Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – December 23, 2021

Dear Beloved,

How has your Advent journey been so far? A few days remain in this season of preparation, repentance, watchfulness, attentiveness, listening, openness….. In this season of expectancy, how is the God of hope, love, joy, and peace working in your life? I have been asking myself: am I open to what God offers? Am I ready for an unexpected call to reach out?

Dear Beloved,

How has your Advent journey been so far? A few days remain in this season of preparation, repentance, watchfulness, attentiveness, listening, openness….. In this season of expectancy, how is the God of hope, love, joy, and peace working in your life? I have been asking myself: am I open to what God offers? Am I ready for an unexpected call to reach out?

For many years, “Mary Did You Know?” has been one of my favorite Christmas songs. Maybe because of the mystery and wonder that I feel in the song? Maybe because of the awesomeness of God come to earth – God with us? Maybe because I admire Mary? I pray that this season and in the new year to come, you can be encouraged by the wonder and awesomeness of the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I pray that we will remain attentive to the surprising blessings of your grace and mercy embodied. I pray that in all the uncertainty and unknown in life, you know that you are called loved and loving by the Maker of the first breath of a newborn babe and brilliance of the most distant stars.

With the hope, love, joy, and peace of Jesus our Leader and Liberator~


38 Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord;
let it be with me according to your word.”
Then the angel departed from her.

Luke 1:38

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – December 16, 2021

I have been using recent articles to share thoughts and ideas about a vital future at Friedens. So far, I’ve invited you to think about what it means to interact more with younger people in our community and what community partnerships might mean in terms of increasing rental revenue and advancing our mission.

Today, I want to talk about metrics of vitality.

I have been using recent articles to share thoughts and ideas about a vital future at Friedens. So far, I’ve invited you to think about what it means to interact more with younger people in our community and what community partnerships might mean in terms of increasing rental revenue and advancing our mission.

Today, I want to talk about metrics of vitality. For decades church vitality has primarily been measured in terms of attendance, membership, and offering amounts. Church growth experts feel these metrics can be a self-defeating measurement in an era in North America when religious affiliation is in broad decline, with the drop accelerated by the pandemic. Please know this does not signal resignation to our responsibility to fulfill our commission of making disciples. Friedens continues to be committed to sharing the good news of God’s grace in Christ with new people. This decline does signal that more and more people in North America (and especially among younger generations) are opting out of religious participation. It is important to serve in our community with honesty about the realities and challenges.

So how do we measure our vitality these days? One idea is to measure the difference we are making in the community. Our mission is to share the love of Christ. Measuring the difference we make in the community is a way to measure our mission, and thus our vitality. What are some of the recent difference-making measurements at Friedens? A record number of home baked pies for Wheeler Mission; strong donations to Weekender’s Back Sack Food Ministry; more than twenty members and friends recently commissioned for our Visitation Ministry to folks who are homebound; and, opening our facility to the Garfield Park Winter Market. These are some of the measurements that suggest vitality at Friedens.

Of course, we will continue to keep an eye on attendance, membership and offering amounts. But we also need new ways of telling the whole story of vitality at Friedens Church. If this sparks any ideas please let me know at, and with our new congregational president, Lisa Soard at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – December 9, 2021

How are you in the Advent season? And your answer does not have to be "fine." Of course, it is perfectly well if it is, but Advent is a season of waiting and preparation – a time of reflection and repentance, and our answer might not be fine. We might have deep concerns about loved ones. We may be experiencing much loneliness whether we are surrounded by others or physically all alone…

How are you in the Advent season? And your answer does not have to be "fine." Of course, it is perfectly well if it is, but Advent is a season of waiting and preparation – a time of reflection and repentance, and our answer might not be fine. We might have deep concerns about loved ones. We may be experiencing much loneliness whether we are surrounded by others or physically all alone. We may be grieving the loss of or separation from loved ones. We may be heavy with the sufferings of those near and far. We can be feeling any or all of these things and still be filled with overwhelming and overflowing gratitude to God which gives us hope, love, joy, and peace.

Wherever you are, however you are feeling, whoever you are one life’s journey, you are not alone. You are loved and valued. You are welcomed by the God of extravagant compassion and grace!!! You are precious!!! I give thanks for you and your families and pray for you in this special season of Advent.

With care and gratitude,


Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.

Psalm 36:5

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – December 2, 2021

One of the questions to ponder as we posture toward the future at Friedens by turning to the community with a focus of serving younger people, is: What community partnerships need to be developed that align with and strengthen our mission? Collaboration and partnership create synergy and magnify influence. There is no need for us to “reinvent the wheel.” Who is already doing a good job of serving younger people in our community and how could we be part of their good work?

One of the questions to ponder as we posture toward the future at Friedens by turning to the community with a focus of serving younger people, is: What community partnerships need to be developed that align with and strengthen our mission?

Collaboration and partnership create synergy and magnify influence. There is no need for us to “reinvent the wheel.” Who is already doing a good job of serving younger people in our community and how could we be part of their good work?

  • Does the Indiana Youth Group that serves the needs of youth in the LGBTQ+ community need a south side office?

  • Does the Indianapolis Children’s Choir need a south side rehearsal space?

  • Does Adult and Child Mental Health need a place to run therapy groups?

  • Can we work together with our closest sister church, St. John’s UCC?

What are your ideas to form new partnerships in the community that align with and strengthen our mission? Please share those ideas with me at and with our council president for 2022, Lisa Soard at

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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – November 25, 2021

Dear Beloved Siblings,

A few months ago a participant in the young adult Conscious Caring Community shared a mission moment about the Community Food Box Project which she began five years ago. The Outreach Ministry Team decided that offering a community food box on the campus of Friedens United Church of Christ would fit well with the mission that God has given Friedens to share the love of Jesus with children and youth in the community…

Dear Beloved Siblings,

A few months ago a participant in the young adult Conscious Caring Community shared a mission moment about the Community Food Box Project which she began five years ago. The Outreach Ministry Team decided that offering a community food box on the campus of Friedens United Church of Christ would fit well with the mission that God has given Friedens to share the love of Jesus with children and youth in the community. Another young adult picked up an old newspaper box that the Community Food Box Project provides. She delivered it to the southside. Then a family from Friedens picked up the box and brought it to the church building where the Friendship Girls coated the box with its first layers of paint provided by another Friedens family who had also cleaned the box. Then a high schooler from the Perry Meridian High School Key Club painted beautiful designs on the box. The leader of the Buildings and Grounds Team, Heidi our office administrator, and the new Friedens Moving Outward Ministry Team have been working on the logistics of how food will be gathered, stored, and restocked. What a beautiful experience to witness so many people working together to share the love of Jesus in a way that Jesus shared God's love - by providing for the physical needs and nourishment of people! You will have an opportunity to join this ministry of providing to people who are facing food insecurity and hunger. You can bring non-perishable small-packaged nutritious food items to the inside entry way of Hayden Hall. If you'd like to be involved in checking and restocking the food box, please let us know. The food box will be located outside of the Hayden Hall doors for people from the community to access 24-7 with no questions asked.

Thank you for your continued sharing through the weekenders, for your advocacy to understand and address the underlying causes of hunger, and for your advocacy for support for measures to help people who are hungry through If you have questions, please reach out to the Friedens Moving Forward Ministry Team or me. Thank you for your prayers as we seek to serve and love as Jesus invites us and calls us to do.

With care and gratitude for you,


"... ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

Matthew 25:37-40

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – November 18, 2021

One of the questions to ponder as we posture toward the future at Friedens by turning to the community with a focus of serving younger people, is: How do we connect meaningfully with younger members and friends while honoring the long-term commitment of our older and most active members and friends?

Serving younger and older people is not an either/or but a both/and. We do both at Friedens. Of course, the long-term older members and friends have gotten us where we are today. Thank you! There is no future without younger members and friends getting more involved. Welcome! We need each other. We serve each other. We bless each other.

One of the questions to ponder as we posture toward the future at Friedens by turning to the community with a focus of serving younger people, is: How do we connect meaningfully with younger members and friends while honoring the long-term commitment of our older and most active members and friends?

Serving younger and older people is not an either/or but a both/and. We do both at Friedens. Of course, the long-term older members and friends have gotten us where we are today. Thank you! There is no future without younger members and friends getting more involved. Welcome! We need each other. We serve each other. We bless each other.

How shall we serve older and younger alike? One way to answer this question is to honor and bring forward the best from our rich tradition, while shaping these traditions in ways that meet new opportunities. For example, worship with inspiring music has always been a hallmark of Friedens UCC. The Tom Williams Memorial Music Fund has welcomed young musicians from area music schools to gain experience and learn in our excellent music ministry at Friedens. These students bring musical gifts and lively spirits that reinvigorate our congregation and enrich worship. Everyone is benefitted!

How can we replicate this experience in other areas of ministry at Friedens? Here are some ideas:

  • We have a unique and beautiful pipe organ. How might we become a training ground for church organists that provides live music for the community beyond Sunday mornings and also helps to raise funds to preserve and maintain our pipe organ?

  • Our sanctuary has received honors for its architectural design. It has been praised for its acoustics. The space has also been used in the past for concerts and recitals. What if we renewed this tradition and became a prominent venue for live music on the south side? Local music schools and excellent local high school music programs might be a great source for ensembles and choirs. Revenue could be directed toward maintenance of the sanctuary. All ages would benefit from this experience.

  • Younger generations look to older generations to be mentored. What if we partnered with local colleges to connect our members and friends with business, education, health care and other skill sets to serve as mentors and life coaches to students?

What are your ideas to bring young and old together for mutual sharing and benefit? Please share those ideas with me at and with our council president for 2022, Lisa Soard at

We have a hopeful future at Friedens. I am thankful to join you on this journey of renewal.

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – November 11, 2021

Dear Beloved Siblings,

In this season where we often take time to focus on gratitude, my heart is full. While my heart often feels heavy with the loss and grief near and far, it remains overflowing with thanksgiving for you and the opportunity to serve and follow Jesus with you. Each Sunday, it is a blessing to worship with you in-person and virtually and to connect with the Treasure Seekers children in-person and virtually.

Dear Beloved Siblings,

In this season where we often take time to focus on gratitude, my heart is full. While my heart often feels heavy with the loss and grief near and far, it remains overflowing with thanksgiving for you and the opportunity to serve and follow Jesus with you. Each Sunday, it is a blessing to worship with you in-person and virtually and to connect with the Treasure Seekers children in-person and virtually.

I also give thanks for Friedens’ mission of sharing the love of Christ and our focus on moving outward. This is what disciples of Jesus are called to do. I am grateful we can follow Jesus’ calling in community with one another – together led by God’s Spirit. We bring different gifts, strengths, personalities, wounds, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives which allow us to reach out to others with the compassion, grace, and faith of Jesus in more beautifully diverse ways. We are all needed to give and receive in the ministries of Jesus.

One of the ways we are moving outward is through the grant provided by the Center for Congregations to support engagement with young adults. Connecting with young adults (20-35) through the Conscious Caring Community, has created space for the building of relationships with young adults who are making a positive difference in the community – in schools, social work, health and wellness, environmental efforts, and in the corporate world. Connections with young adults enabled us to host a special maternal health event and the Little Timmy mobile clinic this summer. Connections with young adults have been made with the Treasure Seekers, with worship, with book and Bible study groups, with the Christian Education Ministry Team (to become the Lifelong Spiritual Formation and Conscious Caring Community Ministry Team), with the Outreach Ministry Team and Just Peace Exploratory Team (to become the Friedens Moving Outward Ministry Team), and with an opportunity for a weekly winter Farmers’ Market each Saturday from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in Hayden Hall from Nov. 20th until the spring.

Thank you for your continued prayers for these ministries. We hope to see you at the winter Farmers’ Market and hope you’ll join us for social justice, wellness, and creativity opportunities with the Conscious Caring Community. Please reach out anytime for more information.

With gratitude and hope,


I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
2 I will be glad and exult in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

Psalm 9:1-2

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – November 4, 2021

A recent survey of in-person church attendance in the United States confirmed what we have noticed at Friedens UCC—numbers have not returned to pre-pandemic figures. In fact, currently average church attendance in America is approximately 40% of pre-pandemic attendance. The good news is the way online worship is helping to fill the gap in a new age.

The survey also asked church attenders whether they preferred in-person or online worship. As you might have guessed…

A recent survey of in-person church attendance in the United States confirmed what we have noticed at Friedens UCC—numbers have not returned to pre-pandemic figures. In fact, currently average church attendance in America is approximately 40% of pre-pandemic attendance. The good news is the way online worship is helping to fill the gap in a new age.

The survey also asked church attenders whether they preferred in-person or online worship. As you might have guessed the answers represented a clear generational distinction. About 70% of older church attenders prefer in-person worship, while about 60% of younger church attenders prefer online worship. This generational shift suggests that in-person worship attendance may never return to pre-pandemic numbers and that online worship options will continue to be essential.

This is not cause for alarm. It is cause to prayerfully consider the changes needed to remain relevant and vital in the years ahead. In the coming weeks I will use my Pastor’s Paragraphs to share some thoughts about next steps. I hope they will stimulate your thoughtful reflection as we posture more and more as a congregation toward serving in the community with a special focus on younger people, the essence of the council and congregationally approved strategy called Friedens Moving Outward.

First, I want to let you know some steps have already been taken. Yay! They include:

  • Discussion, study, and congregational input that led to the Friedens Moving Outward strategy.

  • The already approved Open and Affirming Covenant and the recently presented Just Peace Covenant which support the move toward younger people in the community.

  • The young adults brought into worship and music ministry through the Tom Williams Memorial Music Fund.

  • An investment in A/V technology in the sanctuary that makes live streaming possible.

  • Being selected for and implementing the Engaging Young Adults grant.

  • Deepening our commitment to the Cooperative Play Academy, the preschool that meets at Friedens.

  • Restructuring the council to provide a more nimble decision making process and empowering the council to focus more time and energy on Friedens Moving Outward.

  • An effort underway right now to put more of our younger and committed members and friends into leadership.

One of the reasons I am filled with hope and optimism for our future is the Spirit of Christ alive at Friedens. Many disciples in our community are willing to look forward and to embrace the change faithfulness to Christ requires. I am thankful to be on this journey with you.

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – October 28, 2021

Dear Friends,

As a teenager, All Saints Day became an important holy day for me. In order to tell children about the day, I remember looking up the definition of saints. The definition that I found said that a saint was a person who shared the good news of God’s love. The children and I talked about how that means that anyone who shares God’s love is a saint, and then we took time to give thanks for the saints who had brought the messages of God’s love to each of us.

Dear Friends,

As a teenager, All Saints Day became an important holy day for me. In order to tell children about the day, I remember looking up the definition of saints. The definition that I found said that a saint was a person who shared the good news of God’s love. The children and I talked about how that means that anyone who shares God’s love is a saint, and then we took time to give thanks for the saints who had brought the messages of God’s love to each of us.

This year it feels like it resonates even more deeply. With a heart of gratitude, I praise God for the people of faith who have gone before us and set examples for us. Their leadership, courage, prayers, energy, gifts, and generosity are blessings. This year, I've also been thinking about all our ancestors who lived or continue to live in ways of peacemaking, justice-doing, and shalom (comprehensive wellness and wholeness for all). I'm grateful for author Layla Saad who helps me give thanks for my ancestors and raises the question for me, "What kind of ancestor do I want to be?" How will we remember and give thanks for the saints in our individual and collective lives this All Saints Day? Are there ways we can continue to share the love of Jesus they reflected each day? May you know you are a loved and loving child of God. You are a blessing. By the power of the Creator, the compassion of Jesus, and the direction of the Holy Spirit, may we live in Jesus' ways of blessing. Thanks be to God!

With gratitude, care, and prayers for you,


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger
who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Isaiah 52:7

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – October 21, 2021

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices. In recent months I have been sharing a few of these practices. Some are traditional, like prayer and worship. Some you might not have considered as a way to grow in your relationship with God…like today’s idea.

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices. In recent months I have been sharing a few of these practices. Some are traditional, like prayer and worship. Some you might not have considered as a way to grow in your relationship with God…like today’s idea.

Many believe our Hoosier state is most beautiful in Autumn. Clear skies and cooler temperatures are the ideal setting for displaying the vibrant colors of the season. The harvest of our agricultural region draws our attention to the abundance built into God’s creation. Festivals every weekend invite us into the communities and cultures that reflect the rich diversity of the world God loves, expanding our appreciation and our knowledge.

Engaging the natural beauty and cultural opportunities at our doorstep, can be a meaningful spiritual practice. After all, God is the source of all that is good. When we contribute to this greater good we are partners with God and grow in our faith. In whatever ways you are able and enjoy, engage the world, and share the love!

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – October 14, 2021

Hi Friends,

You continue to be in my thoughts whether we connect in person or virtually. I am grateful for you. You are in my prayers. You are family!

At the beginning of the month, I was reminded of the blessing and diversity of families. I'm thankful that Friedens United Church of Christ recognizes, honors, respects, and welcomes families in all their different shapes, sizes, and structures.

I grew up being taught that I had a biological family, a church family, and a human family.

Hi Friends,

You continue to be in my thoughts whether we connect in person or virtually. I am grateful for you. You are in my prayers. You are family!

At the beginning of the month, I was reminded of the blessing and diversity of families. I'm thankful that Friedens United Church of Christ recognizes, honors, respects, and welcomes families in all their different shapes, sizes, and structures.

I grew up being taught that I had a biological family, a church family, and a human family. As I grow, my understanding and experience of family has broadened - I am blessed by my Sisters as we pray for/with one another, listen to one another and support one another. I am blessed by my school family where I serve as an occupational therapist. I am blessed by the living family that includes other creatures beyond our human family - if I listen and watch, I learn much from my animal and plant siblings and definitely depend on them for life - we are connected. You are not alone you are part of families. You are loved. You are an important individual in the Friedens family. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your church family. I offer this prayer of thanks and intercession for families.

Dear Merciful and Mighty Maker,

Thank you for the gifts of family! Thank you for families made up in all different ways - through mutual interests and hopes, through birth, through adoption or fostering, through common paths and locations, through shared work, through shared mission and hopes, through shared connection as beloved children of the Creator… We know being part of family has its challenges. Please help us listen and forgive. Thank you for the healing and protection you offer. Please grant us patience and wisdom. Please guide us to live together in wholeness, equity, and deep peace for all. Thank you for designing us for family. Thank you for inviting us into community, for calling us, and seeking us out. Amen.

12 God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13 I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:12-13

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – October 7, 2021

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

Lately I have been writing about spiritual practices, like prayer and creative expression. These practices help us to cultivate a mindfulness of God’s graceful presence undergirding each moment in life.

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

Lately I have been writing about spiritual practices, like prayer and creative expression. These practices help us to cultivate a mindfulness of God’s graceful presence undergirding each moment in life.

Worship is an ancient spiritual practice. Worship is a reminder that the spiritual life is intended to be practiced in community. Everything about worship is directed toward God. The design of the sanctuary lifts our eyes and our spirits toward heaven. The symbols of faith from candles to flowers to altar coverings engage our senses. The rich sound of a congregation lifting a common voice in prayer and song thrills and inspires. Leaning in to listen and reflect on our sacred texts and their connection to our place and time engages the intellect. Sitting quietly at times and speaking warmly with others at other times connects vertically and horizontally. Confessing our sins and being commissioned to serve brings meaning and purpose to our days.

Whether in person or online, worship can transform your life. Put worship into practice and before long you will find that your week is not the same without it.

If you need my assistance in this practice or if you want to share the positive difference it is making in your discipleship you may reach me at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – September 30, 2021

Dear Friends,

Each week, I’m blessed to spend time with you in worship, with the children in Treasure Seekers, and with the young adults in formal and informal gatherings. I am grateful to connect with the confirmation students and with the members of some of the ministry teams each month. I learn so much with and from you.

Dear Friends,

Each week, I’m blessed to spend time with you in worship, with the children in Treasure Seekers, and with the young adults in formal and informal gatherings. I am grateful to connect with the confirmation students and with the members of some of the ministry teams each month. I learn so much with and from you.

A few weeks, ago I was feeling lots of feelings and thinking lots of thoughts and heard Jesus’ clear call to let the little children lead me (Mark 10:13-14, Matthew 19:13-14, Luke 18:15-16), so I want to offer up a prayer that some of the children say with their families at mealtimes.

Thank you God for the world so sweet.

Thank you God for the birds who sing.

Thank you God for the food we eat.

Thank you God for everything.


May this be a blessing to you as it was to me! I thank God for you! Grace and peace to you, dear ones. You are loved children of God.

With hope, joy, and gratitude,


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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – September 23, 2021

Practice makes perfect. Well not quite, but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

Practice makes perfect. Well not quite, but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

A fun way to cultivate your relationship with the Creator is with creativity. Keeping a journal of blessings, drawing or coloring something that gives you joy, caring for and making beautiful your little corner of creation, telling a favorite story from the Bible to a child, making a card to cheer a neighbor, singing your praise, taking photos of the beauty right where you are, preparing a meal for a loved one…you get the idea. Whatever way you enjoy expressing yourself can be offered as a gift for God that blesses those around you.

Be creative! Have fun! Grow in faith!

If you need my assistance with spiritual practices or if you want to share the positive difference spiritual practices are making in your discipleship you may reach me at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner – September 16, 2021

Dear Friends,

You are in my prayers, and I am grateful that we can hold each other in prayer during the times in life that feel chaotic, the times that feel calm, the times that feel confusing, and in all time and places. My heart has been heavy for the last month in hearing and seeing how the Delta variant is impacting kids and pregnant women.

Dear Friends,

You are in my prayers, and I am grateful that we can hold each other in prayer during the times in life that feel chaotic, the times that feel calm, the times that feel confusing, and in all time and places. My heart has been heavy for the last month in hearing and seeing how the Delta variant is impacting kids and pregnant women. When I feel deep sadness, I find hope in knowing that God holds us all through all the feelings. I am grateful for Friedens' prayer team. If you’d like to join the prayer team or share a prayer concern or praise, they meet over zoom at 4 p.m. each Monday. The team would love to welcome you. You can come once or few times or regularly. You can come for several minutes or the full thirty minutes. If you have any questions, would like the zoom link, or would like to share a prayer concern or praise, please email me at

With gratitude,


15 See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise the words of prophets,[e] 21 but test everything; hold fast to what is good; 22 abstain from every form of evil.

23 May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound[f] and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.

Thessalonians 5:15-24

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner – September 9, 2021

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

In August articles I reminded you about the practices of Lectio Divina and prayer. I hope you have experimented with these practices and are finding some ways that work for you and your schedule. Just as the best kind of physical exercise is the kind you will do, so the best kind of spiritual practice is the kind that fits you and brings you closer to the living Spirit of Christ.

Practice makes perfect; well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

In August articles I reminded you about the practices of Lectio Divina and prayer. I hope you have experimented with these practices and are finding some ways that work for you and your schedule. Just as the best kind of physical exercise is the kind you will do, so the best kind of spiritual practice is the kind that fits you and brings you closer to the living Spirit of Christ.

Our goal with spiritual practice is to cultivate a mindfulness of Christ’s abiding and graceful presence. Start small and be consistent in your practice. Focusing on breathing is a simple spiritual practice. Choose a daily time when you are usually quiet and alone, like on your commute or during the lunch hour. Take a couple of minutes to notice the way your life-giving breath moves easily in and out of your body. Breath is a moment-by-moment gift of our Creator and Sustainer. Allow tension to subside as your breath brings calm and renewal in the midst of a busy schedule. This peace you discover in a brief focus on breathing will go with you as you return to your activities.

If you need my assistance in this practice or want to share the positive difference it is making in your discipleship you may reach me at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner - September 2, 2021

Dear Friends,

How are you? I ask this often, and I really mean it. How are you?

These times leave me feeling like I have all kinds of answers for this question. Some days I feel really confused by these times. In these times, I feel ever more grateful that I can trust a Creator whose love is steadfast, who always accepts us, and whose faithfulness never fails. I find hope and strength in this good news. Where do you find hope and strength?

Dear Friends,

How are you? I ask this often, and I really mean it. How are you?

These times leave me feeling like I have all kinds of answers for this question. Some days I feel really confused by these times. In these times, I feel ever more grateful that I can trust a Creator whose love is steadfast, who always accepts us, and whose faithfulness never fails. I find hope and strength in this good news. Where do you find hope and strength?

I also find hope and strength in God’s gifts of community and in encouragement of scripture. In these times, I’m thankful for go-to verses. Do you have go-to verses? For me, these are passages from the Bible that I was given as a teen. Maybe you have words of encouragement from stories, poems, the Bible, family members, or friends. I will share one of mine in case it might offer you encouragement. “Remember God in everything you do, and God will show you the right way.” Proverbs 3:6

This verse was given to me on a handout that a track team captain gave us when I was a freshman at Southport High School. I rarely get a direct word from God about the right way to go, but when I remember God, I know that I am not alone. I know that I am okay or will be okay. I know that God loves the world and every person and creature more than I can ever fully imagine or understand, which gives me the presence to be patient and wait and to take the next best step.

You are loved. You are appreciated. You are not alone.

With gratitude, joy, and hope~


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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner - August 26, 2021

Practice makes perfect, well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

Prayer is the most common and widely used spiritual practice. This suggests its importance in connecting us to the Divine.

We have gotten the idea that prayer happens in a sanctuary with a particular formula that uses religious language. The truth is prayer is simply and profoundly communication with God. This communication requires no special location or language for it to be of value to spiritual growth.

Practice makes perfect, well not quite but it sure helps! We are all works in progress when it comes to faith and discipleship. One of the ways we grow is through spiritual practices.

Prayer is the most common and widely used spiritual practice. This suggests its importance in connecting us to the Divine.

We have gotten the idea that prayer happens in a sanctuary with a particular formula that uses religious language. The truth is prayer is simply and profoundly communication with God. This communication requires no special location or language for it to be of value to spiritual growth.

Prayer is not how we get God to do what we want. God already knows what is in our hearts and minds. Prayer is a way to change us in line with what God wants for us. Prayer is sharing with God what is in our hearts and on our minds. Prayer is also listening for the still, small voice of God that is often drowned out in our noisy and busy lives.

Prayer can be a deep breath. Prayer can be a reminder that we are never alone. Prayer can happen when you are by yourself or in a crowd. Prayer can be reciting the Lord’s Prayer or the Shepherd’s Psalm. Prayer can be a cry of pain or lament. Prayer can be a shout of joy. Prayer can be laughter or tears. Prayer can be sitting quietly. Prayer can be paying attention to what is going on around you on a walk. Prayer can happen anywhere and anytime. Prayer is connecting with a God who is gracefully present in each moment. The more you enlarge your view of prayer the more it becomes real and helpful each day. So experiment with prayer, be at peace in your connection with God, and grow in faith.

If you need my assistance in this practice or want to share the positive difference it is making in your discipleship you may reach me at

Yours in Christ,


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Pastor Sarah Haas Pastor Sarah Haas

Pastor’s Corner - August 19, 2021

Dear Friends,

The summer before last, author Layla Saad led me to think about my ancestors in new ways and invited me to consider what it means to be a good ancestor. Her work has impacted me in many ways, and I am grateful that she has led me to remember my ancestors more often. One of the core values my ancestors have offered me are practices of gratitude – practices which are also passed on to us by our ancestors in faith whom we hear about in the stories of scripture. I am enjoying the journey that Pastor Marc is leading us on through the Bible and a new look at ancient stories from the book of Genesis and the ancestors in faith in the Old Testament. What core values have your ancestors passed on to you?

Dear Friends,

The summer before last, author Layla Saad led me to think about my ancestors in new ways and invited me to consider what it means to be a good ancestor. Her work has impacted me in many ways, and I am grateful that she has led me to remember my ancestors more often. One of the core values my ancestors have offered me are practices of gratitude – practices which are also passed on to us by our ancestors in faith whom we hear about in the stories of scripture. I am enjoying the journey that Pastor Marc is leading us on through the Bible and a new look at ancient stories from the book of Genesis and the ancestors in faith in the Old Testament. What core values have your ancestors passed on to you?

In honor of my ancestors, I wanted to take time to express my appreciation for new beginnings and opportunities that this late summer time has brought and the blessings they are. I am thankful for each of you, for the opportunities to serve with you, and for your continued prayers. I give thanks for:

The new confirmation students, families, and their mentors – please keep them in your prayers as we grow together in Jesus’ faith and love.

The new intergenerational zoom opportunities to learn with and from young adults. We have several sessions with Fatimaeliza from the Conscious Caring Community left on Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. We hope you can join us.

The continued gifts of technology that allows us to meet with people whom we would previously not have been able to meet with and to continue to connect in ways that feel safe to everyone.

“Praise God, How good it is to sing praise to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise God.”

Psalm 147:1

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Pastor Marc Hayden Pastor Marc Hayden

Pastor’s Corner - August 12, 2021

In my last article on the value of church membership I mentioned that a community of faith is a great place to practice servant leadership. Following Jesus’ example, we use our God-given gift to raise everyone in our community through service in Christ’s Spirit of grace. The goal of servant leadership in Christ is another of the blessings of church membership.

In my last article on the value of church membership I mentioned that a community of faith is a great place to practice servant leadership. Following Jesus’ example, we use our God-given gift to raise everyone in our community through service in Christ’s Spirit of grace. The goal of servant leadership in Christ is another of the blessings of church membership.

In a word the goal of our discipleship is Shalom. This Hebrew idea is a way to express God’s intentions for creation—wholeness, well-being, peace with justice, harmony, reconciliation and unity with the Creator and creation. The church exists to partner with Christ for the fulfillment of this Divine vision. Church membership and discipleship keep us focused on this partnership so that we might know the joy and purpose of living our lives in a way that really matters.

The practices of faith (for example: worship, prayer, study, compassion) in a community of faith transform us into the people we were created to be—the loved and loving children of God who are working for Shalom. If you feel the need for greater purpose and joy in life, you might want to consider church membership.

Of course, the church is a work in process that is strengthened when folks like you get involved. To have a conversation about discipleship and church membership, you can reach me at


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