t free to join us on Sunday, please feel free to reach out with questions or ideas you have. 

You are in my prayers this Lenten Season. Through Lent and beyond, may you remember that you are a loved and loving child of God. 

With gratitude,


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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – February 9, 2023

Questions Jesus Asks on the Way to the Cross

Jesus was teaching and saying, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” Mark 11:17

Only days before his crucifixion, Jesus is teaching in the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus’ righteous indignation shows as he responds to the monetization of God’s house.

Questions Jesus Asks on the Way to the Cross

Jesus was teaching and saying, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” Mark 11:17

Only days before his crucifixion, Jesus is teaching in the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus’ righteous indignation shows as he responds to the monetization of God’s house. Certain collaborators with Rome were using the Temple as a place to hide schemes that were enriching the empire while oppressing God’s people. In the spirit of the ancient prophets Jesus symbolized his commitment to justice by an act of civil disobedience and raising the rhetorical question: “Is it not written that, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?’”

Might Jesus engage in the same civil disobedience in the halls of power and worship in our place and time? Might his question convict us of our greedy and callous policies? Jesus’ words lift up two spiritual truths. First, God’s presence among us should prioritize prayer. Prayer keeps us close to God and empowered to live God’s values. We know what the Lord requires: to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). Prayer makes these requirements possible to fulfill.  Second, Jesus’ words remind us that God’s intention for Shalom is “for all the nations”. Everyone is included in the reign of grace and peace for which Jesus is prepared to give his life.

Is prayer at the heart of our discipleship? Are we giving our lives for self-interest, or have we caught the vision of justice for all?

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – February 2, 2023

Dear Beloved,

I often say there are only a few things that I'm always sure will be the same. I am sure that God always loves us and that God is always with us. Recently, I realized that there is something else that I know for sure. Prayer is a powerful gift that is always with us. 

Dear Beloved,

I often say there are only a few things that I'm always sure will be the same. I am sure that God always loves us and that God is always with us. Recently, I realized that there is something else that I know for sure. Prayer is a powerful gift that is always with us. 

We can pray anywhere at any time. We can pray with or without words, with or without movements. We can pray with God alone or with others. We can pray with any and every emotion. I am always extremely grateful to know people are praying with and for me. I am grateful that we can pray for each other. Sometimes we feel completely helpless when we see people going through difficulties. We can pray about how to respond - how to be loving neighbors and relatives one to another. We can pray that those who are going through difficult times will know they aren’t alone. We can pray for healing and peace. Giving thanks to God in prayer can also remind us that we are not alone. Praising God can lift our spirits and open our perspectives. Breathing in and out and being still with God can calm us and reassure us. Remembering that Jesus intercedes for us and God’s Spirit is our constant companion, can give us the peace of our Creator that surpasses all human understanding. 

Thank you for your prayers. If you’d like to join with others in prayer, there is a weekly virtual prayer gathering every Monday from 4 to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Sharon Hedegard at  


With gratitude,


The Lord has heard our supplications; the Lord accepts our prayers.       

Psalm 6:9 

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – January 26, 2023

In Exile: Serve the Lord No Matter What

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Serve the Lord No Matter What

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the suffering of those who lack employment, education, housing, healthcare, and enough to eat, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.

This series concludes after paying attention to Jeremiah’s encouragement to trust God, seek the welfare of others, keep praying, trust God’s promise of restoration, and focus on faith instead of fear. I hope you might jot these words of encouragement down and refer to them regularly as a helpful reminder and a boost to your faith.

The final lesson comes from Jeremiah 30:9, a straight forward statement about what matters most: Serve the Lord your God. We are here on purpose, to serve God by serving others. We were created to be helpers. Studies and personal experience have revealed the positive impact for our well-being when we lend a helping hand. This is not why we help but it is a benefit of helping. So, serve God with the gift you’ve been given. Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Each gift is important and makes a positive difference. Remember, you are not the Messiah just one of his representatives; no need to take on the weight of the world. When more and more of us do our part, it is amazing what God can do to make big changes. Just maybe with a concerted effort as a community of disciples in this new year we will see some signs of the restoration God is planning?!

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – January 19, 2023

Dear Beloved,

Who and what are you thanking God for today? One of the many blessings for which I’m giving thanks today is the for storytellers (and the stories they tell). Thank you God for all the people courageous and vulnerable enough to tell their stories. 

Dear Beloved,

Who and what are you thanking God for today? One of the many blessings for which I’m giving thanks today is the for storytellers (and the stories they tell). Thank you God for all the people courageous and vulnerable enough to tell their stories. 

I’m especially grateful right now for the storytellers who were the panelists for our first Disability Justice virtual experience. I’m also especially grateful for people who have told me and continue to tell me the stories of God’s work in the world. Some of those stories happened last week. Some have been passed down for thousands of years. When I think of the stories of the Bible, some infuriate me. Some confuse me. Some sadden me. The ones which travel with me are like part of my heart – blessing me with life, like part of my mind – guiding me, like a close friend – offering me encouragement….

As I’ve been thinking about stories, I’ve wondered what Bible stories are your favorites and why? If you would be willing to share them with me, I would be very honored and grateful. I hope to hear from you at

With gratitude and hope~


Give thanks to the Lord, for the LORD is good;
    the LORD’s love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story

Psalm 107:1-2

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – January 12, 2023

In Exile: Do Not Fear

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Do Not Fear

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the violence that disrupts life in places near and far, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.

This series of articles seeks to offer you some encouragement by tapping into this ancient wisdom. In the last article we were encouraged to trust God’s promise of ultimate restoration.

In this article we turn to Jeremiah 30:10, where we find one of the most common commands of God for God’s people: Have no fear…and do not be dismayed. Adversity can rob us of courage and joy. It is so easy in suffering to feel alone, afraid, and distraught. We have all been there and it is important to honestly acknowledge those feelings but we do not want to stay in those emotions. That is where faith is so valuable! To remember that the God who created the universe is also with and cares about us. God’s power of love overcomes all. With that in mind we can discover encouragement and hope even in the midst of adversity. That’s good news for beginning a new year!

Blessings in 2023,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – January 5, 2023

Dear Beloved,

Are you a resolutions person? A dreamer? A goal setter? A hoper? I know folx who are totally opposed to New Year’s resolutions. I appreciate New Year’s for a variety of reasons. It is a holiday that always invites me to take a little extra time for meditation, contemplation, confession, and the ancient practice of examen. In some ways, all days are holidays (holy days) for me as I understand our Holy God to be with us every day. Yet there are specific days named by particular countries, calendars, traditions, groups, cultures, communities…. that offer space for more intentionality for something. (As I write this, I have a deep desire to pause and research a holiday that I’m not familiar with in order to learn a little more, but that will need to wait until another day as deadlines are coming  

Dear Beloved,

Are you a resolutions person? A dreamer? A goal setter? A hoper? I know folx who are totally opposed to New Year’s resolutions. I appreciate New Year’s for a variety of reasons. It is a holiday that always invites me to take a little extra time for meditation, contemplation, confession, and the ancient practice of examen. In some ways, all days are holidays (holy days) for me as I understand our Holy God to be with us every day. Yet there are specific days named by particular countries, calendars, traditions, groups, cultures, communities…. that offer space for more intentionality for something. (As I write this, I have a deep desire to pause and research a holiday that I’m not familiar with in order to learn a little more, but that will need to wait until another day as deadlines are coming  

What does New Year’s offer you? Does a change in the numerical year on the calendar invite you to a fresh start? For me, I feel the liturgical words experienced during our corporate worship words of assurance – God makes all this fresh and new!!!! Does the change invite you to make amends for or release something that happened in the closing year that was unloving and unkind? For me, it offers me space to open myself a little bit more, a little bit further to where God is asking me to grow. Does the newness of the year whisper to you or nudge you to try something new? Maybe you want to try to do less. Maybe you want to free yourself from the expectations of social media. Maybe you want to take a new class, be part of a ministry team, try a different spiritual practice. For me, there are always so many new things that I want to try or do, so the new year is a time of being still, quiet, and trying to discern where God is saying move/go/now/yes and where God is saying stay/wait/not now/no. I’d appreciate your prayers as we begin God’s new year of 2023, and you are in mine. If you want to chat about ministry teams or new studies groups which you can connect with as part of Friedens United Church of Christ, please be in touch. I’d be excited and honored to talk and pray with you. I thank God for you and pray you know that you are loved and appreciated. 

From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation;

2 Corinthians 5:16-18

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – December 29, 2022

In Exile: Trust the Promise

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Trust the Promise

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the degradation of our earth home, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.

This series of articles seeks to offer you some encouragement by tapping into this ancient wisdom. We continue in this series today with the words of Jeremiah 29:11, which offers hope that reverberates through the centuries: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. God is the source of all that is good. When we trust God, we open ourselves to the hope of God’s promised restoration.

This is not a yearning for the way things used to be, this is the hope of things being better than they ever have been. We hope and pray for the fulfillment of God’s vision of Shalom, of comprehensive well-being for all of creation. We get to work today and every day to do our part to make that vision real. Together as a community of disciples, we trust the promise of renewal and we encourage one another to share the love of Christ in every relationship and interaction. It is a simple, daily focus with a profound Divine potential. It is also a wonderful way to celebrate the rebirth of Christ in our hearts, carrying Christmas right into the New Year!

Joyous Christmastide,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – December 22, 2022

Many years ago, I remember participating in my first Blue Christmas Worship service. I was grateful that Blue Christmas services had started and am grateful they continue. They create additional space for remembering that the holidays can be really hard times for folx for a multitude of reasons.

Many years ago, I remember participating in my first Blue Christmas Worship service. I was grateful that Blue Christmas services had started and am grateful they continue. They create additional space for remembering that the holidays can be really hard times for folx for a multitude of reasons. 

This year, I’ve been thinking of a rainbow Christmas. At the beginning of covid, I asked the children on zoom children’s ministry what color they were feeling. One response has stuck with me, and it is one that I have asked permission to repeat – I use it all the time now. I am feeling a rainbow because I’m feeling everything (all the emotions) or many feelings all at once. As I’ve been meditating on this idea of a rainbow Christmas, I have been listening to all the different emotions that seem present to me in some of the scripture passages often read during the Advent season (Isaiah 2:1-5, Isaiah 11:1-9, Matthew 1, Luke 1) and then those often read on Christmas Eve (Luke 2:8-20). Then if I continue on and meditate on those passages sometimes use for Epiphany, the myriad of emotions continues (Matthew 2 and Luke 2:8-52). Perhaps even from Genesis 1 through to the last words of Revelations, a variety of feelings is present. 

Friends, no matter what you are feeling, you are not alone. At Christmas (and throughout the year), we celebrate Jesus as Emmanuel (God with us). Jesus sends us God’s Spirit. God breathes God’s Spirit into us. Others may flee when certain feelings are mentioned or experienced, but God does not. No matter who you are, where you are on life’s journey, and with whatever feelings you are experiencing this season, you are loved. You are precious. You are a child of the Maker of the heavens and the earth. You have been designed with a unique personality, gifts, strengths, perspectives, growing edges, and experiences for the blossoming of God’s community of shalom and deep and comprehensive wholeness, wellness, and peace for all. May you know you are treasured this Christmas season and always.   

With gratitude~ 


Now in that same region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” 15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the child lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them, 19 and Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told them.

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – December 15, 2022

In Exile: Pray to the Lord

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Pray to the Lord

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the mean-spirited efforts to demonize the other, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.

This series of articles seeks to offer you some encouragement by tapping into this ancient wisdom. So far we have heard the prophet’s call to trust God and seek the welfare of others.

In Jeremiah 29:7 we find four powerful words: pray to the Lord. In times of adversity there is no action more important than prayer. Daily communication with God and moment by moment mindfulness of the Divine presence provides the strength and wisdom that sees us through. A new commitment to pray and be mindful liberates us from being overwhelmed by the challenges we face. It is not all on our shoulders. When we are open to the Divine presence, we are open to a power that is much greater than our own. Now is the time to renew our commitment to life with God. Let us pray, worship, and serve together and see what God will do. Remember, the nativity of Jesus celebrates a helpless infant born to peasant parents, and yet grew to change the world!

Advent blessings and Christmas joys,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – December 8, 2022

Dear Beloved,

This coming Sunday we will light the candle of joy. What does joy mean to you? How do you connect to our source of joy, esecially when experiencing challenges or pain or seeing the suffering of folx and creation all around?

For me, I find joy through:

Dear Beloved,

This coming Sunday we will light the candle of joy. What does joy mean to you? How do you connect to our source of joy, especially when experiencing challenges or pain or seeing the suffering of folx and creation all around?

For me, I find joy through:

  • Time connecting with God in communal worship with folx, creation, or simply with God’s Spirit in prayer and quiet.

  • Singing, humming, and/or moving.

  • Serving.

  • Giving thanks for God’s many blessings.

  • Remembering all the people who have and continue to live with joy as an act of resistance and resiliency.

  • Observing Sabbath rest.

  • Being in awe of the dynamic diversity of all God has made.

  • The promises that Jesus will always be with us and that nothing can separate us from God’s love.

  • The companionship and comfort of God’s Spirit.

  • The support of prayer partners and prayer Sisters.

  • The wonder and trust of children.

  • The optimism and innovation of teens.

  • The wisdom and experience of folx older than me.

If you would like to share ways that God renews you with the gift of joy, I’d be excited and honored to hear them. Thank you for traveling this journey of discipleship with me as we seek to grow as followers of Jesus who share his love and life-giving ways.

With gratitude,


Nehemiah 8:10 -  “…the joy of the Lord is your strength"
(given to me by one of counselors years ago and still a go to verse)

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – December 1, 2022

In Exile: Seek the Welfare of Others

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Seek the Welfare of Others

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah offered words of encouragement to the exiles. With the movement away from faith and religious affiliation in our time, plus the attacks on common decency and mutual respect, along with our own personal challenges, we may be feeling like exiles too.

This series of articles seeks to offer you some encouragement by tapping into this ancient wisdom. In Jeremiah 29:7 we read: But seek the welfare of the place where I sent you into exile. No need for disdain or anger toward a culture that has moved away from the church. We can acknowledge these feelings and we can choose not to act on them. We can work to make things better in the world God loves. Our actions of welfare for others can change perceptions and open doors of return to the church. We are not irrelevant; we preach and teach ancient and tried and true lessons that make life meaningful and purposeful. We are not hypocritical; our ministries of care, like Weekenders, show our love in the community. We are not judgmental; our Open and Affirming Covenant makes clear an inclusive welcome.

Advent is the perfect season to live the peace and goodwill of the angels’ song as we seek the welfare of others.

Advent blessings,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – November 23, 2022

Almost Advent Greetings Beloved,

How are you as we look to the season of Advent which begins this Sunday? Advent is a special time set aside to prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to welcome Him into our lives again in renewed ways. For me, it is a season of repentance, confession, reflection, listening, and preparation. What does this season mean for you, or what would you like it to mean to you?

Almost Advent Greetings Beloved,

How are you as we look to the season of Advent which begins this Sunday? Advent is a special time set aside to prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to welcome Him into our lives again in renewed ways. For me, it is a season of repentance, confession, reflection, listening, and preparation. What does this season mean for you, or what would you like it to mean to you?

Several years ago, Pastor Marc invited us to choose a word to contemplate over Advent. I have not yet picked my word for this year, but words that have been offered to me in the past were listen and ponder. As I remain open to the word God’s Spirit might offer me this Advent season, I am thinking about hope because in the Friedens community we join folx near and far in the tradition of lighting Advent candles. On the first Sunday of Advent, the candle we light together during our worship services is the candle of hope. How do you understand or imagine this word? Our Sunday School curriculum called Seasons of the Spirit shared these quotes about hope a few weeks ago.

“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming – well that’s like saying you can never change your fate.” Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson

“Walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone.” Shah Rukh Khan

I thank God for you and for your prayers. Knowing that folx are praying gives me great hope in this journey as followers of Jesus – this journey of life and love. Knowing that folx are praying gives me lasting hope that I am not alone. Knowing that God’s love and grace are everlasting and ever faithful gives me hope for the living of each moment. 

 With gratitude, love, and hope,


Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love,
    for they are from of old.

Psalm 25

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – November 17, 2022

In Exile: Trust God

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

In Exile: Trust God

Almost six hundred years before the time of Jesus, his people, the Israelites, were in crisis. Their capital, Jerusalem, and the surrounding region, Judea, were destroyed and occupied by the invading force of Babylon. Many had been injured, killed, or made homeless, and the rest forced into exile from their homeland. Could the people of God survive?

Into this crisis a prophet named Jeremiah spoke-up on behalf of God. Jeremiah wrote a letter of encouragement to the exiles and backed it up with a bold action and symbol. Jeremiah bought a parcel of land in the homeland, promising that someday God’s people would return and prosper once again.

It seems to me that the church in America is also in a sort of exile. Many have left the churches that too often have done more harm than good. Many think of the church as irrelevant, hypocritical, and judgmental. While I do not believe these criticisms reflect the essence of Friedens Church, we are nonetheless perceived in this light and suffer the negative impact of this cultural decline.

Let us not lose heart! The Church of Jesus Christ is greater than any crisis we face and will ultimately prevail. The key for us at Friedens is to stay focused on fulfilling the mission Jesus has given us—sharing his love with a special focus on serving children and youth in our community.

Through the ancient prophet Jeremiah, I offer you some encouragement. In Jeremiah 30:11 we read: For I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you. There is no Divine promise more helpful and steadying than God’s promise to always be with us. We are never alone, even when it feels like we are in a sort of exile. Not only is God with us, but the history of our ancestors in faith demonstrates time and again the power of God to make a way when there is no way. From the parting of the Red Sea to Jesus’ empty tomb, God is a liberator that neither evil nor death can ultimately overcome.

Do not lose heart! Renew your commitment to worship the One who delivers and to serve the One who restores! We may be down, but we are not out. Trust God’s abiding and saving presence and embrace the hope of deliverance.

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – November 10, 2022

Dear Beloved,

I give thanks for you! You are appreciated! It is a blessing to connect with you in worship in person or online. It is a blessing to pray with and for each other. It is a blessing to serve in the community together. It is a blessing to join together in God’s mission of sharing the love of Jesus – an inclusive, welcoming, equitable, gracious, and compassionate way. 

Dear Beloved,

I give thanks for you! You are appreciated! It is a blessing to connect with you in worship in person or online. It is a blessing to pray with and for each other. It is a blessing to serve in the community together. It is a blessing to join together in God’s mission of sharing the love of Jesus – an inclusive, welcoming, equitable, gracious, and compassionate way. 

 I also enjoy when we simply have time to chat which is one reason that I want to invite you to the Makers Space on November 12. You are welcome to come by anytime between 2 and 4. Please invite others to join us. It will be an opportunity to connect with each other and enjoy learning, exploring, and creating if you’d like. There will be refreshments from 4 Birds Bakery and Leo. There will be many community partners to visit with and encourage. People of all ages will be leading stations where you can watch or learn how to make something that you can use at home. Nursery care for babies and child care for toddlers and preschoolers will be available. Please be in touch if you have any questions. We hope to see you and your neighbors, friends, coworkers, and family members. 

With gratitude and hope,


May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Romans 15:5, 13

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – November 3, 2022

Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 6

Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.

Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 6

Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.

The prayer concludes with a final petition and a proclamation of praise (a doxology that appears in only some ancient authorities, which is why some disciples do not recite the final sentence): And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

The final petition is an acknowledgement of an aspect of the human condition—we are easily led astray. We need God’s help to stay on the Way with Jesus, the way of love. We need strength in the face of temptation, and we need rescue from evil. Of course, God already knows what we need and is faithful to fill our needs but giving voice to our needs helps us do our part to withstand temptation and evil.

It is only appropriate to end the Lord’s Prayer with a word of praise to God, after all, it is only God’s kingdom that will endure, it is only God’s power that is never corrupted, and it is only God who is worthy of glory.

How has God helped you deal with temptation and evil? How has God’s glory brightened your life? In what new way will you use the Lord’s Prayer to enrich your faith?

If you need assistance with your practice of prayer you are welcome to contact me at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – October 27, 2022

Dear Beloved,

What sustains you for doing hard things? What helps you hang in there when you feel tempted to give up? That question has been asked of me several times recently. My answers are:

  • God

  • God's people

  • God's creation

Dear Beloved,

What sustains you for doing hard things? What helps you hang in there when you feel tempted to give up? That question has been asked of me several times recently. My answers are:

  • God

  • God's people

  • God's creation

Even when I have lots of questions and concerns, I trust God is still with us – the sun continues to rise and set – the rainbow reminds us of God’s covenantal promise with all creation – when the warm winds or the cold winds blow, the Spirit is present, ever-present.

Even when violence abounds and we hurt one another and God’s world, we see and hear of many, many, many people and organizations working for equity, wholeness, and shalom (the deep and abiding peace of our Creator, Liberator, and Guide which surpasses all human understanding). All people are made in God’s image – that gives me hope that we can all work together for the growing of God’s beloved community. I find hope in knowing people are praying and living out their faith with kindness all around the globe.

Even when we hear very difficult stories and statics about the state of the environment and increasing hunger, creation shows us resilience, adaptivity, renewal, beauty, diversity, and wonder if we will be mindful and open to the divine flow of grace and restoration. 

May we respond with care, compassion, and that little tiny bit of trust needed for the living of this moment and then the next. 

We are not alone. God is love. You are loved. We are called to love! By God’s mercy may we live out this good news! 


Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. 
Psalm 33:22

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – October 20, 2022

Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 5

Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.

Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer Part 5

Disciples spanning the ages and circling the globe share a common prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. Just imagine how many times this prayer has been offered. Just imagine all the situations that have inspired the use of these words of Jesus. Just imagine all the languages used to speak this prayer. Just imagine how much peace, wisdom, comfort, and inspiration the Lord’s Prayer has produced in the lives of Jesus’ followers.

In consideration of its significance and wide usage, I want to share some of my thoughts about the Lord’s Prayer.

The third petition Jesus invites us to pray: And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Jesus understands our need for confession. Sin is part of the human condition. We all misuse the gift of free will. We all suffer the guilt of hurting self and others. Acknowledging our sin is an important step to receiving forgiveness. But there is another important step Jesus identifies—forgiving those who have wronged us. We cannot expect forgiveness if we do not forgive others. Jesus reminds us in his prayer that the forgiven are also forgiving.

What do you need to confess? Who do you need to forgive? What steps will you take this week to make amends? If you need help with this process you can reach me at

Let’s renew our commitment to using the Lord’s Prayer in ways that bless us and others.


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – October 13, 2022

Dear Beloved,

This time of year I think of the many walks that I grew up doing or have done recently in the past few year during the autumn season like the CROP Walk, Buddy Walk, Alzheimer Walk, Suicide Prevention Walk, Indigenous Peoples Day. The CROP Walk to overcome hunger was formational in my life and the warm church meals with everyone afterwards left strong memories for me as well.

Dear Beloved,

This time of year I think of the many walks that I grew up doing or have done recently in the past few year during the autumn season like the CROP Walk, Buddy Walk, Alzheimer Walk, Suicide Prevention Walk, Indigenous Peoples Day. The CROP Walk to overcome hunger was formational in my life and the warm church meals with everyone afterwards left strong memories for me as well.   

I realize that I’ve shared about these walks with you at this time of year before, but as I give thanks for them this year, I feel even more mindful and grateful for the people who journey with me in life both literally and even more figuratively – different people in different seasons. Some have sojourned with me for many years and some for only a few so far. I thank God for all the people who pray with and for me, people who offer me correction and help me understand the ways God might be correcting me or redirecting me, traveling partners known and unknown, near and far, young in chronological age and further along in years, authors and artists, leaders of organizations working for healing and equity, teachers and counselors, health professionals…. Perhaps you also often consider all those who journey with you. 

May we join together in thanking God for them. I also want to thank you for allowing me to journey with you. It is an honor and a blessing to travel the paths of discipleship in the faith of Jesus with you. May we continue to listen, learn, and love to live the fullest life God is offering us. We are not designed to travel alone. We were made and continue to be made by the Creator of all - the Creator of relationships who is our sure and steadfast traveling companion - leading us and guiding us, holding us and sheltering us, illuminating our steps, and gifting us with darkness for rest, renewal, growth, and exploration, and covering us with unconditional grace and mercy moment by moment. 

Sending you hope and encouragement as we move outward – in a recent sermon Pastor Marc reminded that Jesus said that it only takes a little faith - may we lean into the divine flow of God’s Spirit. 

With gratitude,


The Lord replied,

“If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”

Luke 17:6

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