Pastor’s Corner - August 5, 2021
Dear Friends,
As school begins, some of us may be adjusting to new routines. Some of us may find ourselves taking a look at plans for the fall. If you are looking for opportunities for connecting, learning, and serving, please know we always have ways you can become involved. If you’d like to learn more about trying out a ministry team, your church staff and members of the Council of Ministries are glad to explore your interests and questions. If you’d like to try a Christian Education opportunity, an Outreach opportunity, or one of the programs/classes offered by the Conscious Caring Community here are a few upcoming opportunities for August:
Dear Friends,
As school begins, some of us may be adjusting to new routines. Some of us may find ourselves taking a look at plans for the fall. If you are looking for opportunities for connecting, learning, and serving, please know we always have ways you can become involved. If you’d like to learn more about trying out a ministry team, your church staff and members of the Council of Ministries are glad to explore your interests and questions. If you’d like to try a Christian Education opportunity, an Outreach opportunity, or one of the programs/classes offered by the Conscious Caring Community here are a few upcoming opportunities for August:
Beginning on the first Sunday after Labor Day (September 12th), the Revive and Thrive sermon discussions and the class “How the Bible was put Together” by Greg Wilkinson will begin between worship services.
Latinx heritage learning - 4 week course, 30 mins per session co- led by Fatimaeliza Gonzalez and Sarah Haas on Thursdays @ 5:30P beginning August 12th. Resource: Yes! We are Latinos: Poems and Prose About the Latino Experience by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy. Pease contact Sarah at for the zoom link.
Cooking with Leo – August 15th
Cooking with Aron – August 29th
There are lots of opportunities to serve with the children’s and youth ministry and in our community with the Little Timmy Mobile Clinic that will be parked in Friedens parking lot.
Please be in touch anytime with questions. Thank you!
With gratitude,
9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.[a] 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly;[b] do not claim to be wiser than you are. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. 18 If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Pastor’s Corner - July 29, 2021
This summer I have offered reminders of the blessings of church membership; they include: supporting discipleship, nurturing community, being part of something bigger than ourselves, sharing our God-given gifts, practicing being a servant leader, and working toward God’s vision of Shalom. Best of all, church membership and discipleship bring us closer to God and to one another.
Relationships of love bring us deep meaning and significance.
This summer I have offered reminders of the blessings of church membership; they include: supporting discipleship, nurturing community, being part of something bigger than ourselves, sharing our God-given gifts, practicing being a servant leader, and working toward God’s vision of Shalom. Best of all, church membership and discipleship bring us closer to God and to one another.
Relationships of love bring us deep meaning and significance. When I preside at memorial services, tributes are not primarily about years worked or awards earned, of course they are mentioned, but in those moments of summarizing and celebrating life it is clear that receiving and sharing love make the earthly journey worthwhile. No wonder Jesus insisted the greatest commandments are to love God, neighbor, and self. The community of faith founded on the life and ministry of Jesus is an ideal place to grow in our love. We feel closer to God when the worshiping community gathers to sing and pray. We feel more like our true selves when we join our youngest members in raising our hands to the question, are you a loved child of God? Our hearts are warmed and our love expands as we reach out to one another to help and be helped.
If you are looking to grow closer to God and others, church membership can help. The church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at
Pastor’s Corner - July 22, 2021
Dear Friends,
It is always a blessing to be learning and growing with you and to be serving with all of you. I am grateful for Pastor Marc’s recent sermon series on the book of Romans. I tend towards books that are story-based, yet there is much to explore and learned from the book of Romans and all the books of the Bible. What caught/is catching your attention in Romans or other books or passages you are exploring?
Dear Friends,
It is always a blessing to be learning and growing with you and to be serving with all of you. I am grateful for Pastor Marc’s recent sermon series on the book of Romans. I tend towards books that are story-based, yet there is much to explore and learned from the book of Romans and all the books of the Bible. What caught/is catching your attention in Romans or other books or passages you are exploring?
I enjoyed and appreciated Pastor Marc’s invitation for us to pray with and meditate on Romans 12:9-18. The practical nature of these verses fills my soul….so much packed into a few verses. Beautiful words for how we can live out the faith of Jesus – challenging words, humbling words – a reminder that we cannot follow Jesus on our own. We need the transforming grace of our Creator, the indwelling of Jesus our Liberator, and the encouragement and guidance of the Spirit, and we need one another. We can encourage and pray for and with one another. With our lives fixed on God, we can discern together how to apply the teachings and instructions in complex situations. Know you are not alone. You are loved. We are on this journey together. It is a blessing to worship, learn, serve, and be with you whether together physically or connected through God’s Spirit.
9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.[a] 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly;[b] do not claim to be wiser than you are. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. 18 If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:9-18
Pastor’ Corner - July 15, 2021
In my last article on the value of church membership I mentioned that a community of faith is a great place to practice servant leadership. Following Jesus’ example, we use our God-given gift to raise everyone in our community through service in Christ’s Spirit of grace. The goal of servant leadership in Christ is another of the blessings of church membership.
In my last article on the value of church membership I mentioned that a community of faith is a great place to practice servant leadership. Following Jesus’ example, we use our God-given gift to raise everyone in our community through service in Christ’s Spirit of grace. The goal of servant leadership in Christ is another of the blessings of church membership.
In a word the goal of our discipleship is Shalom. This Hebrew idea is a way to express God’s intentions for creation—wholeness, well-being, peace with justice, harmony, reconciliation and unity with the Creator and creation. The church exists to partner with Christ for the fulfillment of this Divine vision. Church membership and discipleship keep us focused on this partnership so that we might know the joy and purpose of living our lives in a way that really matters.
The practices of faith (for example: worship, prayer, study, compassion) in a community of faith transform us into the people we were created to be—the loved and loving children of God who are working for Shalom. If you feel the need for greater purpose and joy in life, you might want to consider church membership.
Of course, the church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at
Pastor’s Corner - July 8, 2021
Dear Friends,
What are you learning this summer? I feel like covid has required me to increase what I’m learning in lots of ways. I thank God for all the people I’m learning from. I thank God for all the people who are teaching me. I also thank God for all the creatures and plants who are teaching me, too! Plants and animals have been teaching me much about listening and community this summer!
Dear Friends,
What are you learning this summer? I feel like covid has required me to increase what I’m learning in lots of ways. I thank God for all the people I’m learning from. I thank God for all the people who are teaching me. I also thank God for all the creatures and plants who are teaching me, too! Plants and animals have been teaching me much about listening and community this summer!
I’d like to give special thanks to the young adults who have been teaching me much – much about communication and technology – much about reflecting and transitions – thank you!
I’m also giving thanks for the young adults who have helped me learn more about concerns that have been on my heart for a while, but I had not been sure how to approach them. I’m thankful that being in community allows us to grow in new ways and in deeper ways. This spring and summer the some of the young adults have been working to learn more about maternal health to help address the amount of maternal and infant mortality in Indiana.
We would like to invite you to join us to learn by coming to an event called 4 Maternal Health. The young adults have planned an art show and movement classes (yoga, mobility, meditation) as a way of bringing people together to learn about a community organization called The Little Timmy Project ( and a national/international wellness organization called Rising Hearts ( The event is from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Several food vendors and community health partners will be at the event as well.
We hope you will come and invite friends, neighbors, family members, and co-workers to come along with you! If you are available to help with set up or clean up or greeting, please let me know.
Thank you,
It is good for me that I was humbled,
so that I might learn your statutes.
The law of your mouth is better to me
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Your hands have made and fashioned me;
give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.
Psalm 119:71-73
Pastor’s Corner - July 1, 2021
Throughout my life church participation and church membership have been a blessing to me. Among other benefits, the church is a great place to practice being a leader. From childhood I was affirmed and encouraged to get involved and lead the way. I want you to experience that at Friedens Church.
Throughout my life church participation and church membership have been a blessing to me. Among other benefits, the church is a great place to practice being a leader. From childhood I was affirmed and encouraged to get involved and lead the way. I want you to experience that at Friedens Church.
We follow the leadership model of Jesus, often referred to as servant leadership. Rather than seeing leadership as a summit to climb with tremendous gains for the few who can claw their way to the top, servant leadership seeks to reach out and empower others so we can all rise. Jesus put it this way, I have come to serve rather than be served (Mark 10:45).
Leadership can be hard to break into in human society but not in the church. Friedens welcomes everyone to use their God-given gift to share the love of Christ. When you are using your gift, you are exercising a positive influence, and leading by serving. You can join a Ministry Team or serve on the Church Council as a way to more formally live out your gift and leadership as a church member.
For more information about church membership and serving on a Ministry Team or the Church Council reach out to me at Everyone is welcome at Friedens!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner - June 24, 2021
Dear Friends,
How is it with your soul? I’ve been experiencing lots of shifts around me which has left me feeling unsettled and at the same time overwhelmingly grateful for God’s constant love for all and God’s everlasting faithfulness. I share this hoping that perhaps it will offer you both comfort and encouragement to keep leaning into God’s grace and call on our lives.
Dear Friends,
How is it with your soul? I’ve been experiencing lots of shifts around me which has left me feeling unsettled and at the same time overwhelmingly grateful for God’s constant love for all and God’s everlasting faithfulness. I share this hoping that perhaps it will offer you both comfort and encouragement to keep leaning into God’s grace and call on our lives.
What or who helps you during transitions and shifting times? Perhaps it is more quiet time to be still and listen to God, or maybe not still – maybe you are moving – driving to and from work, caring for toddlers or aging parents and listening and experiencing God’s presence as you share the love of Jesus by serving others. Maybe it is reaching out in the community with acts of kindness. Maybe it is talking with someone about a story, parable, or psalm from the Bible. Perhaps it is something entirely different or some combination.
Whatever your spirit is needing these days to stay connected to God’s merciful and mighty compassion and transforming care, I pray you are able to find space for it. It is so good to be back together in worship for those who are able, and it is a blessing to continue to connect through technology for those who are not. This morning, I was blessed by the words of another UCC pastor, Kenneth L. Samuel, Pastor of Victory for the World Church, Stone Mountain, Georgia, as he reflected on this passage. I hope it might offer you inspiration and renewal for the living of this day and each and every day God makes and invites us into.
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness
of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.Psalm 27:13-14
You can read his reflection and/or sign up for the Still Speaking Devotions at
Pastor’s Corner - June 17, 2021
I have been sharing why church membership matters to me. So far I’ve mentioned the way church membership supports discipleship and community, and the way it helps us be part of something that is bigger than ourselves and makes a positive difference.
I have been sharing why church membership matters to me. So far I’ve mentioned the way church membership supports discipleship and community, and the way it helps us be part of something that is bigger than ourselves and makes a positive difference.
Today I want to remind you another benefit of church membership - the way it helps us identify, develop, and deploy our God-given gifts. God gives each of us a gift so that we can have a share in bringing God’s Shalom, the vision of comprehensive well-being for all, into reality.
When we use our gift we find a deep sense of contentment in making a positive contribution to changing our community into a place of grace and peace. At Friedens Church you can participate in a small group discussion called Strengths for Discipleship. This experience includes a survey to help identify your gift and a process for better understanding your gift and putting it into practice.
For more information about Strengths for Discipleship and to discuss church membership please reach out to me at Everyone is welcome at Friedens!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner - June 10, 2021
This week, I invite you to give thanks for hands. As an occupational therapist in a special education preschool, much of my day involves hands – little hands – beautiful hands….. I’ve always found hands and fingerprints fascinating. I grew up being told that our hands are to be the hands of Jesus in the world today. Some of the little children whom I serve do not have much use of their hands for various reasons, yet their hands teach me very much.
This week, I invite you to give thanks for hands. As an occupational therapist in a special education preschool, much of my day involves hands – little hands – beautiful hands….. I’ve always found hands and fingerprints fascinating. I grew up being told that our hands are to be the hands of Jesus in the world today. Some of the little children whom I serve do not have much use of their hands for various reasons, yet their hands teach me very much.
In the last few weeks of the school year, I read some articles that encouraged me to listen to hands in new ways. It was very humbling and convicting…. I have so much more to learn about listening. There are so many opportunities for us to listen to one another. Do we listen to the movements of the spirit that are not spoke through words? Do we hear the small motions and movements of little fingers? Are we attentive to the language spoken through the eyes? When are we still enough to listen to the way those around us are breathing or tapping a toe or fidgeting with something in their hands?
May we invite God’s Spirit to help us listen to one another creatively – to listen for understanding that we may grow in empathy and compassion - to listen with a desire to be faithful neighbors, partners, and relatives with all God’s people, creatures, and creation. May we rest in God’s gracious and generous hands – hands that hold us all – hands that nurture and welcome all of us.
14 But I trust in you, O Lord;
I say, “You are my God.
15 My times are in your hand;
deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors
16 Let your face shine upon your servant;
save me in your steadfast love.
Psalm 31:14-16
Pastor’s Corner - June 3, 2021
A good reason to be a member of Friedens United Church of Christ is to be part of something bigger than oneself. Many of us humans want to make a difference that endures, and a community of disciples is a great way to do that. Jesus taught this truth when he said: those who want to save their life will lose it and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the good news of God’s grace, will save it (Mark 8:35). Following Jesus requires serving God by serving others. A life of generosity and kindness is a life that matters.
A good reason to be a member of Friedens United Church of Christ is to be part of something bigger than oneself. Many of us humans want to make a difference that endures, and a community of disciples is a great way to do that. Jesus taught this truth when he said: those who want to save their life will lose it and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the good news of God’s grace, will save it (Mark 8:35). Following Jesus requires serving God by serving others. A life of generosity and kindness is a life that matters.
In a church like ours, we join with other disciples to amplify our impact in the community. In a denomination like ours, we join with partners across the country and around the globe to be generous and kind, further amplifying the impact.
Thanks to these connections we can make a positive difference near and far: when disaster strikes, to support health and well-being, to welcome refugees, to advocate for just policies and equal treatment, and to learn and grow in an enriching diversity of faith partners cutting across all sorts of human-made boundaries.
Of course, the church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at
Pastor’s Corner - May 27, 2021
This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost. Pentecost is one of my two most favorite holidays! On Pentecost I am reminded of God’s Spirit in all times, all places, all creatures, and all people. I love thinking about God’s Spirit – too mysterious and wonderful for my comprehension and offering comfort, companionship, consolation, conviction of my sins, correction, guidance, direction, hope…. I love the story of people from many different places gathered together speaking different languages while at the same time understanding one another… I love the energy, the movement, the divine flow…. Pentecost reminds me to give God thanks for my parents who offered me many opportunities to meet people of many languages, shades, beliefs, and experiences.
This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost. Pentecost is one of my two most favorite holidays! On Pentecost I am reminded of God’s Spirit in all times, all places, all creatures, and all people. I love thinking about God’s Spirit – too mysterious and wonderful for my comprehension and offering comfort, companionship, consolation, conviction of my sins, correction, guidance, direction, hope…. I love the story of people from many different places gathered together speaking different languages while at the same time understanding one another… I love the energy, the movement, the divine flow…. Pentecost reminds me to give God thanks for my parents who offered me many opportunities to meet people of many languages, shades, beliefs, and experiences. It causes me to give thanks for my growing up years with classmates and teammates of many languages, shades, beliefs, and experiences. It brings me humility when I think of all the many people who have shared their stories and their lives with me. I am grateful that we live in a community with relatives who speak many languages – we are blessed by the opportunities to live with the many gifts of God’s vision of diversity – for God made us all unique in so many, many ways – how amazing. Thanks be to God!
What gifts does the celebration of Pentecost offer you? How would you describe your favorite holidays? Are there ways you hope to be more mindful and connected to the Spirit of God moving in your life this summer? Are there neighbors near and far that are helping you grow and learn? I pray that you feel encouraged and uplifted by the many ways God’s Spirit is at work in each of our lives, in the faith community of Friedens United Church of Christ, and in the global and local world God’s made and so dearly loves.
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 6 And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 7 Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” 12 All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”
Acts 2:1-11
Pastor’s Corner - May 20, 2021
As we head into the summer, I am sharing some reasons to consider church membership. My first reason had to do with the way church membership supports discipleship. Today I want to lift-up the way discipleship supports community. Mark 2:13-17 tells the story of Jesus’ call of discipleship to Levi, a tax collector (then and now not the most widely appreciated and loved profession). Mark tells the story with brevity: As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And Levi got up and followed Jesus.
As we head into the summer, I am sharing some reasons to consider church membership. My first reason had to do with the way church membership supports discipleship. Today I want to lift-up the way discipleship supports community. Mark 2:13-17 tells the story of Jesus’ call of discipleship to Levi, a tax collector (then and now not the most widely appreciated and loved profession). Mark tells the story with brevity: As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And Levi got up and followed Jesus.
After this decision to follow Jesus, what does Levi do? Mark goes on to tell that Levi hosted a dinner party so that his tax collector friends could meet Jesus. The life of graceful acceptance that Jesus offered to Levi was too good to keep to himself, he invited others to join the community.
Just as a community of faith provides the necessary instruction, practice, and encouragement to be a disciple, so too discipleship supports community by inviting others to come and experience the graceful acceptance of Jesus. At Friedens Church we want to be more and more like Levi, eagerly inviting folks into community. To make clear the inclusive welcome we have an Open and Affirming Covenant.
Check out the covenant at If you like what you read come and make it real in community.
Pastor’s Corner - May 13, 2021
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers for more than over two years now! I give thanks to God for the opportunities we have received through the Engaging Young Adults initiative with the Center for Congregations. After applying for and participating in the pilot program, we applied for and received the grant to continue engaging young adults for the official program that goes through April 2022.
During the next year, we will continue to engage young adults (20-35 year olds) through what we have learned by listening to and learning with the young adults.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers for more than over two years now! I give thanks to God for the opportunities we have received through the Engaging Young Adults initiative with the Center for Congregations. After applying for and participating in the pilot program, we applied for and received the grant to continue engaging young adults for the official program that goes through April 2022.
During the next year, we will continue to engage young adults (20-35 year olds) through what we have learned by listening to and learning with the young adults. We continue developing programs and cultivating community through the three areas of social justice, wellness, and creativity which are intricately interconnected. The grant provides opportunities for young adults to facilitate workshops and connect with each other. We are participating in service learning/community outreach opportunities. If you would like to connect with the young adults, all ages are invited to participate in these volunteer opportunities. All ages will also be invited to some of the workshops facilitated by the young adults.
The next volunteer opportunity for all ages is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Flanner Farms on Saturday, May 15th. Please contact me ASAP to sign up for this or 317-709-5857.
The next wellness opportunity is on Sunday, May 23rd over zoom with Fatimaeliza Gonzalez. Please be in touch to sign up.
If you would like to join the young adults in the ministry of advocacy, the focus right now is on maternal health, racial justice, and environmental justice. If you’d like to be involved, please be in touch. Thank you for your continued prayers and for welcoming young adults in worship and on ministry teams.
With gratitude,
Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise!
Psalm 95:2
Pastor’s Coner - May 6, 2021
The past four months I shared some of the reasons I follow the way of Jesus. In case you missed those you may read them at
I hope my thoughts on the importance of discipleship encouraged you to consider making Jesus your leader.
Beginning this month, I am sharing about why I choose to be a member of Friedens United Church of Christ. Reason number one: church membership supports discipleship.
The past four months I shared some of the reasons I follow the way of Jesus. In case you missed those you may read them at
I hope my thoughts on the importance of discipleship encouraged you to consider making Jesus your leader.
Beginning this month, I am sharing about why I choose to be a member of Friedens United Church of Christ. Reason number one: church membership supports discipleship.
Following the way of Jesus is demanding, after all it requires the love of God, self, and others. To meet the demand of love it is necessary to have instruction, encouragement, support, and accountability. This is exactly why Jesus established a team, which over time became known as the church. Discipleship happens in community.
So, if you are interested in making Jesus your leader, consider becoming a member of Friedens Church. The community at Friedens Church provides: meaningful worship to connect with the Divine, spiritual guidance through pastoral care, studies and discussions that relate our ancient tradition to issues in contemporary life, a community of inclusion, and opportunities to practice justice-doing and peace-seeking. Please let me know if you would like to learn more about being a disciple in community.
Pastor’s Corner - April 29, 2021
Dear Friends,
Have you ever received a course correction? I am not sure what training program or class used “course correction” as a way of describing when something needs adjusted but it comes to mind for me sometimes. I had one of those experiences in worship the Sunday after Easter. Pastor Marc helped me remember the importance that the Risen One is also still the Crucified One. I realized that after the season of Lent focused on confession and repentance, I often shift my language very much to resurrection language. I am ready for hope – ready for spring – ready for new life, but as I shared a few weeks ago, life is non-binary. Life is both and. Life is full of suffering and healing. Life is full of tears of pain and tears of joy. Life is full of songs of mourning and songs of celebration.
Dear Friends,
Have you ever received a course correction? I am not sure what training program or class used “course correction” as a way of describing when something needs adjusted but it comes to mind for me sometimes. I had one of those experiences in worship the Sunday after Easter. Pastor Marc helped me remember the importance that the Risen One is also still the Crucified One. I realized that after the season of Lent focused on confession and repentance, I often shift my language very much to resurrection language. I am ready for hope – ready for spring – ready for new life, but as I shared a few weeks ago, life is non-binary. Life is both and. Life is full of suffering and healing. Life is full of tears of pain and tears of joy. Life is full of songs of mourning and songs of celebration.
How do we hold the ministry, mission, and passion of Jesus our Leader and our Liberator who is the Crucified One and the Risen One in our beings? For me, prayer and being in community allow me to both continue to follow Jesus as he asks us to be people who listen to and be with those who are hurting in any way that we may understand how to be good neighbors while also giving thanks and praise for the guidance, grace, strength, power, and wisdom we receive when being open to the healing and hope of the Crucified and Risen One. We are loved and directed by the indwelling of Jesus and the Spirit he breathed upon his first disciples and that we continue to be filled with. We are created for relationship with God, one another, and all creation. We are not alone. You are not alone. You are beloved and treasured. You are created with gifts, experiences, and interests. I am grateful to be part of the community of Friedens with you as we each listen to God’s call to share the love of Jesus with others in the unique ways for which we were created. I thank God for you! Please be in touch if there ways we can be of encouragement to you on this journey of life or if you’d like to learn more about the ministry teams of Friedens and how you can partner with others.
With deep gratitude,
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39
Pastor’s Corner - April 22, 2021
Since the beginning of the year, I have been using these paragraphs to share some of the reasons I follow Jesus. It starts, I suppose, from his gracious invitation to follow and be part of something that adds meaning, purpose, and joy to life. I have not found a more faithful leader than Jesus, who is a humble, forgiving, and kind companion who is always with me. Jesus understands and accepts me. Jesus casts a winsome vision for a life of ultimate well-being and unity in all of creation. Jesus shoulders the heavy lifting for the fulfillment of this vision but makes room for me to be a part of his ministry. Jesus calls us into community so that we can worship, learn, grow, help and serve together.
Since the beginning of the year, I have been using these paragraphs to share some of the reasons I follow Jesus. It starts, I suppose, from his gracious invitation to follow and be part of something that adds meaning, purpose, and joy to life. I have not found a more faithful leader than Jesus, who is a humble, forgiving, and kind companion who is always with me. Jesus understands and accepts me. Jesus casts a winsome vision for a life of ultimate well-being and unity in all of creation. Jesus shoulders the heavy lifting for the fulfillment of this vision but makes room for me to be a part of his ministry. Jesus calls us into community so that we can worship, learn, grow, help and serve together.
Today, I offer one more reason I’m a disciple—Jesus brings out the best in me. We all have many roles to fill in our earthly journey. I am a brother, husband, father, grandfather, friend, neighbor, and pastor. Sometimes it feels a little overwhelming to meet the responsibilities of daily life, especially when we are all dealing with global challenges like a pandemic and racial injustice. Sometimes there are so many concerns, needs and distractions that I feel spread too thin and lack focus. That is where having Jesus as a leader has been so helpful. Jesus helps me to keep my priorities straight, so I can stay focused on what matters most. Jesus was very clear: love of God, self and others is what really matters. As a result, I do my best to enter each role and take on each responsibility with a commitment to do what is most loving. I have noticed that when I keep Jesus as my leader and his way of love as my focus everything else has a way of falling into place.
I hope my reasons encourage you to consider why Jesus might be the right leader for you. If you would enjoy a conversation partner on discipleship, please reach out to me.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Pastor’s Corner - April 15, 2021
Dear Friends,
How are you? I am grateful that God is with us, loving us, guiding us, and encouraging us through all our experiences and emotions. God journeys with us through all the phases and seasons of life. I am grateful that God creates us and gives us the capacity to experience more than we can put into words. Who or what encourages you when your heart or spirit is heavy? Who or what supports you when we feel weary? Who or what helps you when you feel called to respond in a new or different way to a situation or when you hear God calling to you and inviting you into God’s transforming grace or into a new or different opportunity? Who or what celebrates with you in your joy?
As we move into spring and the church season of Eastertide, I’m feeling encouraged by many things. I am grateful for much and wanted to offer you a few thoughts on what is giving me a sense of hope even in the midst of much heaviness that I also feel. Maybe one of the ideas will be of encouragement to you, or maybe you’d like to share one of your own.
Taking time to breathe and be still even for a short time outside while noticing the signs of springtime and new life, refreshes me and offers renewal and hope.
I had been feeling a deep desire to connect more deeply with scripture. Then a friend texted a few mutual friends reminding us of the goodness of God’s word. Maybe you’d like to take time to chat with a friend about what they are pondering or reflecting on from the Bible. Maybe you’d like to try journaling about a passage that you read or hear, or maybe you’d like to take time to re-read the passage from Sunday morning a few times each week.
During Holy Week, a friend texted a prayer that she said for me. It was a tremendous gift. Maybe you’d like to write a prayer for a friend and then send it to them.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, and whatever you are feeling, you are a loved and loving child of the Maker of the heavens and the earth. May you feel much hope and peace in this good news. We thank God for you!
With gratitude for the opportunity to serve with you,
5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he[a] lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead,[b] and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.’ This is my message for you.” 8 So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Matthew 28:5-10
Pastor’s Corner - April 8, 2021
I follow Jesus because he is “the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25). This bold statement does not deny death. Like Jesus and everyone else who was and is and will be born in this world, mortality is inevitable and unavoidable. Death is scary. We don’t know when or how it will come to us. We do not know what it will be like and we do not know all the details of the life on the other side of death. This uncertainty can create anxiety about and fear of death. This fear is understandable, and this anxiety is universally experienced. But fear and anxiety need not have the last word on death.
I follow Jesus because he is “the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25). This bold statement does not deny death. Like Jesus and everyone else who was and is and will be born in this world, mortality is inevitable and unavoidable. Death is scary. We don’t know when or how it will come to us. We do not know what it will be like and we do not know all the details of the life on the other side of death. This uncertainty can create anxiety about and fear of death. This fear is understandable, and this anxiety is universally experienced. But fear and anxiety need not have the last word on death.
Both living and dying are to be done with God. Living and dying with God can be meaningful and purposeful. Jesus shows us how to live well and to die well.
Jesus had some fear and anxiety about death. In prayer he asked God to provide another way besides the cross but no matter what he was determined to be faithful to God’s intentions.
When the way of the cross was shown to be necessary, Jesus followed with resolve and faith. He even used his dying to bless others, offering forgiveness with his waning strength and energy.
Jesus was open about the way he was feeling while dying. He felt abandoned by God in the midst of the pain. He voiced that feeling and in doing so moved through that feeling to a renewal of trust in God, so that when his final breath was near at hand, he was able to say, “into your hands I commit my spirit”.
I want to follow Jesus’ good example in the days of my earthly journey, through the transition we call death, and moving into life everlasting that Jesus’ promises. My trust in Jesus supports my life and my death. Knowing he will be with me in every moment, to live and to die well, strengthens my commitment to Jesus’ leadership.
How about you? Who do you trust? Can your leader carry you through all of life’s transitions
Pastor’s Corner - April 1, 2021
Dear Beloved,
You are in my thoughts. Whether gathered or scattered, we are united by the creative energy of our Maker, the love of Jesus, and the movement of the Spirit. My being is filled with so much, that I’ve written a number of drafts to you recently, and I’ve been led to offer a simple prayer for this reflection. The stories of Holy Week are filled with many emotions.
Dear Beloved,
You are in my thoughts. Whether gathered or scattered, we are united by the creative energy of our Maker, the love of Jesus, and the movement of the Spirit. My being is filled with so much, that I’ve written a number of drafts to you recently, and I’ve been led to offer a simple prayer for this reflection. The stories of Holy Week are filled with many emotions. How wonderful to know that God is with us through them all and in them all and holds us with multiple feelings and experiences all at once. May you have a meaning-filled Holy Week and a joy-filled Resurrection Day celebration~
God of glory and grace, God of mercy and might, I praise you. I give you thanks for Friedens United Church of Christ and communities of compassion and faith near and far. Thank you for the stories of Holy Week. Thank you for loving us through all suffering and pain. Please forgive us when we fail to love you, one another, your world, and ourselves. Please forgive us when we turn away out of fear. Please help us to abide with you. Please help us to grow as people of peace and wellness for all. Thank you for the darkness of the tomb. Thank you for the darkness of the early morn. Thank you for the many varied responses of your first followers. Thank you for being a God who makes a way when there seems to be no way - a God who rolls the heaviest stones away. Thank you for being a living God. Please fill us and lead us with your Spirit that we may follow in the ways of liberating hope, transforming peace, collective wellness, and unbounded love by the Risen One.
Pastor’s Corner - March 25, 2021
I am committed to the way of Jesus because it not only makes my individual life meaningful, but it also brings me together with other disciples to influence the world God loves. Matthew records Jesus commission to followers in the final verses of his final chapter. The Risen Jesus calls us “to make disciples of all people”. This way of life is too good to keep to ourselves, we are instructed to welcome all others to Jesus’ way of grace and peace.
I am committed to the way of Jesus because it not only makes my individual life meaningful, but it also brings me together with other disciples to influence the world God loves. Matthew records Jesus commission to followers in the final verses of his final chapter. The Risen Jesus calls us “to make disciples of all people”. This way of life is too good to keep to ourselves, we are instructed to welcome all others to Jesus’ way of grace and peace.
This commission has inspired the community of disciples or the church ever since. Each new disciple to the way of Jesus brings a God-given gift that adds to the diverse beauty and usefulness of the church directed to the world we serve in Christ’s Spirit. St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 12, described the church like a body. Jesus is the head that directs the action. Disciples are the various parts of the body; each part respected and cared for with a valuable purpose to fulfill. When the many and gifted members of the church follow Jesus’ instructions and work together cooperatively and faithfully, the world can be changed for the better.
I love being part of something that makes a big difference in my family, neighborhood, and world. How about you? Are you a difference-maker?
-Pastor Marc
Like you I am so sad and disturbed by the mass shootings that have claimed 18 lives in the last two weeks. These senseless acts targeting innocent people are so unsettling because deep down we know it could have just as easily been us or our loved ones victimized. This terrible phenomenon of American life is frustrating because it seems we have made little headway toward ending it.
As a person of faith and a follower of Jesus I am responsible to take action that reflects Christ’s humble and non-violent way of peace-making and justice-doing. For me that always begins with prayer, the most important action I can take. I have experienced prayer as the way God changes my heart and my mind. I know the difference it makes to be prayed for. So I will keep praying.
I am dedicated to listening and learning. Complex problems require many voices at the table to produce multi-faceted solutions. The older I get the more I realize the wisdom of listening and broadening the circle.
I will also embrace the role I have as a disciple and as a citizen. I advocate with my elected representatives on behalf of legislation I deem to be reflective of peace with justice.
This is what I am doing. What are you doing? How can we work together to help?