Pastor’s Corner – May 19, 2022
This spring and summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
This spring and summer I am sharing some thoughts on the teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes, found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from Gohd and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The second Beatitude of Jesus reads, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. That doesn’t sound like much of a blessing, does it? Of course, it is not that God brings mourning into our lives. The Bible is clear that God is the source of good not evil. The blessing is the comfort God brings to our experiences of loss and grief.
We are confident of God’s compassionate presence and understanding because of the way God came to be among us in Jesus. Through Jesus, God came to experience all the challenges and opportunities of human life—even suffering, loss and death. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews put it this way: For we do not have a high priest (this author’s favorite way to refer to Jesus) who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Are you in a season of mourning? Our Leader, Jesus, can offer comfort and peace. If you need help connecting with Christ’s comforting presence, I would be honored to guide the way.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – May 12, 2022
Eastertide prayer
Dear Beloved,
In the note that I wrote you before Holy week, I offered a prayer. Now in the liturgical (related to public worship) calendar/season of Eastertide, I offer you this prayer. May you know you are not alone. You are loved. You are prayed for.
Eastertide prayer
Dear Beloved,
In the note that I wrote you before Holy week, I offered a prayer. Now in the liturgical (related to public worship) calendar/season of Eastertide, I offer you this prayer. May you know you are not alone. You are loved. You are prayed for.
Glorious and gracious God, we continue to sing our joyous Alleluias to you! You are awesome and amazing beyond our fullest imagination. We praise and adore you! We thank you for the gifts of new life. We thank you for the hope of the Risen One. We thank you for the resurrection power you offer us as we seek to be witnesses of your unstoppable love – a love that welcomes all, a love that connects us to one another that we may all be part of growing your beloved community for all – your shalom – your deep and wide comprehensive peace and wholeness for all. May each of your children know they are loved and precious to you. May we find strength and renewal in your signs of new life beautifully bursting out in your creation. Please lead us out in the ways of unconditional kindness, grace, bold love, and courageous compassion embodied by Jesus our Leader. Amen.
Pastor’s Corner – May 5, 2022
The teaching of Jesus called the Beatitudes begins the Sermon on the Mount and are found in the opening verses of Matthew chapter 5. The word “beatitude” means a blessing that produces well-being. A blessing comes from God and is to be gratefully received and generously shared. A focus on the Beatitudes is an opportunity to align our lives with Christ’s intentions for his disciples.
The first Beatitude of Jesus goes like this, Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Those who are poor in spirit are those who understand their need for God. It generally does not take long on this earthly journey to realize we need help. Much is out of our control. Suffering and adversity are part and parcel of the human condition. We need help from God, who forgives, heals, encourages, strengthens, and comforts. God does not rescue us from trouble but is with us to see us through. The sooner we learn that the better!
A good way to foster that sense of need for God is to be grateful. A daily practice of counting our blessings reminds us that God is the source of all that is good and that we cannot make it without God’s graceful presence. Disciples who are grateful find themselves in the right spirit to be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, that is life with God characterized by forgiveness, abundance, and partnership with God now and forever.
Wise disciples of Christ acknowledge their need for God and give thanks for God’s faithfulness.
May you be blessed,
Pastor’s Corner – April 28, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Do you remember the first profession you imagined being when you were little? From age five until Advance Unified Math my junior year in high school, I wanted to be a school psychologist. While my professional plan changed, my commitment to mental health didn’t. During college, I was blessed to do internships at a residential facility for girls in really difficult situations in Buckhead, KY, a dual diagnosis program at a shelter for men who were unhoused in Lexington, and a psychiatric unit at Butler Hospital in Providence, RI. In college and throughout my adult life, I have also benefited from support from professional counselors. I am deeply supportive of talking about our mental health needs just like our physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. It is a blessing that our denomination of the United Church of Christ and our Indiana-Conference care about the mental and emotional well-being.
Dear Beloved,
Do you remember the first profession you imagined being when you were little? From age five until Advance Unified Math my junior year in high school, I wanted to be a school psychologist. While my professional plan changed, my commitment to mental health didn’t. During college, I was blessed to do internships at a residential facility for girls in really difficult situations in Buckhead, KY, a dual diagnosis program at a shelter for men who were unhoused in Lexington, and a psychiatric unit at Butler Hospital in Providence, RI. In college and throughout my adult life, I have also benefited from support from professional counselors. I am deeply supportive of talking about our mental health needs just like our physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. It is a blessing that our denomination of the United Church of Christ and our Indiana-Conference care about the mental and emotional well-being.
This year during Holy Week, I noticed something different about a passage in Mark 12 that I’m sure I’ve read every Holy Week. I am still pondering it. I’ll share it below and hope to reflect more on it with you sometime. In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join us for the conversation with Dr. Cara Pratt who has experience with children and teens. If you have time, please let me know if you plan to come because we hope to provide food. It will be on Sunday, May 1st around noon after you’ve had time to stop in the narthex to write a letter for the Bread for the World Offering of Letters. We will gather in the Kendall Children and Family Center. Please be in touch with any questions.
With gratitude and hope,
28 One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 Then the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that ‘he is one, and besides him there is no other’; 33 and ‘to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as oneself,’—this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” After that no one dared to ask him any question.
Mark 12:28-34
Pastor’s Corner – April 14, 2022
Dear Beloved,
You are a blessing and you are blessed by the Maker of the heavens and earth whose compassion knows no bounds. May you feel God’s grace holding you and encouraging you.
This year, Holy Week leaves me without words… I want to paint you pictures instead, but I am not an artist. I want to sing you songs instead, but I am not a musician. I am grateful for all the artists and musicians who offer God’s gifts of creativity to us!
Dear Beloved,
You are a blessing and you are blessed by the Maker of the heavens and earth whose compassion knows no bounds. May you feel God’s grace holding you and encouraging you.
This year, Holy Week leaves me without words… I want to paint you pictures instead, but I am not an artist. I want to sing you songs instead, but I am not a musician. I am grateful for all the artists and musicians who offer God’s gifts of creativity to us!
When asking God again and again what to write to you, God whispered - Don’t try to write this Holy Week, just pray, so here is a prayer that I offer this week with gratitude and deep care.
Holy and Healing God, whose mercies are new every morning, we praise and adore You. We desire to join you with the crowds on Palm Sunday, “Lifting our voices and bowing before you with songs of Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” We pray that we will stay alert and awake with you. We pray that we will claim you as our Leader. Please forgive us when we are overcome by temptations, distractions, and fears. Please forgive us when we deny and betray you. Thank you for this Holy week that invites us to remember your servant leadership and your commandment to love one another. Thank you for this Holy week that beckons us to be still, to be silent, to be mindful, and watchful – remembering all who suffer due to violence, remembering our own brokenness, and trusting in your power to save, redeem, restore, renew, reconcile, liberate, and transform… Please guide us with your Spirit, that we may keep vigil with you until Easter. Please strengthen us with your wisdom and your word that we may move outward with the kindness, shalom, hope, and faith of Jesus, so all may know his love. Amen.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love;
according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.
Psalm 51:1
Pastor’s Corner – April 7, 2022
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
As we move closer to Holy Week and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
As we move closer to Holy Week and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
Mark and Matthew report that “two bandits” were crucified with Jesus. Thousands considered a threat to Roman authority were executed in this way. Luke takes this part of the story farther, reporting a conversation between these two rebels and Jesus. Here is the way it is written in Luke 23:39-43: One of the criminals who were hanged there kept deriding him and saying, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
These words from the cross are often cited among those that promise life beyond death. The Biblical witness insists death is not an end but a transition. Or as Rev. Howard Thurman has put it so helpfully, death is not something that happens to life but in life. Birth and death are points along the infinite timeline of our eternal Creator. Jesus words on the cross support this perspective of faith.
When we begin to see from Jesus’ perspective death loses its fearful power. We no longer see death as the ultimate end but as a passage along the journey of life that brings us ever closer to life with God. Of course, we still grieve when death happens, it changes the nature of the relationship of loved ones who die before us but as St. Paul noted, we grieve as those with hope. There is life on the other side of death. We will be with our loved ones again.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – March 31, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for your prayers for children and teens near and far. We are approaching a special time in the life of the congregation – the time when we will be part of the rite of confirmation with the students who have participated in the confirmation journey during the school year. This year is extra special because the students who were not able to be confirmed during the sheltering-in-place time, will also be confirmed.
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for your prayers for children and teens near and far. We are approaching a special time in the life of the congregation – the time when we will be part of the rite of confirmation with the students who have participated in the confirmation journey during the school year. This year is extra special because the students who were not able to be confirmed during the sheltering-in-place time, will also be confirmed.
Throughout the confirmation journey experience, the students meet monthly with a mentor and monthly with each other to explore the bigness and wonder of God. They are also invited to ponder the following questions. I share them with you below in case you’d like to ponder them. During our journey together, we express the ever-growing and changing nature of discipleship – we continue to pray and see God’s guidance and direction as we explore questions that can help us love God, one another, and God’s world more deeply and fully. Thank you for your continued prayers for the confirmation students, their families, and their mentors.
I am choosing to follow Jesus because….
I believe God our Creator is…
I believe the Holy Spirit is…
I believe the church is…
Growing as a disciple of Jesus means…
I commit to use my God-given gift of _______________ to share in the ministry of __________________.
Sharing the love of Christ means…
The UCC’s extravagant welcome and inclusive saying, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.” means…
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
With gratitude and hope,
Pastor’s Corner – March 24, 2022
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
Having studied the last words of Jesus in Mark, Matthew, and John, in this article I turn to the first of three words recorded by Luke…
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
Having studied the last words of Jesus in Mark, Matthew, and John, in this article I turn to the first of three words recorded by Luke. In Luke 23:34, with his body just nailed to the cross, Jesus proclaims, Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. These words can be understood in a specific way and a more general way. In the throes of suffering this unjust execution, Jesus may well have in mind those who sought, pronounced, and are carrying out his death sentence. Jesus holds no ill will nor plots revenge on those who are killing him. Jesus lives his teaching on loving enemies by extending forgiveness to those who persecute him.
More generally, the statement of forgiveness is an interpretation of the meaning of Jesus’s death. Jesus refuses to give-in to the way of dominance and violence that characterizes human society. Jesus trusts a Divine power greater than evil and death. Jesus knows love will prevail. Only forgiveness can overcome sin. Only love can overcome hate. Only good can overcome evil. Jesus reveals these gifts of God on the cross and in his words of forgiveness.
Let us not allow any day to end with the bitterness of vengeance, condemnation, or anger. We never know which day will be our last. May the loving forgiveness of Christ prevail so that we might live well and die well.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – March 17, 2022
Dear Beloved,
What brings you joy these days? That is a question one of my prayer partners asks me when we text to check in with each other. My response is often – the kids whom I serve in my family, with Friedens, developmental preschool, and First Steps. Then my next thought is usually – I need to tell them thank you more often. Joy is not what I usually focus on during the season of Lent.
Dear Beloved,
What brings you joy these days? That is a question one of my prayer partners asks me when we text to check in with each other. My response is often – the kids whom I serve in my family, with Friedens, developmental preschool, and First Steps. Then my next thought is usually – I need to tell them thank you more often. Joy is not what I usually focus on during the season of Lent. My focus is usually on confession, repentance, and surrender, but this Lenten season began with joy grounded in deep reverence, awe, and gratitude as the children and I looked at, felt, and shared ashes together. They were completely quiet – seriously studying the ashes…. I am always humbled and left without adequate words in their presence….both the presence of the children and of the ashes. This year another layer seems to be unfolding as I wonder how God is calling me to respond to the ashes in Ukraine and in other worn-torn places and to the needs and hopes of the children around me….? The verse that comes to mind as I reflect is Isaiah 61:3 -
to provide for those who mourn in Zion—
to give them a garland instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
the planting of the Lord, to display his glory.
And I tell myself not to rush through the mourning, and then I am reminded that we can feel and be all the things – all the emotions at once. We are non-binary – we are complex – life is complex – the journey as disciples with Jesus as our leader is complex and profoundly simple. God is love. Jesus shows us how to love. The Spirit guides us to live in love. I need to go back and read the whole chapter from which this passage comes, but for now, may we continue to know the everlasting love of God in this Lenten season as we listen to God in all things – mourning, reverence, confession, peace, reflection, repentance, movement, stillness, awe, serving, rejoicing, pondering. You are not alone. You are beloved by the Maker of the heavens and the earth, the Creator of the universe.
With gratitude and hope,
Pastor’s Corner – March 10, 2022
follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well. So far, we have explored Jesus’ lamentation on the cross from Mark and Matthew, and the way he ensured his mother’s well-being with his final breaths as recorded in John.
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well. So far, we have explored Jesus’ lamentation on the cross from Mark and Matthew, and the way he ensured his mother’s well-being with his final breaths as recorded in John.
The Gospel According to John also tells of two other words from Jesus from the cross. In 19:28 as life is waning Jesus states, I am thirsty. The gospel writer connects this request to a verse in Psalm 69, an ancient song seeking deliverance in a time of persecution. This is the second time on the cross Jesus has found solace in the sacred writings of his people. In like fashion, countless generations of the faithful have also turned to the scriptures for comfort at the time of death. Let us not forget this rich reservoir of faith available in the Psalms in particular, and the Bible more generally. Jesus’ declaration of thirst is also a poignant symbol of Jesus’ suffering, another reminder that God through Christ has experienced the fullness of the human condition.
John’s telling of the crucifixion concludes with these words, When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, it is finished. Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. The simple statement, it is finished, not only acknowledges Jesus’ death but it also suggests something deeper. This phrase might also be translated it is completed. Jesus understands that he has fulfilled the work of his earthly journey. From that perspective it is a statement of grateful contentment for a life fully lived. Following suit, we might bring more urgency and purpose to each new day, so that we too can live and die well—with contentment for a life well lived.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – March 3, 2022
Dear Beloved,
How are you in this new month and this special season of Lent?
Thank you for your continued prayers for the Engaging Young Adult program with the Center for Congregations which the young adults name the Conscious Caring Community. While the Conscious Caring Community is designed specifically for adults between the ages of 20 to 35 and focused on wellness, creativity, and social justice, some of the workshops are open to everyone. One of those workshops is coming up! We hope you’ll join us in person on Sunday, March 13th at 3 p.m. in the kitchen or on IG Live.
Dear Beloved,
How are you in this new month and this special season of Lent?
Thank you for your continued prayers for the Engaging Young Adult program with the Center for Congregations which the young adults name the Conscious Caring Community. While the Conscious Caring Community is designed specifically for adults between the ages of 20 to 35 and focused on wellness, creativity, and social justice, some of the workshops are open to everyone. One of those workshops is coming up! We hope you’ll join us in person on Sunday, March 13th at 3 p.m. in the kitchen or on IG Live. Please contact register. This is a workshop on gluten-free cooking led by Leo Colon. Leo was the young person who did the work to make it possible for Friedens kitchen to have a shared kitchen license which allows vendors to rent kitchen space to prepare food. Leo lives on the northside and worships with us virtually. I have been to at least three of his workshops now, and they have all been really fun. Hope you can join us and invite others.
There are also young adult vendors at the winter farmers’ market which is in Hayden Hall from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Saturday. You can come by and greet them and show your support.
Several of the Conscious Caring Community participants are also expecting or have recently delivered babies. You can be keeping them in your prayers as well.
There are opportunities to mentor young adults as well as opportunities to help with transportation and sometimes meals as well as community outreach programs. Please be in touch if you would like to be contacted when needs arise. I have always known Friedens to bless others in this way! Serving with you is something for which I continue to thank God. May we know the imaginative beauty of our Creator, the shalom of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You are a loved and loving child of God.
Lenten blessings,
5 May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in
harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5-6
Pastor’s Corner – February 24, 2022
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
The Gospel According to John records a moment on the cross unique to his telling. In John 19:26,27 Jesus fulfills a family responsibility. As the oldest son in his family Jesus had a responsibility to care for his widowed mother. A disciple described as one who Jesus loved, brings Mary to the cross. We can imagine what a heartbreaking moment this was.
Jesus summons the strength to say to his mother, Woman here is your son. And, to the disciple, Here is your mother. With these words Jesus fulfilled his familial responsibility. He ensured that Mary would be cared for the rest of her life. John tells us as much, with these words, And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.
Part of living well and dying well is fulfilling our responsibilities. There are certain obligations we take on as family members, friends, neighbors, and citizens. When we embrace these obligations, not as a burden but as the responsibility of living in community, we experience the true meaning and purpose of the life God has given us.
Jesus shows us the way. Let us follow with devotion.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – February 17, 2022
Wonder, awe, being together, sharing based on everyone’s need, glad and generous hearts, praising God….These are some of the words that were lifted up in the message from Pastor Marc on January 29th. (If you missed it, you can catch it online at
Wonder, awe, being together, sharing based on everyone’s need, glad and generous hearts, praising God….These are some of the words that were lifted up in the message from Pastor Marc on January 29th. (If you missed it, you can catch it online at
Friends, I am praising God for all God’s awesome works. I see signs of God’s love and healing power in the healthcare workers, custodians, researchers, vaccine clinic workers, mask manufactures, cleaning products manufactures, delivery drivers and so many others during this pandemic. I see signs of God’s care in all the first responders, electricians, and road crews in the winter storms. I feel wonder when we gather together through God’s Spirit whether live or virtually. My heart is glad when I hear of the ways individuals and organizations work for equity and kindness and offer care and support to one another. Praises come forth in each new day and in the beauty of all the diversity God has created
I feel all these things when I think of some of the new opportunities coming up this winter and spring. Friedens focused mission is sharing the love of Christ with kids and teens in the community. We all have many opportunities to pray with, support, invite, and connect. Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Metamorphosis Friends - Saturday, February 26th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Environmental Program - Watch for more about this special opportunity with Global Ministries partners
This Book is Anti-racist Circles - Begins on Sunday, Feb. 20th, live and virtual options
Grounded and Covered - Meditation Time, virtually at 7 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month
Entering the Passion - book study led by Adam Hayden
Please contact or 317-709-5857 for more details
Thank you for praying for these opportunities and for inviting others. Please be watching for more that will be coming for the season of Lent.
Let them praise your great and awesome name.
Holy is he!
Psalm 99:3
Pastor’s Corner – February 10, 2022
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
I follow the way of Jesus because I want to live well and I want to die well. I pray my life and death will be marked by faith, hope, love, and peace. Maybe you share this same desire?
Between now and Easter I want to remind you of the words Jesus spoke while dying. These words can serve as a guide for living and dying well.
The first gospel written, Mark, and the second, Matthew, agree that Jesus spoke only once on the cross. In Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46, Jesus asks, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Jesus did not make-up these words, he was reciting the opening line of Psalm 22. This ancient song is attributed to King David and is in the form of lamentation. A lament is a complaint directed to God. A lament springs from a time of suffering when it can seem that all is lost and God is absent. Psalm 22:14 captures this feeling well with poignant imagery: I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast. Have you ever felt like that? I have, and Jesus did too.
Jesus shows us it is okay to admit feeling spent and alone. It is okay to cry out to God in complaint. God is strong enough and loving enough to receive our lamentation. In the throes of an agonizing death Jesus may not have had the energy to recite the entire psalm but I have no doubt he knew and trusted all of Psalm 22. This song begins with complaint but concludes with praise. Again, we return to the poetic imagery of the song in verse 21, From the horns of the wild oxen, O Lord, you have answered me.
It may feel at times like we are spent and alone and it is important to articulate this feeling. This feeling does not describe the fullness of life and death. Jesus and Psalm 22 remind us that we are never all alone and lost. God is always with us to see us through the worst of our pain and suffering. After all, God through Christ knows exactly how it feels to live and die.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – February 2, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Are there sayings that you grew up with that no longer seem to make sense (or maybe never did)? What about the saying? – What doesn’t kill you only makes you tougher.
In a virtual gathering with the Conscious Caring Community a young adult shared that she was learning this was not her experience. Her wisdom resonated deeply with me. She said that she had been through some things that left her broken and her brokenness didn’t make her tougher but instead more resilient. How beautiful!!! How reflective!!!!
Dear Beloved,
Are there sayings that you grew up with that no longer seem to make sense (or maybe never did)? What about the saying? – What doesn’t kill you only makes you tougher.
In a virtual gathering with the Conscious Caring Community a young adult shared that she was learning this was not her experience. Her wisdom resonated deeply with me. She said that she had been through some things that left her broken and her brokenness didn’t make her tougher but instead more resilient. How beautiful!!! How reflective!!!!
It is okay to acknowledge our brokenness as individuals and collectively in families, schools, workplaces, play spaces, neighborhoods, states, nations, global communities…. Brokenness is part of life. We are fragile. We are also created for healing, mending, and molding that leave us changed and transformed. Will we allow God to use our hurts? Will we become more resilient? What will that mean? How will that shape us?
May we find hope, healing, and help for each moment in the everlasting faithfulness of God our source of rest, redemption, repair, refreshment, reconciliation, and resiliency. May you find restoration and renewal in knowing you are loved. You are not alone.
- Sarah
Even youths will faint and be weary,
and the young will fall exhausted;
but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:30-31
Pastor’s Corner – January 27, 2022
I hope you are enjoying the invitation in my recent articles to dream about our future as a church. I pray this is building some excitement for new possibilities in service to our community in Christ’s Spirit.
Today please allow me to encourage your ideas about how we should realign our resources for community ministry. Since the days of “build it and they will come” are long behind us, how do we adjust to Jesus’ commission: “go therefore and make disciples”?
I hope you are enjoying the invitation in my recent articles to dream about our future as a church. I pray this is building some excitement for new possibilities in service to our community in Christ’s Spirit.
Today please allow me to encourage your ideas about how we should realign our resources for community ministry. Since the days of “build it and they will come” are long behind us, how do we adjust to Jesus’ commission: “go therefore and make disciples”?
Should we have a visible presence of service at community festivals and events? Should we build on our Weekender’s Back Sack Food Ministry with efforts to serve other needs of the families represented? Should we build on our connection with music students at UIndy to fill another area of need with college students? Should we have a staff person guide and oversee community partnerships and ministries? Should we have an off-site office or meeting place on another side of town?
What are your ideas? This is a time to discern the plans Christ has for us as we move more and more into the community. Share your thoughts with me at and with our president, Lisa Soard, at
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – January 20, 2022
Dear Beloved,
Do you ever feel like you don’t know how to answer the question, how are you? I am always grateful – so very much to praise God for! Beyond that I don’t always know how to answer the how are you question. Sometimes there is much going through my being. Now is a time when there is much in my heart, mind, body, and spirit. Do you ever have that sense?
Dear Beloved,
Do you ever feel like you don’t know how to answer the question, how are you? I am always grateful – so very much to praise God for! Beyond that I don’t always know how to answer the how are you question. Sometimes there is much going through my being. Now is a time when there is much in my heart, mind, body, and spirit. Do you ever have that sense?
We can feel lots of things at once. I feel much hope in God’s work through so many people and organizations offering love, transformation, and care in so many varied, beautiful, creative, meaningful, powerful, and gentle ways. I feel joy when I hear of a baby born or a sign of new life. I feel concern when I hear about another person with covid and all the staffing shortages that make things challenging. I join those who mourn and grieve the brokenness and loss we experience in life – in families, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, states, nations… On this day, my heart is still saddened by the recent earthly loss of Desmond Tutu. Yet in this month when we celebrate Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr, I rejoice in their faithful prophetic leadership and ministries. In this month of awareness about human trafficking, my heart aches when I think of continued slavery and human trafficking and is also humbled and grateful that we have a month that intentionally reminds us about it and invites us to connect with organizations working to make a difference such as our partners around the world with and local organizations and https:/
I share this personal experience, in the hopes that if you are feeling lots of feelings, you know you aren’t alone. Maybe you are feeling tired and weary; maybe you are feeling inspired and encouraged. Maybe you are feeling all of these things. Collectively we are feeling a lot, friends. We are not alone. The Maker of the heavens and the earth is with us even when we feel uncertain and full of doubt. You are loved!
With much care and hope,
I lift up my eyes to the hills - from where will my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in
from this time on and forevermore.
Psalm 121
Pastor’s Corner – January 14, 2022
Recently I have been inviting you to join me in thinking about continued vitality at Friedens Church. I have shared ideas about connecting with younger people, developing community partners, new metrics to measure vitality, and the ongoing need to build relationships.
Today I want to encourage your thinking about how we put into action the Open and Affirming and Just Peace Covenants.
Recently I have been inviting you to join me in thinking about continued vitality at Friedens Church. I have shared ideas about connecting with younger people, developing community partners, new metrics to measure vitality, and the ongoing need to build relationships.
Today I want to encourage your thinking about how we put into action the Open and Affirming and Just Peace Covenants. These covenants are valuable to communicate that we share the love of Christ with inclusivity and to make this world God loves a place where everyone gets a fair chance. These covenants are important to empower our efforts to move more and more into the community.
What might that look like? Could it be offering support groups for folks and their families who are part of the LGBTQ community? Could it be continuing educational and book studies that open our hearts and minds to the systemic struggles of marginalized communities? Could it be a more direct connection with neighbors who are refugees? Could it be a scholarship or mentorship program that helps underserved students take that next step in education?
What are your ideas? This is a time to discern the plans Christ has for us as an Open and Affirming and a Just Peace church. Share your thoughts with me at and with our president, Lisa Soard, at
Yours in Christ,
Pastor’s Corner – January 6, 2022
Dear Beloved,
New Year’s blessings to you! I deeply appreciate Advent and Epiphany. In between comes the calendar new year. I appreciate the calendar new year as well. It reminds me of fresh starts and causes me to pause in gratitude for the blessings and lessons of a year coming to a close and to set reflective intentions for the year ahead. As I think about my hopes and dreams, I have so many which causes me to feel the humbleness that returns me to my knees. God, teach me to pray. Jesus, show me your way. Spirit, guide and direct me.
Dear Beloved,
New Year’s blessings to you! I deeply appreciate Advent and Epiphany. In between comes the calendar new year. I appreciate the calendar new year as well. It reminds me of fresh starts and causes me to pause in gratitude for the blessings and lessons of a year coming to a close and to set reflective intentions for the year ahead. As I think about my hopes and dreams, I have so many which causes me to feel the humbleness that returns me to my knees. God, teach me to pray. Jesus, show me your way. Spirit, guide and direct me.
I thank God for you as individuals and as a collective. Praises be to God for God’s design for relational living and community. Friends, what are your hopes and dreams for the new year? Which spiritual practices will nourish and support you? Your faith community is here to journey with you. May Jesus’ ways of compassion and mercy offer you hope in this new year. We hope you will connect through virtual or in person worship and we invite you to engage through a ministry team. Each of us have gifts, strengths, experiences, wounds, character traits, and a God-given uniqueness that is needed in the world. We are better together. Together empowered by God’s Spirit we can dream God’s dreams and join in God’s call that all may live in deep shalom.
May we continue to be open to and reflect the hope, love, joy, and peace of Jesus in this new year of 2022
With gratitude for you, Sarah
17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself,[d] not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Pastor’s Corner – December 30, 2021
In our lives of constant transition, we are grateful for a sturdy foundation upon which to build our lives. From the perspective of faith that foundation is the abiding and graceful presence of our Creator, Provider, Sustainer and Savior. Despite the unexpected twists and turns and ups and downs, we are loved and loving children of God. Let’s not lose sight of that in our transitions.
In our lives of constant transition, we are grateful for a sturdy foundation upon which to build our lives. From the perspective of faith that foundation is the abiding and graceful presence of our Creator, Provider, Sustainer and Savior. Despite the unexpected twists and turns and ups and downs, we are loved and loving children of God. Let’s not lose sight of that in our transitions.
In recent weeks I have been offering and inviting your ideas about continued vitality at Friedens Church. Today, let me remind you of something that has been unchanging in the millennia of our religious tradition, it has always been about and it will always be about loving relationships. Faith is about God’s desire to be in graceful relationship with us, so that we can be in graceful relationship with God and others. This truth is crystal clear in our celebration of Christ’s birth. One of the titles for Jesus is Emmanuel, which means God-with-us. Christmas is an opportunity to affirm that God’s desire for relationship is so strong that the Divine One enters into life on earth, with everything that comes with it, including suffering and death.
During this season of Christmas ponder the mystery and wonder of God-with-us. Allow the grace of God revealed in the child of Bethlehem to fill all the nooks and crannies of your life. Be transformed by this good news so you can share the gift of love you have received. This is the heart of a meaningful, purposeful and joyful life individually and in community. The Way of Jesus has been, is and will be about relationship, a relationship that sustains us in all the changes of our earthly journey.
Yours in Christ,